Dayugou Bauxite Area, gongyi city

The mining area is located 9 kilometers southeast of gongyi city. The deposit occurs in the middle and upper part of Upper Carboniferous benxi formation. The dip angle of the stratum is 20 NE, and the dip angle is about15, which is a monoclinic stratum. There are small folds in some places. Ore-bearing rock series are distributed in NW-SE direction. The ore body is 2500m long, 1800m wide, with an area of about 4.5km2, a thickness of 1.27 ~ 7.64m, and a dip angle of 5 ~ 15, which is layered (Figure 8.5).

The main chemical composition of the ore and its average mass fraction: Al2O3, 68.07%; SiO2, 14.52%; Al-Si ratio, 4.6.

Ore structure: oolitic structure, massive and layered structure.

Ore minerals: Diaspore is the main mineral, followed by kaolinite, hematite, muscovite and rutile.

Characteristics of roof and floor of ore body (layer): the roof of ore body is clayey rock and carbonaceous shale or coal line, and the floor of ore body with a thickness of 0.4m is iron clayey rock, containing pyrite and limonite, with a general thickness of 2.37m.

The proven bauxite reserves submitted are small in scale.