Wang Anshi's "Yuanfeng's Journey Shows Virtue": "The four mountains reflect the red sun leisurely, and the fields are like turtles. Mr. Huyin sits in the thatched house, watching the ditch carts and watching the autumn harvest... Hold the keel and hang it on the house, buy wine and pour it on the guests to catch up with the previous labor." "Houyuan Fengxing": "The water seedlings are continuous and thick, and the keel is long and dry and hung with beams and stalks (Lu)." In addition, there is also "Send to Yang Defeng" One poem also said it was a keel cart. So, does the keel cart use human power or other power? It seems to rely on human power. Another poem by Wang Anshi, "Yamada has been longing for a long time": "Yamada has been longing for a long time, and autumn is still here." Pray for rain. Women like the cool autumn weather and laugh more when riding bicycles." It refers to the pedal waterwheel [4].
Mei Yaochen's "Waterwheel": "It is like a wheel turning, and like a river drinking from a rainbow. "It can move the rain, and it will cause the crops to grow. It will turn upward into a downward stream, and it will cause less damage but more benefit. People in the Han Dynasty who hold the urn in the shade cannot understand this principle." [5] His poems emphasize the description of artistic conception, so the shape of the waterwheel is unknown. , Structure. In Su Shi's poem, there is a line "The God doesn't see the old farmer crying, so he calls for axiang to push the thunder cart", which also refers to the waterwheel [6]; and Fan Chengda's poem "Ding Nan is always at the head of the treadmill" [7], It further proves the popularity of pedal waterwheels.