Great monarch, my parents are sons; The minister, the family of children and grandchildren, is also the same. Respect for high years, so long; Kindness is weak, so it is young; Sage, its virtue; Sage, its show also. It's my brother's fault that the world is tired, disabled, lonely and widowed. He didn't tell me.
When there is security, the wings of the child are also; Happy and carefree, pure filial piety. Those who violate morality, harm benevolence, thieves and help evil are not talented but filial.
Knowing what is good and telling things, the poor god is good at following his will. If the house leaks, it will not be shameful to rain at night, and it will cultivate nature deliberately. Evil purpose wine, thanks to Bo Zi's support; Cultivate talents and enrich the people's tin class. If you don't relax, you will benefit from it; No escape to be cooked, Shen Sheng respectfully. Those who suffer and return to the whole participate! Those who dare to obey orders, Birch also.
Wealth and blessings will enrich my life; You can succeed even if you are poor. Save, I am obedient; No, I'd rather.
The divination in the Book of Changes translated by Mingxi expresses the mystery of creating heaven and is called the father of all things. Kungua represents the material principle and structural principle of the creation of all things, and is called the mother of all things. I am so humble, but I am between heaven and earth. From this point of view, what fills the space between heaven and earth (Kundi Qi) is my various bodies; It is my nature that causes the commander-in-chief to change everything in the world. The people are brothers and sisters of my compatriots, and everything is the same as me.
The son of heaven is the eldest son of my parents; The minister is the housekeeper of the eldest son. The meaning of "respecting the elderly" is to respect the elderly among compatriots; "Caring for the helpless and weak" is to protect the young and weak members of our compatriots. The so-called saints refer to those compatriots who are in harmony with the virtues of heaven and earth (cases: Jiande and Shunde); The sage is the best among them. Whether it's an aging dragon bell or a disabled person, a lonely person or a widower and widow, they are my brothers who have nowhere to tell.
Timely care is the child's due assistance to Gan Kun's parents. Being so willing to save and not worrying about yourself is the purest filial piety to Gankun's parents. If it goes against the will of Gan Kun's parents, it is called "disobedience", and Rende is hurt so badly, it is called "thief". The person who encourages evil is the incompetent son of Gankun's parents, and the person who can show his nature in various forms is the filial son of Xiaosi Gankun's parents.
Only by knowing the creator's contribution to the perfection of all things (knowing how our moral conscience realizes humanistic values) can we be good at imitating the deeds of Gan Kun's parents. Only by thoroughly understanding the unknowable and unpredictable mysteries of nature can we be good at inheriting Gan Kun's parents' wishes. Even in a secluded place in the house, he can be worthy of the god of heaven and earth, innocent, and considered to be ashamed of his parents; Always be kind-hearted and cultivate your temperament, and you will be regarded as working tirelessly. Dayu, the son of Chongbo, took care of Gankun's parents by hating wine. Uncle Yingkao, who is guarding the border in Yinggu Town, gives kindness to his peers by enlightening and cultivating talents. Continue to work hard to make parents happy, which is Shun's contribution to her parents. Obey your father's orders and don't escape to other places to be cooked. This is the reason for being chased as a "public". At the end of his life, Zeng Shen returned the body he got from his parents to Gan Kun's parents intact. It is Burch who dares to obey his father's orders.
The grace of wealth and splendor was given by Gankun's parents, which enriched my life; Poverty and sadness are used to help you achieve something. I obeyed (Gankun's parents' request) when I was alive. I died with peace of mind. I died peacefully.
Xi Ming interprets "taking the heart as heaven and earth, taking life as people, taking history as a mirror and taking harmony as a substitute" ([Song] Zhang Zai). Mingxi written by Zhang Zai, as one of the Confucian classics, has been praised and read by people in traditional society. The fundamental reason is that, although this inscription has only more than 250 words, it has built a spiritual home for people to settle down and provide a broad realm for the construction of social ideal blueprint. Today, the value ideal described in this inscription and the pursuit of life displayed still have positive and rich significance.
Zhang Zai believes that the prevalence of Buddhism and Taoism and the decline of Confucianism are the ideological roots that led to multiple conflicts in the social value system at that time. Zhang Zai criticized Buddhism and Taoism and said, "Those who make a slip of the tongue will go against it, while those who have things will remain unchanged. Although there is a gap between the two, even if it is lost. " Buddhism denies the existence of the real world and pursues self-nirvana and silence, while Taoism denies the movement of the real world and pursues individual longevity and long-term vision. Although they have different purposes, they all deny the integrity and existence of social existence, lose care for social reality and give up their responsibilities to society. Therefore, they are not values that meet the world truth and social needs. To solve social problems, we must carry forward the Confucian values of actively joining the WTO and caring for reality. Therefore, with the courage of the times, Zhang Zai established a Taoist view, calculated gains and losses with Buddhism, and expounded new life for Confucianism. He read widely all his life, learned from others, rote learning, and got to the bottom of it. Finally, based on the social reality at that time, he established a philosophical system with Confucianism as the value standard and "harmony between man and nature" as the theoretical feature. Mingxi is the concentrated expression of Zhang Zai's philosophical thoughts and values.
