Wang Anshi is single-minded and indifferent. He has only married one wife in his life and never married a concubine. In ancient times, when he had three wives and four concubines, there were few powerful ministers, Rainbow Anshi, who didn't take concubines. He has three sons, three daughters and six children, one of whom died young. The eldest daughter married a young man named Wu 'an. The ancient woman took her husband's surname after marriage, so she was called "Oh".
In the fifth year of Yuanfeng, Wang Anli, Wang Anshi's younger brother, was ordered to go to Beijing. The two brothers raised their glasses, and then Wang Anshi personally sent his younger brother away. The farewell place is in Long 'an. This is Wang Anshi's second visit here. The first time I sent my daughter to get married, the flowers were similar year after year, and people were different year after year. Seeing the flowers and trees around him, Wang Anshi touched the scene and wrote a touching poem, expressing his thoughts for his child Wu between the lines.
Because of the light rain, Wu was sent to Long 'an.
Waste smoke and cool rain help others mourn, but tears dye clothes and towels.
Except for the spring breeze and the green beach, it's like watching you cross the river.
The title of the poem is quite long, with the word 14, explaining the place of farewell and the weather at that time. It was raining in Mao Mao. The first sentence "the desolate scene is accompanied by raindrops, which makes people even more sad." If the sky is clear, the degree of sadness may be less, and the environment has a great influence on a person's mood.
The second sentence is "I don't know when tears stain the towel." Looking at the distant figure of his younger brother and thinking of his married daughter, Wang Anshi could not help but burst into tears. His clothes were soaked with tears but he didn't feel anything, just because he was immersed in thoughts. As the saying goes, "Men don't cry lightly, but women don't feel sad." Wang Anshi is stubborn and serious, and usually does not express his father's love. If he is too sad, he won't cry easily.
The last two sentences are "just like watching you cross the river, except the spring breeze." My daughter got married in spring, when everything revived and green plants were everywhere. Now nothing has changed except the different scenery, and the scene of sending my daughter to get married is vivid. Recalling the scene at that time, my daughter was picked up by her son-in-law's wedding team in gorgeous clothes. As a father, Wang Anshi has an empty heart and unspeakable complex feelings. I am happy for my daughter to find a suitable husband, but I am also full of disappointment. It's not easy to meet her in the future.
In the feudal society of China, the status of women was relatively low. As can be seen from the poems of Tang and Song Dynasties, there are few poems written by fathers to their daughters, not that they don't love them, but that they bury their father's love in their hearts. Because the distance is too far and the transportation is inconvenient, the father and daughter have not seen each other for seven years since their daughter got married. Wang Anshi condensed his thoughts into poems, which made people cry and lamented the silent but unparalleled fatherly love.