Authenticity of artistic works.
1. The truth of epistemology is the truth of proposition, that is to say, the statement is consistent with the object of statement, which is the truth of science. According to this standard, art has nothing to do with truth, but traditional aesthetics always tries to prove that artistic statements are quasi-declarative, so as to cling to scientific truth.
2. To understand the meaning and value of art, we must fundamentally change the concept of truth and regard artistic truth as the truth of existence (or the truth of meaning or the truth of hermeneutics) completely different from scientific truth.
The way of existence of artistic works.
1. Works of art are similar to games-games involve players showing themselves, and works of art involve readers showing themselves.
2. For the game, the participation of the audience is decisive; For works of art, readers' acceptance and understanding are also decisive for the expression and persistence of meaning.
3. Therefore, the way of existence of works of art is the way of truth, or the way of meaning appearing and lasting, that is, understanding and explanation.
Understanding of works of art.
1. Refuting methodological hermeneutics.
(1) A correct understanding must eliminate prejudice-Gadamer believes that prejudice is a kind of "foresight" or "antecedent structure", and it is also a vision or horizon, which is the primary condition for understanding to occur.
(2) The correct understanding must span time-Gadamer thinks that "false foresight" is ignorance of the real relationship and can't see the true meaning of the text, while "true foresight" is based on a relatively closed historical horizon to ensure the true meaning, and the difference between true and false lies in the distance of time. Time distance is equivalent to a filter, constantly eliminating new sources of errors and constantly generating new correct sources. Therefore, time distance is the basis for the text meaning to open to the infinite possibility of understanding.
2. Understanding is the fusion of horizons.
(1) The interpreter's "foresight" is a vision, and so is the manifestation of the meaning of the text. Understanding means that everyone crosses their own boundaries and opens up to each other, which is "vision fusion".
(2) The process of "horizon fusion"-1. Readers assume that the text is the answer to a question; Secondly, to reconstruct this problem, we must jump out of the horizon of the text and enter the horizon of the interpreter; Thirdly, the integration of the two perspectives makes the text understandable, which answers the question.
3. The timeliness and diachronic nature of understanding.
(1) In the instantaneous fusion of horizons, past and present, subject and object, self and others break through their respective boundaries and become a unified whole.
(2) Works of art exist in the historical process of mutual understanding, and anyone's understanding of works is an intervention in this history, influenced by this history and integrated into this history.
Anthropological basis of art.
1. Traditional art helps people understand the inspiration of images and express their thoughts in perceptual forms. Modern art conflicts with it in all aspects, but it always shows its own artistic characteristics everywhere. Tradition and Modern Art