1. Han and Liu Xiang "Talking about the Garden and Distinguishing Things": "When King Chu Zhao crossed the river, something as big as a bucket touched and stopped in the boat. Wang Zhao was very surprised. He asked Confucius. Confucius said:' this name is plain, and if you eat it, you will be lucky, but a bully will get it.' "Then use" flat "that sweet fruit. Jin's poem of a charming girl: "Red flowers and purple flowers, flat and sudden." Liang Liu of the Southern Dynasties wrote in the Notice of Sending Oranges: "Oranges in the South are sweet ... and fruits are sweet." Liu Tang knows a few "The Story of the Stone": "Reading its books is better than bees, but it is difficult to taste the same."
2. refers to auspicious things. Feng Ming's magnum Cai Qing Fiona Fang's History of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty 77: "So the teacher made great contributions and the State of Chu was revived, which finally symbolized the auspiciousness of Zhan Lu and the prosperity of Shi Ping." Qing Gu Yanwu's Jingque Pian: "Crossing the water to reap the fruits of peace is a great levy."
There is a floating plant in ancient Pingxiang, which is the hometown of Cao Ping, hence its name. Li Jifu, the prime minister of Tang Xianzong, recorded the place name of Pingxiang in Yuanhe County Annals compiled from 806 to 820 AD, and explained that "there is much grass here, hence the name".