A nice English poem.
Through your love and ram,
You saved Abraham's son,
Through the power of your hand
You turned the ocean into land.
To vagrants kneeling on the ground
You are a truly visible god,
With your strength, you released your child.
Over the years, you have made it clear
The time of Christ is near.
Although people can't see it
What should the Messiah look like?
Although your words contain a plan.
They just don't understand,
Your greatest work was done when your son was weak.
At that time of year, you may see it in me.
When yellow leaves, or not, or rarely hang.
On those branches trembling with cold.
Bare and destroyed choir, where sweet birds are singing.
In me, you see the dawn of this day.
Like disappearing into the sky after sunset,
Gradually, the night stole it,
The second self of death,
It closes everything.
In me, you see the brilliance of this flame.
Lying on the ashes of his youth,
As a deathbed, where it must end,
Swallowed by what nourishes it.
This you perceive, make
They like to be stronger,
Love the well that you must leave for a long time.
Have you been washed with blood?
Have you ever been to Jesus to seek the power of cleansing?
Have you ever washed in the blood of a lamb?
Do you fully believe in his grace now?
Have you ever washed in the blood of a lamb?
Have you been washed with blood,
In the lamb's soul-purifying blood?
Are your clothes spotless and white as snow?
Have you ever washed in the blood of a lamb?
Put down your clothes stained by sin
Wash in the blood of the lamb.
There is a fountain for unclean souls.
Ah, washed in the blood of the lamb!