Psalm 32 Verse 6 2020-01-16

For this reason all devout men should pray to you while you can be found; for they will not be able to reach him when the floods overflow. (Psalm 32:6 KJV)


For He says: “I have heard you in the day of acceptance; I have delivered you in the day of salvation. “Behold, now is the time of acceptance! Now is the day of salvation; (2 Corinthians 6:2 KJV)

When I see David’s psalm of confession and forgiveness, verse 6 reminds me of a verse in the New Testament. The Israelites in the Old Testament were favored and could call on the Lord and have a way to receive grace. This was a unique grace; but now we are looking solely to Christ’s complete redemption, and it is already complete while we can look for it. Find Christ, confess, confess, and follow. It is the way to be accepted. Dear God, please have mercy on me and lead me to Christ through the Holy Spirit to obtain grace and forgiveness; because I am a sinner and know that I am powerless in sin, and only You, God, can guide me to stand. Please help me, Lord, to increase my faith and face the holy and awesome You.
