Scripture: Isaiah
Seven Hao:
1. Who: Isaiah
2. Time: BC740-BC68 1
3. Location: Jerusalem
4. What's this? The Lord himself will give a sign to the house of David that a virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and call his name Immanuel. However, Ahaz, king of Judah, sinned, refused the LORD and turned to the king of Assyria for help.
5. Reason: During the reign of Ahaz king of Judah, he openly worshipped idols and sinned against the LORD.
6. How:
(1) Isaiah gave Ahaz a "sign" about Immanuel's prediction, but Ahaz rejected the evidence, so Isaiah announced the punishment for the king of Judah and the whole country.
Isaiah proclaimed God's salvation and predicted that after 700 years, we would get a son. His name is wonderful, consultant, almighty God, eternal father and prince of peace.
(3) Isaiah was brave and upright, and attacked evil and injustice without compromise. At the same time, he gave people hope through Massea's prophecy. Look! God is my salvation; I will trust him and not be afraid. For the Lord GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation. ? Therefore, you will take water from the fountain of salvation with joy. (Isaiah 12:2-3)
7. What country:
They had to give in to the captives and fall under the slain. However, the anger of the Lord has not turned away. His hand is still stretched out. (Isaiah +00: 4)
In that day, the remnant of Israel and the survivors of Jacob will no longer rely on the one who struck them, but will trust in the Lord, the Holy One of Israel. (Isaiah +00: 20)