After Wang Anshi abdicated in his later years, his life and mood changed, which caused the change of his poetic style. He wrote many small poems describing lakes and mountains. These poems, such as Dried Snow and Mr. Hu Yinbi, are often subtle and deep, and pay attention to artistic tempering. Wang Anshi is especially good at writing quatrains. Yan Yu said: "Gong Jing has the highest quatrains and is proud of Su Huang." Yang Wanli said: "Five-character quatrains are difficult to do, and only the late Tang Dynasty and Fu Jie are best at it." His quatrains include five, six and seven words, and his representative works include Beishan, Dengguazhou, Jinling is a matter, Beipi Xinghua and Xigong.
Wang Anshi's poem "On Zhang" said: "It seems the most extraordinary, but it is easy as difficult." The "wonder" in this sentence means thin and vigorous, which is an artistic realm pursued by Wang Anshi, but after he entered old age, he regarded wonder as the norm. It is called "Mid-Levels Poetry", which combines sadness and leisure, freshness and leisure, gloom and tragic. Mid-levels is the place where Wang Anshi lived in Jiangning in his later years. His poems in this period are classified as Mid-Levels Poems, and the main genre is quatrains.
"Wang Jingfeng" refers to Wang Anshi's poetry creation in his later years. It is characterized by re-refining meaning. For example, "Climbing to the Top" shows the poet's foresight and boldness of vision by writing about climbing the mountain tower. It also emphasizes rhetoric, such as "boating in Guazhou", as well as using things, coining words and refining words. The main carrier is his elegant quatrains in his later years. The strength of Wang Ti lies in its skillful writing, practical and accurate antithesis. It is both profound and unpretentious, and it is also the pioneer of Jiangxi School.