Zhang Zai takes social reality as his ultimate concern. What he wants to inherit is the Confucian values represented by the Six Classics of Confucius and Mencius, and what he wants to establish is the secularism that cares about the society and people's livelihood with a broad mind. Confucius said "benevolence" and Mencius said "goodness", while Zhang Zai believed that "benevolence" was the value nature of human beings, and advocated the value orientation based on "benevolence", which was Zhang Zai's comprehensive development of Confucius' theory of benevolence and Mencius' theory of good nature. In Zhang Zai's view, "benevolence" refers not only to filial piety and love for those who have relations with him, but also to infinite and universal care for all beings including self, family, society and nature. It is the basic orientation of Zhang Zai's values to extend this sincere emotion from nature to all people in society and even everything in the universe.
In order to realize the whole society's recognition of the value concept of "benevolence", Zhang Zai advocated giving full play to the intellectual role of self-mind and seeking the root of human value nature facing the universe. He clearly put forward the theoretical proposition of "harmony between man and nature" and demonstrated the authenticity and rationality of his values on the basis of cosmology. In Zhang Zai's view, the whole universe is a whole reality full of "Taihe" qi, and everything in the world is the result of the popularity of "qi", so the individual I am not only with others, but also with everything in the universe. Zhang Zai's theory of "Qi" affirms the reality, integrity, movement and harmony of all things in the universe, and strongly refutes the illusory, isolated, static and antagonistic worldview of Buddhism and Taoism, which is the basis of Zhang Zai's theory of "benevolence".
On this basis, Zhang Zai constructed the universal social view of "one family in the world" and "one person in China". At the beginning of Mingxi, Zhang Zai said, "Dry call father, Kun call mother; Treating us contemptuously is a complicated matter. Therefore, the plug of heaven and earth, my body also; The beauty of heaven and earth is my nature. People and my compatriots, things are me. " Divination of health represents the spirit of self-improvement; Kungua is smooth, representing the character of virtue and bearing things; Gankun spirit is the internal motive force of the evolution of the universe and the ultimate source of endless life. Among all things in the universe, the interaction between heaven and earth creates everything and protects everything sincerely and selflessly, which is the greatest embodiment of Gan Kun's spirit, so it can be called the mother of all things in mankind. Human beings live and die together with everything, so self and others are interdependent blood brothers, and everything and human beings are close and friendly partners. Zhang Zai rebuilt the affinity relationship of all things in the universe, which has enlightenment significance for the construction of modern harmonious society.
In order to promote the value rationality based on benevolence, Zhang Zai also explained the essence of characters from the perspective of cosmology. Zhang Zai believes that in the process of gasification, everything not only obtains different "shapes", but also obtains the same "sex". People and things have the same temperament, including the nature of heaven and earth in the original state of qi dispersion and the nature of temperament in the temporary form of qi accumulation. "Nature of heaven and earth" is the nature of value, and "nature of temperament" is the natural attribute of human beings. "Therefore, the essence of temperament is possessed by a gentleman." Because human beings and all things are endowed with different "qi" turbidity and have different positions in the universe. Of all the beings, "being the most spiritual person in heaven and earth", only people can get the meaning of heaven and earth and participate in it, so only people can carry forward the "nature of heaven and earth", which is the value mission of people. Zhang Zai's theory of sex not only shows the dual characteristics of human nature in reality, but also shows that "benevolence" is the ultimate basis of value ontology, which lays the foundation for people to carry forward this value nature and care for everything.
Of course, the construction of social ethics is the theme of Zhang Zai's values. Zhang Zai believes that "filial piety" to heaven and earth is implemented in real social life, that is, doing one's own thing dutifully and taking care of others and society wholeheartedly. With the help of the traditional patriarchal clan system, Zhang Zai described the position and responsibility of people in society: "The Great King is the son of my parents; The minister, the family of children and grandchildren, is also the same. Respect for high years, so long; Kindness is lonely and weak, so I am young. The combination of virtue and virtue of Saint Qi is both virtuous and beautiful. Where the world is tired, disabled and lonely, it is all my brother's fault. In Zhang Zai's view, although self and others are compatriots, their specific responsibilities in society are different because of their different situations and social status. But all people should also respect the sages, follow their example, strive for self-improvement, cherish morality, and achieve self-personality and social morality.
Zhang Zai also discussed the problems of human's "fate" and "encounter" from the perspective of cosmology. In Zhang Zai's view, "destiny" is endowed by heaven, and it is the value essence of self-improvement and virtue. In this respect, people should cultivate themselves. "Encounter" is inherent in temperament, and it is a life situation such as wealth, poverty, good luck and longevity. In this regard, people should be detached, "wealth and happiness will enrich my life;" Being poor and being a good girl is also successful. " The prosperity of life is God's favor to me, and the dilemma of life is God's test to me. "It's not a pity that the house leaks when it rains all night, and deliberately cultivate the nature of bandits." "Save, I will obey, and I will be peaceful." Only by calmly treating one's life and constantly improving one's value essence can one surpass it.
The ultimate goal of Zhang Zai's philosophy is to realize the unity and harmony between self and others, family and society, and man and nature. To realize this social ideal, we must first establish the basic spirit of the universe, that is, the value essence of self, on the basis of acknowledging the infinity, integrity and harmony of the universe. Only by recognizing the benevolence of heaven and earth and taking up their social responsibilities in practical social practice can we take care of every member of society wholeheartedly. This is a spiritual home with Confucian feelings created by Zhang Zai for the people of China, and it is also an excellent traditional cultural heritage of building a harmonious socialist society today.
Poetry: Mingxi Poetry Author: Song and Northern Song Dynasties Zhang Zai Poetry Classification: Philosophy