In the evening, at the edge of the ancient temple, an old man will be photographed in Muxian Temple, saying that he is the 18 male of Thorn Ridge, so as to talk about poetry on a good night. At this time, three old men came again, and four old men accompanied Tang Yan to write poems. This is another fairy named Wang. She also wrote a poem with them.
Eighteen males wanted to marry Tang Priest, but Tang Priest was frightened and insisted on not following. Those people dragged on until dawn. Suddenly I heard Wukong calling for Master, and the Tang Priest broke free, and all the four elders were gone. It turned out that Wukong and others came here overnight to look for Tang Priest.
The Tang Priest told the story of last night. When Wukong saw it, it turned out that the juniper, cypress and pine trees on the ridge were refined. Pig nailed palladium and knocked down those old trees, and the fruit was dripping with blood. Tang Priest mounted his horse and walked west along the road.
Extended information: Introduction of main monsters:
1, Fuyun
In The Journey to the West's sixty-fourth poem of Sanzang in Mu Xian 'an, pine, cypress, cypress and bamboo are incarnated as four elders. Pine trees are famous for their strength, cypress trees are lonely and tall, cypress trees are named Kong Ling, and bamboo poles are named Fuyun. They write poems for Tang Priest and repay their families with poems. This poem is called Fu Yun. Blowing clouds: You can feel them by blowing clouds, which is extremely high. Sue, old man, old man.
2, apricot fairy
The essence of apricot fairy is apricot tree, and her skills are confusion and poetry. Finally, he was killed by Pig Bajie.
In other words, the Tang Priest and his party went to Thorn Ridge before crossing the Little Lei Yin Temple, but they were not hijacked by a group of tree demons. Four of them are called solitary straight men, who exploit loopholes and blow clouds and are strict with men. There are even more famous apricot immortals who admire Tang Priest. "If you have a good opinion, why don't the holy monk bow down?" They sing and dance with them. Later, because the Tang Priest's apprentice found him, he broke up with the ghost.
Baidu encyclopedia-Fuyun building
Baidu Encyclopedia-Xingxian