What does Genesis Chapter III 15 mean?
Because it is the devil who lures women to commit crimes, crime enters the whole world from one person and traps human beings in sin. Because Jesus was born of a woman, the Virgin Mary. Therefore, Jesus is a descendant of women. We are descendants of human beings, and we have physical parents. Jesus was conceived by the inspiration of the Virgin Mary, and Yue Se was only his adoptive father), a descendant of Satan-the devil, so the descendants of the devil and the descendants of women are enemies of each other (the descendants of women also predicted the children of God), that is to say, today the devil attacked the children of God. The offspring of women will hurt your head-that is, Jesus broke Satan's head on the cross. You have to hurt his heel-the devil can only hurt Jesus' hands and feet. Jesus willingly gave his life and rose three days after his death. * Injury to the heel will not lead to death, but crushing the head is complete extinction. So, Jesus won! God's children also win through the resurrected Lord!