Mrs. Kaomen, October 16: No complaints

October 16th

“Let us...let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. ” (Heb. 12:1)

There are many burdens that are not sin in themselves, but can distract Christians and become obstacles to their growth. The most harmful of these is discouragement. Discouragement is really a burden that drags us down.

The reason why the Israelites were not allowed to enter the Promised Land was because of their murmurings; Numbers 14:29 and 30 clearly tell us: "Whoever...murmurs against me will not be able to enter me." The land where we swore to live. 』A little desire to complain about injustice, a little bit of unsatisfied desire, often leads to the sin of rebellion. So we should never allow ourselves the slightest freedom to doubt God's love and faithfulness to us in all things.

Just as we resist other sins, we should also resist doubts; when we resist doubts, the Holy Spirit will come to help us and give us the confidence to overcome.

It is easy for us to fall into doubt, to harbor injustice, to suspect that God has abandoned us and that our hope is about to fail... Let me reject all these thoughts, because they are designed to bring us down. Let us reject all thoughts that make us unhappy. When we cannot feel joy, let us "think joy" (James 1:2) and rejoice by faith; in this way, God will make our "thinking" become a reality. -Choose

The devil has two greatest tricks. One is to disappoint us; the other is to make us doubt—cutting off the cord of faith between us and God the Father. Be careful! Don't be fooled by his wiles. -G. E. M.

Joy! A joyful spirit can bring our hearts into tune, so that Satan will not dare to come and play - for when the heart strings are too hot, when they are filled with heavenly power, it will burn Satan's fingers.

We should try our best to avoid depression as we avoid Satan; but how often do we encounter it on the road, and it pins us to the point where our hearts change color.

Melancholy will change the color of everything; it will make everything "unlovable"; it will turn the hope of the future into darkness; it will deprive people of all their enthusiasm and lock all their abilities. , giving people a mental paralysis.

A believer with deep experience told us: "Joy can make work go smoothly; when we put on the wings of joy, our work will be done quickly; depression can clip these wings." ; In other words, depression can remove the wheels of our work, making us like the wheels of the Egyptians, falling off and making it difficult to move on.
