On the sixth day of February, the people of Qi buried Qi Zhuanggong in the northern part of the outer city.
In summer, in April, King Kang of Chu was buried, and Duke Xiang, Duke Xiang, Duke Xu attended the funeral. Outside the west gate, the princes and doctors all went to the cemetery. Chu Yong ao acceded to the throne, and the princes surrounded him as Jun Yin. The envoy of the State of Zheng said, "This is inappropriate, and Yin will take it and prosper. Under the pine and cypress, the grass can't reproduce. "
Duke Xiang of Lu came back to Fangcheng Mountain. Ji Wuzi occupied the border and sent Ye Gong to greet "xianggong", sealed the envelope and gave it to Ye Gong. The letter said: "I heard that the people guarding the border areas were going to rebel, and my minister led his people to crusade against him." I have a border. Hereby report. " Ye Gong expressed his mission and quit. After arriving at the tent, he heard that he had occupied the frontier. Duke Xiang of Lu said, "If you want this place and say you are a traitor, you can only alienate me." Duke Xiang of Lu said to Duke Ye, "Can I enter the country?" Lord Gong replied, "The king owns the country. Who dares to disobey the king? " Duke Xiang of Lu gave Ye a crown, but Ye declined politely and forced him to accept it. Duke Xiang of Lu did not expect to enter the country. Rongcheng wrote the poem "Decline" and Duke Xiang of Lu returned to China.
In May, Duke Xiang of Lu came back from Chu. He returned his fief to Ji and never entered the house again, saying, "You cheated his monarch, why did you send me?" When Ji Sun saw him, he talked to Ji Sun as before. Don't meet, Ye Gong never talks about Jishi. On his deathbed, Lord Ye summoned courtiers and said, "After my death, I can't be crowned, because this is not the reward of virtue. And don't let Ji bury me. "
Bury Zhou Lingwang. Zheng's supernatant purple Zhan had something to do, so he sent a festival. Bob said, "Young,no." Zi Zhan said, "It's better than no one going, although you are young, aren't you?" "Poetry" says: "You should be cautious in the end and have no leisure." East, west, north and south, who dares to live safely? Firmly serve Jin and Chu and defend the royal family. There is nothing lacking in the affairs of the king. What are the common and unusual situations? "So he sent a festival to Zhou.
The people of Wu attacked the state of Yue, captured the prisoner, made him a janitor, and assigned him to guard the ship. The king of Wu sacrificed to watch the boat, and the janitor killed him with a knife.
Zhan, the son of Zheng, died, and Zi Pi acceded to the throne as Shangqing. At that time, there was a famine in Zheng, but the wheat harvest had not yet arrived and the people were very sleepy. Ziji used Ziji's legacy to donate food to people in China, and every household received a bell, so it was supported by the people of Zheng. Therefore, Han's family often holds state affairs and serves as the top minister. Hearing this, Zi Han, the capital of the Song Dynasty, said, "Being close to goodness is the expectation of the people." There was also a famine in the Song Dynasty, so Sicheng asked Song to lend public grain to the people and let doctors borrow grain. Our city borrows food without writing a contract, and borrows food from the people for doctors who lack food. There are no hungry people in Song State. Uncle Xiang said after hearing this: "The Han family in Zheng State and the musicians in Song State were probably the last to perish. I'm afraid both families will seize power! This is because people turned to them. Giving without thinking about giving, Lloyd's is higher. This family will probably rise and fall with the rise and fall of Song State! "
Duke Jinping was born to a girl named Qi State, so she trimmed the walls of Qi State. In June, Meng Xiaobo took part in a doctor's work to build a wall for the State of Qi. The doctor knew that his son had met a vassal. Uncle Zheng's son and Bo Shi went there. Granduncle Zi met his granduncle and chatted with him. Wen Zi said: "It's too much to build a city for Qi!" Uncle Zi said, "What shall I do with him? Jin is not worried about the decline of the Zhou Dynasty, but protecting the remnants of the Xia Dynasty. It is conceivable that it will abandon the country named Ji. Abandon the country of Ji surname, who will give it back to him? Ji heard that abandoning the same surname and approaching a different surname is called leaving Germany. " The poem says,' Being with his closest relatives will make his in-laws friendly with him.' Kim doesn't treat relatives as relatives. Who else will be friendly with him? "
Gao of Qi and Stuart of Song went to see Zhi Bo, and Nu Wa went out as a courtier. Nu Wa said to Zhi Bo, "These two are bound to be in trouble. Zi Rong's monopoly and Si Tuleideng's extravagance and waste are all doctors who make the family perish. " Zhi Bo said, "What?" Nu Wa replied, "Overbearing will soon be a disaster. Luxury will die because of its strength. If someone else kills him, he will also be a disaster."
