1, a Buddhist temple behind the broken mountain temple in Changjiang. On a pure morning, near the ancient temple, the early sunshine points to the treetops. A secluded place with bamboo paths, branches and flowers, to a Buddhist retreat. Here, the birds come alive under the lights of the mountains, a thousand voices are quiet, and people's hearts touch the peace in the pond, but the bell rings.
2. Send someone to visit Wu and Du Xunhe. When you go to Suzhou, you will see that all the houses there are built by the river. Ancient palaces had little idle land and many small bridges in water lanes. The night market is full of water chestnuts, and the boats in the river are full of exquisite silk. Recalling you far away, when the moon is not sleeping, hearing the songs on the river will touch your homesickness.
3. On the third day of the first month, Bai Juyi. The oriole wants to talk, and the black magpie wants to sell the river ice. Green waves, east, west, north and south waters, and Hong Lan 390 Bridge. Yuanyang wings, willow over a thousand. I didn't know that the spring breeze would come sooner or later, just the day before.
4. What is the owner of the sapphire case? Ling Bo didn't cross the pond road, just watching and letting the dust settle. Who is the golden flower? There are flower pavilions and windows on the platform, only in spring. Blue clouds, dusk in Ran Ran, crayons, new topics, heartbreaking sentences. How much leisure do you have? A misty rain in Sichuan, the wind in the city, and the yellow rain in plums.
5. Hengtang, Fan Chengda. Spring has come, and the water in the pond is green, but the stone bridge on the water and the old red tower in the water still exist. Every year, on the cross road, in the drizzle, long-distance ships are on the shore of An Shu. Huai Xiucai, Du Mu. The grass outside Changzhou Garden is rustling, but it is a long journey. Just don't forget that this time, the autumn rain will cross the Maple Bridge. Recalling Jiangnan, Bai Juyi. Jiang Nanyi, followed by Wu Gong. Wu JIU has a cup of spring bamboo leaves, Wu Wa dances with hibiscus and gets drunk. See you again sooner or later.
6. Sing wine to the moon, Tang Yin. Li Bai's poems are the original moon, which only Li Bai's poems can tell. Now that Li Bai has passed away, how long is the moon in the sky? Today, people are still singing Li Bai's poems, and the moonlight is still like Li Bai's poems; I think Li Bai can know Mingyue, Mingyue and Li Bai? Li Bai can make poems to nourish the spirit. I have a hundred cups of poems today. Although I am ashamed that I don't have Li Bai's talent, I don't feel ugly.
7. Peach Blossom Temple Song, Tang Yin. Taohuawu Taohua Temple, Taohuaguan Taohuaxian; Peach Fairy cultivates peach trees and picks them to sell wine. When you wake up, you just sit in front of the flower and get drunk. You have to sleep in the flower. Half awake and half drunk day after day, flowers bloom year after year. I would rather die of old age than bow before horses and chariots; Cars and horses are rich and interesting, and hops are poor.
The origin of poetry
1, oral inheritance: the earliest form of poetry is oral inheritance, and people convey stories, myths, legends and feelings through oral expression. Poetry is a way to record history and culture in an era when there is no writing and printing technology.
2. Ancient culture: Ancient civilizations such as ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China and Greece have a long tradition of poetry. These civilized poets use various forms of poetry to praise the gods, record historical events and express love and philosophy of life.
3. Religion and Myth: Many religious and mythical stories are circulated in the form of poems. The Vedas of ancient India, Homer's epic of Greece and the epitaph of ancient Egyptian pharaohs all contain a lot of poetic elements.