I came to Ganquan Palace at the invitation of the Emperor. The emperor told me to recruit soldiers from all over the world to fight in the frontier fortress. On the day of sending troops, the imperial court prepared all the gifts to send troops to encourage soldiers to defend their country. The people in the counties and counties where the soldiers passed came to meet them in the suburbs and were proud of them.
Then there was a turning point, saying that there were many young people when they went, and "tens of thousands" meant many people. When they went to the frontier fortress, the environment was harsh and the war was fierce, and not many people could come back alive. This shows the cruelty of war.
The last sentence is to express the author's voice, saying that he is willing to take over the post of palace stables and be willing to station in frontier fortress to fight side by side with the soldiers.
This shows that the poet is a person who deeply loves his country and compatriots.