Fan Xianzi came to Lu for advice and thanked him for building a city in Qi. Duke Xiang of Lu gave him a present and Uncle Zhan brought a pile of silk. Three couples are needed to attend the shooting ceremony. There are not enough courtiers, so we should choose among them. A family minister, an exhibition leisure and an exhibition palace are a pair, a public minister, a public wizard and Zhong Shu are a pair, and a drum father and a party uncle are a pair.
Sima Yi's daughter, an uncle Hou, came to Lu to handle the matter of returning Qi's land to Lu, but not all of it was returned to Qi. Duchess Jin was very angry. He said, "Women are inefficient. If you knew, you wouldn't sponsor him to do such a thing. " Duke Jinping told Uncle Hou about it. The late Lord said, "Yu, Guo, Jiao, Slip, Huo, Yang, Han and Wei are all surnamed Ji, so the State of Jin expanded. If you don't invade a small country, where will you get it? Since the martial arts and dedication, many countries have been merged. Who can govern it? The descendants of Xia Dynasty, Qi State, are close to Dongyi. Lu, a descendant of Duke Zhou, made friends with the State of Jin. It is still possible to seal Qi as Lu. What happened to Qi? From the state of Lu to the state of Jin, there was an endless stream of tributes, toys were delivered on time, doctors or officials kept appearing in court, and historians did not interrupt the record. Not a month went by when the state treasury refused to accept a tribute from Lu. That's it. Why harm Lu and strengthen Qi? If the late king knew, he would rather let his wife do it herself. Where is the need for an old minister like me? "
Qi Wengong came to Shandong to form an alliance, and it was disrespectful to him to call him "Zi" in the Spring and Autumn Period.
Zagreb, the son of Wu, came to Lu to ask questions. When he met his uncle Mu Zi, he liked him very much. He said to the child wood, "I'm afraid you won't have a good end!" I prefer kindness to sages. It is said that a gentleman should strive to choose a virtuous person. How can you stand being a Zong Qing of Lu, presiding over state affairs, and accidentally pulling good people out? Evil will surely find you. "
Son, we ask to hear the music and dance of the Zhou Dynasty. So he asked musicians to sing Nan Zhou and Call for the South for him. Ji Zha said, "Beautiful! Wang Ye has begun to lay the foundation, but it is not perfect. However, the people are hardworking and do not resent. " He sang songs such as Tai Feng, Tai Feng and Feng Wei for him, and he said, "Beautiful and deep! Sad but not confused. It is said that the virtue of Wei Kangshu and martial arts is like this. This is probably Feng Wei! " Sing Feng Wang for him, and he said, "Beautiful! Fearless thinking is probably the music after Shi Zhou moved eastward! " Singing Zheng Feng for him, he said, "How beautiful! But it is too trivial for the people to bear. This is probably the reason why Zheng Huixian perished! " Singing the song "Qi Feng" for him, he said, "Beauty, what a big voice! This is the music of a big country! Take the East China Sea as an example, it is probably the Grand Duchy! The future of the country is limitless. " Singing the song "Wind" for him, he said, "Beautiful, mighty and vast! There is no extra joy, probably the music of Zhou Gong's crusade! " Singing the song "Qin Feng" for him, he said, "This is called Xia Yin in the west. Summer is great, it is great, I am afraid it is the old music of the Zhou Dynasty! " Sing Feng Wei for him, and he said, "Beautiful! Rhythm Brilliant and sleek, difficult and sleek, supplemented by virtue, is a wise gentleman. " Singing tang style for him, he said, "How thoughtful! There may be Tao Tang family believers? Why else are you so worried? If you are not a descendant of a sage, who can do this? " Singing "Martin" for him, he said, "Can a country last without a master?" Ji Zha did not comment on Feng Qiang's following poems. The musician sang Xiaoya for him, and he said, "It's beautiful! I'm afraid it's the decline of virtue in the Zhou Dynasty to mourn without rape and complain without words! There are also adherents of the late king. " Singing "Elegant" for him, he said, "Broad and beautiful! Cadence, vigorous, probably the virtue of King Wen! " Singing "ode" for him, he said, "This is the climax! Sincere but not arrogant, soft but unyielding, near but not forced, far but not centrifugal, alive but not evil, repeated but not tired, sad but not sad, happy but not excessive, often used but not lacking, broad but not obvious, giving without waste, receiving without greed, standing without stagnation, and doing without chaos. Five-tone harmony and eight-wind harmony The rhythm has a certain law, and the musical instruments are orderly, which are all saints. "
Gongzi Za watched the dancing of Xiangpin and Nanxun and said, "It's beautiful, but it's still a pity." Seeing the dance "Da Wu", he said, "Nice! When the Zhou Dynasty flourished, it was probably like this! " Seeing the dance of Shao Lian, he said, "As big as a saint, it is not easy to be a saint!" Seeing the dance "Summer", he said, "How beautiful! Hard-working and not self-righteous, if not redundant, who else can do it? " Seeing Shao Dan's dance, he said, "Merit has reached its peak, great! Like the sky, there is no cover, like the earth, there is no load. Shengde has reached its peak, and it is impossible to increase more than this. Listen and look here. If there is other music, I dare not ask for it again. "
Childe, the reason why I went abroad to ask about politics is because the newly established monarch has a wide network of contacts, so I went to Qi to ask about politics. He liked Yan and said to him, "You should return the fiefs and political power as soon as possible. Without fiefs and political power, we can avoid disaster. The Qi regime must belong to it, and if it does not return, it will be a disaster. " Therefore, the regime and feudal cities were returned through Chen. Because of this, he was saved from the disaster initiated by Luan and Gao.
