What do bees do? What do bees do? What do bees do? Take honey home. Take honey home. What does a father do? What does a father do? Take the money home. Take the money home. What does a mother do? What does a mother do? Take out the money. The money is used up. What does a baby do? What do babies do? Eat all the honey. Eat all the honey. Author c.g. Luo Saidi, 1830- 1894.
Sailor, go ashore! Sailor, go ashore (I). Oh, sailor, go ashore! Sailor, why don't you go ashore? What did you bring me? Red coral, white coral, coral in the sea. Red, white. (Part II) I didn't dig it out of the ground; I didn't dig it out of the ground, nor did I pick it from the tree; It was not picked from the tree; Weak insects make it. It is made of small insects wrapped in stormy waves. Author C.G. Luo Saidi
The wind (on) Who has seen the wind? Who has seen the face of the wind? I am neither you nor you; No one has seen it, no matter you or me; But when the leaves hang trembling, but when the leaves shake, the wind is passing through. The wind is blowing from there. (Part II) Who has seen the wind? Who has seen the face of the wind? Neither you nor I am; No one has seen it, no matter you or me; But when the tree bowed its head, it was the wind that passed when the treetops hung low. ~ Author C.G. Luo Saidi, another poet's song of the wind, wind, why do you never stop! Why do you never stop wandering, whistling back and forth, whistling to bring rain from the west, rain from the dark north and snow from the west? Brought snow from the north.
Cuckoo cuckoo in April, April, he will come, it will come, in May, singing all day, how carefree it is to sing all day, in June, change his tune, it is changing the tune, in July, ready to fly, in August, he must go. It has to leave! ~ by the nursery rhymes of the mother goose
6 colors What is pink? Roses are pink. What is pink? On the edge of the fountain. The rose beside the fountain is pink. What is red? Red poppy What is bright red? On its barley bed. Poppies in barley fields are bright red. What is blue? The sky is blue. What is blue? The sky is blue, and clouds float across the sky. What is white? Swan is white. What is white? Sail in the light A swan swimming in the sun is white. What is yellow? Pears are yellow. What is yellow? Pears are yellow, rich, ripe and juicy. What is green? The grass is green, what is green? The grass is green with small flowers in the middle. Small flowers are mixed in it. What is a violet? Clouds are purple. What is purple? At dusk in summer, at sunset in summer. Caixia is purple. What is orange? Why, an orange, what is an orange? Of course! Just one orange! Oranges are orange Author C.G. Luo Saidi
House of cards (1) House of cards is neat and compact; Shake the table cleanly and compactly. Shake the table and it will definitely fall. It will definitely fall. (2) Looking for court cards with portraits to find cards one by one; Lift it, cover it, one by one-plus the top cover is now complete; -Now the house is built. Shake the table! Shake the table, that's the fun. That's the fun. Written by C.G. Luo Saidi.
What did the bird say? (1) What does the bird say? What does the bird say? In her nest at dawn? In Chu Xiao's nest at dawn? Let me fly, said the bird, said the bird, let me fly, mom, let me fly, mom, let me fly. Bird, rest for a while, baby, stay for a while until little wings is stronger. Wait until that pair of little wings becomes stronger. So she had a rest, so it stayed for a while, and then she flew away. However, it flew away. (2) What does the baby say, what does the baby say, in her bed, during a day's peep? In bed at dawn? Baby said, like a bird, baby said, like a bird, let me get up and fly away. Let me get up and fly away. Baby, sleep a little longer, honey, sleep a little longer until the little limbs are stronger. If she sleeps a little longer, the baby will fly away like a bird. Alfred Tennyson, 1809- 1892
At the seaside (1) When I went to the seaside, they gave me a wooden shovel to dig the sand bank. (2) These holes are as empty as cups. Dig a cup-shaped hole in each hole where seawater gathers, and let the seawater in each hole come out until it can't come again. By R.L. Stevenson
10 stars (1) twinkle, little star! Shine, shine, little star! How I want to know what you are, I want to know your figure, hanging high in the sky, like a diamond in the sky. Like diamonds in the sky. (2) When the blazing sun is gone, the bright sun has set in the west. When it has nothing to shine, it no longer shines on everything. At this time, you show a little light, and you show some light, flashing all night. Blink all night. You miss the dark sky, often peeping through my curtains and looking at me through them, because you never close your eyes until the sun returns to the sky. (4) It is your bright and tiny spark, and your little bright spark illuminates the travelers in the dark; The night shines on tourists, although I don't know your figure, twinkle, little star! Shine, shine, little star! Jane Taylor, 1783- 1824