The Salvation Army Code of Conduct

We believe that the Old and New Testaments are all inspired by the Holy Spirit, and believe that the Bible alone is the complete guideline for Christian faith and life.

We believe that there is only one true God, who is all-powerful, all-wise, all-good, and the Lord who creates, preserves, and manages all things in the world. He is the only one worthy of worship by the world.

We believe that God is a Trinity, namely the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; of the same nature, virtue, power, and glory.

We believe that in Jesus Christ, the divine and human natures are united into one, so that He is both God and man.

We believe that our first ancestors were sinless when created, but because of their disobedience, they lost their holiness and happiness. Because of their fall, everyone became sinners, completely corrupt, and deserving of punishment according to righteousness.

We believe that the Lord Jesus has established salvation for the whole world through suffering and death, so everyone can be saved.

We believe that anyone who wishes to receive grace must first repent to God, believe in Jesus, and be reborn by the Holy Spirit.

We believe that we are justified by grace and through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. There is such a testimony in the hearts of believers.

We believe that maintaining our salvation status depends on continual obedience and faith in Christ.

We believe that all believers can be fully sanctified and preserved in spirit, soul, and body blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe in the eternal existence of the soul, the resurrection of the body, and the end of the world judgment. The good will be rewarded and enjoy eternal happiness, and the evil will be punished and will suffer eternal punishment. "Blood and Fire" (Blood and Fire)

"Honor God with your heart and serve with your hands." (Heart to God, Hand to Man.)

"Hot soup, soap and salvation." Soup, Soap, Salvation.)

"Christ for the world"

"The world for Christ" doctrine: The Salvation Army's theological views are basically in line with the traditional beliefs of the church Consistent, such as believing that the entire Bible (Old Testament and New Testament) is inspired by God; believing in the Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; believing in salvation by grace; believing in the immortality of the soul, resurrection of the body, and final judgment, etc.