The mountain is not high, as long as there are immortals living there, they will be famous; The water is not deep, as long as there is a dragon dwelling, it will show the gods. This is a humble room, which is famous for my virtue. Moss climbed the steps and dyed green, and the grass was reflected in the bamboo curtain, making the room blue. All the people talking and laughing here are knowledgeable people, and there are no ignorant people coming and going.
Usually you can play the elegant guqin and read Buddhist scriptures written in clay gold. There is no complicated music to disturb the hearing, and there is no paperwork to make the body and mind tired. Like Zhuge Liang Cottage in Nanyang, like Yang Ziyun Cottage in West Shu. Confucius said, "What's so simple about this?"
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Since the Song Dynasty, scholars have been asking the author of My Humble Room Inscription. In the Northern Song Dynasty, Shi Zhiyuan's "A Collection of Idle Houses" pointed out: "The popular biography of" Humble Room Inscription "is ridiculous!" The Book of Idleness was written in the 9th year of Song Zhenzong Dazhong Xiangfu (10 16). At that time, The Book of Humble Rooms was widely circulated all over the world. The Book of Idleness says, "Ignorant people are often engraved on the wall of a house".
This made Zhiyuan very unhappy and decided to identify the fake. He thinks "Humble Room Inscription" is a fake of Liu Yuxi. Some scholars believe that the author of Humble Room Ming should be Cui Mian in Tang Dynasty. According to the Biography of Cui Mian in the New Tang Dynasty, "(Mian) is frugal and self-sustaining, loyal to the clan, and does not live in a house. Try" Humble Room Ming "to see his ambition." Although the author is slightly controversial, it is popular to say that the author is Liu Yuxi.
The article has distinct levels, starting from the mountains and rivers, pointing out the theme of "I am a humble room, but I am virtuous and fragrant", and then starting from the outdoor scenery, indoor people and things in the room, rendering the elegant realm of the humble room and introducing the residence of ancient Junyan. The ancient sage's words strengthened the meaning and ended with questions, with a long aftertaste.