Odin: The main god of the Aesir; in charge of war, death, wisdom, poetry, etc.
Frigg: Queen of Gods, Odin’s wife; in charge of marriage and family; responsible for weaving clouds.
Thor (Thor): The son of Odin, has the title of Thor; is responsible for war and agriculture, and is the main enemy of the giants.
Sif: Thor’s wife, goddess of land and harvest.
Freyr: the god of fertility; in charge of harvest and weather; the son of Njord, the god of the sea. He was born in the Vanir clan and came with Freya as a hostage exchange. Asa tribe.
Freya: Goddess of fertility and war; Freya's sister; she and Odin divide the dead in the war equally.
Loki: God of mischief and mischief; belongs to the giant race; Odin’s sworn brother.
Tyr: God of War; one hand was bitten off by Fenrir.