(A) Thinking
1. Besides Pharaoh's daughter, which country does Solomon love? How does the Lord know the people of these countries? What about Solomon? 1/2
3. How many concubines does Solomon have? Thank you. How did the concubines influence Solomon? What was Solomon like in his later years? 3/8
4. Why is God angry with Solomon? What happened to the Lord because Solomon didn't keep the commandments? 4/ 13
5. Who has the LORD raised as an enemy of Solomon? What does he have to do with Israel? What is his historical background? 14/22
6. Who did God make an enemy of Solomon? What is his historical background? What right does he have? 23/25
7. What is the background of Jeroboam? 26/28
8. Which prophet predicted to Jeroboam? What is the content of the prophecy? 29/3 1
9. Do you know from the mouth of the prophet Ahijah why God abandoned Solomon? What kind of grace did God give Solomon? 32/36
10. What kind of warning and grace did God give Jeroboam? 37/39
1 1. When Solomon tried to kill Jeroboam, how did he react? 40
12. What is the summary of Solomon's death?
(2) Application
Summarize the reasons for Solomon's victory and failure.
Second, read the outline "Solomon forsakes God"
Solomon abandoned God.
(A) the performance of abandoning God 1-8
1, marry a foreign princess
2. Worship foreign false gods
(B) the consequences of abandoning God
1, the true god is angry with him 9- 13
2. Others boycotted him 14-40
(1) Hada 14-22, a descendant of Edom.
② Lock, Alison 23-25.
(3) the servant Jeroboam 26-40
3. His capital crime 4 1-43
Third, think and answer.
1. Besides Pharaoh's daughter, which country does Solomon love? How does the Lord know the people of these countries? What about Solomon? 1/2
Answer: ① King Solomon dotes on many foreign women besides Pharaoh's daughter, that is, Moab women, Ammonite women, Edom women, Sidon women and Hittite women.
As for the people of these nations, the LORD said to the Israelites, "You shall not associate with them, for they will turn your hearts away and follow their gods. 」
(3) Solomon fell in love with these women.
2. How many concubines does Solomon have? How did these concubines influence Solomon? What was Solomon like in his later years? 3/8
Answer: ① Solomon had seven hundred concubines, all of whom were princesses; There are still 300 won.
These concubines seduced his heart.
When Solomon was old, his concubines tempted his heart to follow other gods, unlike David, his father, who faithfully obeyed the Lord his God. Solomon built high places for Chemosh, the detestable god of Moab, and Molech, the detestable god of the Ammonites, on the hill opposite Jerusalem.
3. Why is God angry with Solomon? What happened to the Lord because Solomon didn't keep the commandments? 9/ 13
Answer: (1) The Lord was angry with Solomon because his heart had deviated from the Lord, the God of Israel, who appeared to him twice.
The Lord had commanded him not to follow other gods, but he did not keep what the Lord commanded. The LORD said to him, "Since you have done this and have not kept the covenant and statutes I commanded you to keep, I will take your kingdom back and give it to your servants. However, because of your father David, I won't do it while you are alive, but I will take back the throne from your son. It's just that I won't take back the whole country, but I will leave a piece of bread to your son because of my servant David and Jerusalem I have chosen. 」
4. Who has the LORD raised as an enemy of Solomon? What does he have to do with Israel? What is his historical background? 14/22
Answer: (1) The Lord raised Hadad the Edomite as an enemy of Solomon. Solomon is descended from the king of Edom.
(2) Before David attacked Edom, Joab, the commander in chief, went up to bury the dead and killed all the males in Edom. Joab and all Israel lived in Edom for six months until all the males in Edom were cut off.
Hada was a child at that time; He fled to Egypt with his father's servants and some Edomites. They set out from Midian and came to Paran. He took some people from Balaam to Egypt to meet Pharaoh, king of Egypt. Pharaoh gave him food, houses and fields. Hada was so blessed before Pharaoh that Pharaoh gave him the sister of Queen Tahpanhes as his wife. The sister of Tahpanhes bore Hada a son named Kenuba. Tahpanhes weaned Kenuba in Pharaoh's palace, and Kenuba lived in Pharaoh's palace with Pharaoh's sons. Hadad heard in Egypt that David slept with his fathers, and Joab, the commander of the army, died. He said to Pharaoh, "Please, Wang Rong, I want to go back to my own country."
