Edmund spenser's social influence

In "Before Marriage Song" and "After Marriage Song", Spencer combined various techniques, such as classical marriage carols, Greek elegies and Italian pastoral lyric songs. Later, Milton also used this technique in his Lace. From his time to the twentieth century, Spencer's influence on English poetry is immeasurable. Dryden, Milton, Thomson, Collins, Gray, Wordsworth, Byron, Keats, Shelley, Tennyson and Arnold were all his followers to varying degrees. With the use of old sayings and mythological metaphors, Spencer's "grand style" has become more and more important. In Milton's hands, it developed into a slightly artificial poetic language. Later, Wordsworth severely criticized Milton's weakness in the preface to lyric ballads written in 1800 in China. Spencer had a far-reaching influence on later English poets in terms of thought, language and poetic art.