Ji Zha went to Zheng Guo to ask questions and met Zi Chan, just like old friends. Ji Zha presented Zi Chan with a white ribbon, and Zi Chan presented Ji Zha with linen clothes. The son said to the son, "Lord Zheng is arrogant and extravagant, and disaster is coming!" The regime will definitely fall into your hands. When you are in power, you should handle things carefully with courtesy. Otherwise, Zheng will be defeated. "
When I arrived in Weiguo, there were rocks, stones and stones. Gong Zijing and Gong Zichao chatted very speculatively. He said: "It will not be harmful to defend the country and be virtuous and gentleman."
Childe came to Jin from Weiguo, ready to stay in Qi. Hearing the bell, he said, "How strange! I heard that you will be killed if you start trouble without virtue. This one has offended the monarch of this place, and I'm afraid it's too late, so what else can I do for fun? This one is in this place, just like a swallow nesting in a tent. The monarch was still resting on the coffin and was not buried. Can he be happy? " So I don't live in this land. After hearing these words, Sun Wenzi stopped listening to music all his life.
When my son arrived in the State of Jin, he loved Zhao Wenzi, Han Zixuan and Wei Xianzi, and said, "The regime of the State of Jin should gather in these three places!" He loved his uncle and said to him when he left, "Work hard! The monarch has many luxurious and excellent courtiers, doctors are all rich, and the political power will be returned to the doctor family. Hello, get to the point, you must consider saving yourself. "
In autumn and September, Gong Sunqiu and Gong Sunzao of Qi exiled the doctor to Beiyan. The next day, I went abroad. "Spring and Autumn Annals" recorded "becoming a monk" because of Gao Zhi's guilt. Gao Zhi likes to make trouble. He thinks it is his own credit, and at the same time he is overbearing, so disaster befalls him.
In winter, Meng Xiaobo went to the State of Jin in exchange for Shu Fan's engagement.
Because of Gao's exile, a rebellion was launched. 1On October 27th, Lu Di was surrounded by Lu Qiuying's troops. Shu Gao said: "If the Gaos have descendants, I request that the fief be returned to the monarch." The people of Qi established the great-grandson of Zhong Jing, which shows that Zhong Jing is virtuous. 1 1 On 23rd, Shu Gao returned to Ludi and fled to the State of Jin. The people of the state of Jin built a city in Miandi and settled him there.
Zheng's uncle sent Gong Sunhei to Chu, but Gong Sunhei refused to go, saying, "Chu and Zheng are hostile to each other, and sending me is tantamount to killing me." Bo You said, "Your family has been engaged in diplomacy for generations." Gong Sunhei said, "Go if you can, and don't go if you have difficulties. What has been doing diplomacy for generations? " Bob wants to force him to go. In a rage, Gong Sunhei prepared to attack Boyou, and the doctors reconciled them. On the seventh day of December, Dr. Zheng made an alliance at Bo You's home. Bi Qian said, "How long can this alliance last?" The poem says: "A gentleman has made many alliances, so he is restless. "At present, this is a practice that breeds unrest, and the disaster cannot be stopped. It will take three years to lift the ban. Ran Ming said, "Where is the political power going?" Bi Qian said: "It is a fate that good people replace bad people. How does the regime avoid property? If you don't promote others by leaps and bounds, you should be in power in shifts. It is respected by everyone to choose talents and appoint people. God cleared the way for Zi Chan again, making Bo lose his spirit, and Zi Xi died again. The ruler has only property and cannot be held responsible. Yesterday was a long disaster for Zheng. Only when the property is settled can the country be stable. Otherwise it will perish. "