5. Who did God make an enemy of Solomon? What is his historical background? What right does he have? 23/25
Answer: (1) God raised Rezon, the son of Eliada, as an enemy of Solomon.
He had fled from his master Hadadezer king of Zobah.
(3) When David killed Zobah, Rezon gathered a group of people and made him a leader, and came to Damascus to live there and become king.
6. What is the background of Jeroboam? 26/28
Jeroboam son of Nebat, the servant of Solomon, also lifted up his hand against the king. He was from the tribe of Ephraim, and his mother's name was Zeroua, and she was a widow. The reason why he raised his hand against the king was because Solomon built Milo and repaired the breach of his father David's city. Jeroboam is a very talented person. When Solomon saw that the young man was diligent, he put him in charge of all the work of the house of Yue Se.
7. Which prophet predicted to Jeroboam? What is the content of the prophecy? 29/3 1
Answer: (1) Ahijah the prophet of Shiloh.
Ahijah tore the new clothes he was wearing into twelve pieces, and said to Jeroboam, "Take ten pieces. This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: I will tear the kingdom from Solomon and give you ten tribes.
8. Do you know from the mouth of the prophet Ahijah why God abandoned Solomon? What kind of grace did God give Solomon? 32/36
Answer: (1) Because he abandoned me and went to worship Ashtaroth, the goddess of Sidon, Chemo, the god of Moab, and Milcom, the god of Ammon. He did not walk in my ways, but did what was right in my eyes and kept my statutes and judgments, just as his father David did.
But I will not take back the whole country from him and make him king all my life, because David, my chosen servant, keeps my commandments and statutes.
9. What kind of warning and grace did God give Jeroboam? 37/39
Answer: I will choose you as the king of Israel according to your heart's desire. If you obey all that I command you, walk in my ways, do what is right in my eyes, and keep my statutes and commandments, like my servant David, I will be with you, build you a strong house and give you Israel, just as I built it for David. I will afflict the descendants of David because of what Solomon has done, but not forever. "
10. How did Solomon react when he tried to kill Jeroboam? 40
Answer: Solomon therefore tried to kill Jeroboam, but Jeroboam got up and fled to Egypt to Shisha, king of Egypt, and lived in Egypt until Solomon died.
1 1. What is the summary of Solomon's death? 4 1/43
The rest of the acts of Solomon, and all that he did and his wisdom, are written in the Book of Solomon? Solomon reigned over all Israel in Jerusalem for forty years. Solomon slept with his fathers and was buried in the city of his father David. Rehoboam his son succeeded him as king.
Fourth, the application solution
Summarize the reasons for Solomon's victory and failure.
Answer: 1. Why did Solomon win?
Solomon won because he feared God at first, walked in his statutes and trusted in God.
(2) Solomon's victory is God's joy, presence and promise (for example, in 1 Kings 8: 19-20).
(3) Because he walked in God's way and trusted in God wholeheartedly.
In the early days of Solomon dynasty, he was promised wisdom by God, and he also successfully used wisdom to accumulate wealth, build large buildings and reorganize armaments and administration.
⑤ At first, Solomon was God's lover, obeyed God's laws and built a temple for God (3: 3, 6: 1). The Holy Spirit also moved him to write some scriptures (4: 29/34).
2. Reasons for Solomon's failure
(1) disobeying the true god-marrying (1 Kings 3:1);
He married many foreign concubines and refused to obey God's instructions. Political marriage not only married Egyptian princesses, but also married many countries and foreign princesses.
(2) Disrespect for the true God-worship of false gods.
Reasons for failure: (For example, 1 Kings 1 1:33) Because he abandoned the true god, worshipped the false god and built a high sacrifice, and worshipped the god of his concubine (married a foreign woman), which violated God's promise. God once told his people not to marry foreign women, but Solomon broke his promise. Is the cause of failure
(3) Not afraid of the true God-indulgence of lust
So God punished him, took back his kingdom and raised enemies. The giant betrayed him, but he left the tribe of Judah to rule for his father David. It can be seen that God's kindness and severity are severe to those who fall (Luo. 1 1: 22). God does not despise, and those who sow according to their passions will be corrupted from their passions (Galatians. 6.7). Failure is to follow selfish desires, stay away from God and worship false gods.