Ask the lines of The Lion King 1 ~

Look, Simba. Look, Simba. (Mufasa)

Everything the sun shines on is our kingdom. (Mufasa) Where there is sunshine, there is our kingdom. (Mufasa)

A king's time as a ruler rises and falls like the sun. (Mufasa) As a ruler, a king always rises and sets like the sun. (Mufasa)

Simbel, one day, the sun will set as slowly as I do, and you will become king. (Mufasa) Simba, one day, I will set like the sun, and you will become the new king and rise like the sun. (Mufasa)

Are these all mine? (Simba) So these are all mine? (Simba)

Everything. Everything. (Mufasa)

Everything the sun touches. (Simba) All the places where sunlight can reach. (Simba)

What about the luxurious place? (Simba) What about the dark places? (Simba)

That's beyond our borders. (Mufasa) That's our border. (Mufasa)

Simba, you must never go there. Simba, you must never go there. (Mufasa)

But I think the killer can do whatever he wants. (Simba) I think the king can do whatever he wants. (Simba)

Come on, being king is more than just doing what you want. (Mufasa) Being king is more than that. You can't just rely on courage. (Mufasa)

Anything else? (Simba) More than that? (Simba)

(East African language) Lion ...! Simba ... (Mufasa)

Everything you see exists in a delicate balance. (Mufasa) Everything you see has a very delicate balance. (Mufasa)

As a king, you need to understand this balance and become everything from crawling ants to leaping antelopes. (Mufasa) As a king, you should understand this balance and respect all living things, whether ants or antelopes. (Mufasa)

But, dad, don't we eat antelopes? (Simba) But, Dad, don't we eat antelopes? (Simba)

Yes, Simba, but let me explain. Yes, Simba, let me explain it to you. (Mufasa)

After we die, the body becomes grass, and the antelope eats grass. (Mufasa) When we die, our bodies will become grass, while antelopes eat grass. (Mufasa)

Therefore, in the great cycle of life, we are all interrelated. (Mufasa) So in the cycle of life, all of us.