Encouragement to learn:
The gentleman said: Learning is something you can’t do anymore.
Green is derived from blue, and green is from blue; ice is derived from water, and is cold from water. The wood is straight and the rope is in the middle. It is shaped like a wheel and its curve is regular. Although there is violence, those who no longer stand up are the ones who make it happen. Therefore, if wood is supported by a rope, it will be straight; if metal is sharpened, it will be beneficial; if a gentleman is knowledgeable and examines himself every day, he will know how to act without making mistakes.
It is not as good as me to learn what I have learned in just a moment if I think about it all day long; it is not as good as to gain broad insights by climbing high. When you climb high and make moves, your arms are not lengthened, but the sight is far away; when you call along the wind, the sound is not faster, but the sound is louder when heard. A fake horse can travel thousands of miles without benefiting from its feet; a fake boat can run a thousand miles without benefiting from the water. A gentleman's life is not different, he is good at things and fake things.
When soil accumulates, a mountain will be formed, and wind and rain will flourish; when water accumulates, a puddle will form, and dragons will emerge; if good deeds accumulate, virtue will become, and the gods will be satisfied, and the holy heart will be prepared. Therefore, if you do not accumulate steps, you cannot reach a thousand miles; if you do not accumulate small streams, you cannot reach a river or sea. A horse can't take ten steps with one leap; a horse can ride ten times, but it's hard to give up. If you persevere, the rotten wood will not be broken; if you persevere, the metal and stone can be carved. Earthworms don't have sharp claws and teeth, nor strong muscles and bones. They eat earth and drink from the underworld. They have the same intention. The crab has six knees and two pincers. It is not a snake and eel that has nothing to rely on in its cave.
Teacher (Tang Dynasty) Han Yu:
Ancient scholars must have teachers. A teacher is the one who preaches the truth, receives karma and resolves doubts. People are not born with knowledge, how can they be free from confusion? If you are confused and do not follow the teacher, it is confusion, and you will never be able to understand it. Those who were born before me, they heard the Tao before me, and I learned from them; those born after me, they heard the Tao before me, and I learned from them. My teacher is Taoist, I know that I was born one after another in different years! Therefore, there is neither high nor low, neither long nor short. Where the Tao exists, the teacher exists.
Sigh! It has been a long time since the teacher's teachings have been passed on, and it is difficult for others to be clear of confusion. The ancient saints were also far away from others, and they still asked if they were teachers. Today's people are also far away from the saints, and they are ashamed to learn from their teachers. Therefore, the saint will benefit the saint, and the fool will benefit the fool. Is this why saints are saints and fools are fools? If you love your son, choose a teacher and teach him, you will be ashamed of the teacher and confused. The teacher of the boy, who teaches the book and then learns its sentences, is not what I call someone who teaches his way and solves his confusion. I don't know how to read a sentence, I don't understand it when I'm confused, maybe it's a teacher's fault, or maybe it's not a good idea. Witch doctors, musicians, and all kinds of craftsmen are not ashamed of the physiognomist. The scholar-bureaucrats will gather in groups to laugh at those who refer to them as "teachers" or "disciples." When asked, he said: He is similar to that year, and the Tao is similar. A low position is shameful, and a high official is close to flattery.
Woohoo! It can be seen that the teacher's way is no longer restored. Witch doctors, musicians, people of all kinds of crafts. A gentleman is disdainful, but now that he knows it, he is beyond his reach. How strange it is! The saint is the teacher of impermanence. Confucius studied under Tanzi, Changhong, Xiang and Laodan. The disciples of Tanzi were not as wise as Confucius. Confucius said: "When three people are walking, there must be my teacher." Therefore, the disciple does not have to be inferior to the teacher, and the teacher does not have to be better than the disciple. There is a certain order of learning, and there is a specialization in the arts, that's all.
Zi Pan, a seventeen-year-old son of the Li family, was good at ancient Chinese prose and had a thorough knowledge of all the classics and biographies of the six arts. Yu Jiaqi was able to practice the ancient way and taught him as a teacher.
Pipa Tour:
The Xunyang River sees off guests on the first night, and the maple leaves and flowers rustle in autumn.
The master dismounted and was on the boat. He wanted to drink wine but there was no orchestra.
We will say goodbye sadly when we are too drunk. When we say goodbye, the vast river is soaked in the moon.
Suddenly I heard the sound of pipa playing on the water, and the host forgot to return the guest.
Who is asking questions secretly? The sound of the pipa stopped and it was too late to speak.
Moving the boat closer to invite us to meet each other, adding wine, turning back the lights, and re-opening the banquet.
After calling for a long time, he came out, still holding the pipa and half covering his face.
The three or two sounds of the strings being plucked by the rotating shaft indicate feelings before the tune is formed.
The strings muffle the sound and thoughts, seeming to complain of failure in life.
The formalities of the letter were continued with a low eyebrow, telling all the infinite things in one’s heart.
Lightly gathered, slowly twisted and wiped, and then picked again, at first it was a colorful dress and then it was six pieces.
The big strings are noisy like the rain, and the small strings are like whispers.
Noisy and jumbled bullets, big and small beads falling onto the jade plate.
In the meantime, Guan Ying is talking about the slippery bottom of the flower, and it is difficult to go under the ice of Youyan Spring.
The ice spring is cold and the strings are condensed, and the condensation will never pass through the sound.
Don’t be sad and resentful. Silence is better than sound at this time.
The silver bottle bursts out, and the water slurries burst out, and the cavalry stands out with swords and guns.
At the end of the song, the plucked strings are carefully drawn, and the sound of the four strings is like cracking silk.
The east boat and the west boat were silent, except for the white autumn moon in the middle of the river.
While chanting and plucking the strings, I straightened my clothes and gathered my features.
She said that she was originally a girl from the capital city, and her family lived under the Xia Toad Mausoleum.
On the 13th, he learned the pipa and became the first member of the teaching group.
Qu Ba often teaches talented people, and Qiu Niang is jealous of her makeup.
When Wuling was young, he was struggling with his head, and he could not count the number of red silk songs.
The head of the ink is shattered by the grate, and the bloody skirt is stained by wine.
The laughter of this year will return to the next, and the autumn moon and spring breeze will pass easily.
My younger brother left to join the army, and my aunt died.
There are few cars and horses in front of the door, and the boss is married to a businessman.
Businessmen value profit over separation. The month before last, they went to Fuliang to buy tea.
Going to and fro to guard the empty ship at the mouth of the river, going around the cabin under the bright moon and the cold water of the river.
Late at night, I suddenly dreamed about my youth. I cried and cried, and my eyes were red with tears.
I sighed when I heard the pipa playing, and I groaned again when I heard the words.
We are both fallen people at the end of the world, so why should we have known each other before.
I resigned from the Imperial Capital last year and was relegated to Xunyang City where I was sick.
There is no music in the remote place of Xunyang, and the sound of silk and bamboo is not heard all year round.
The land near the Huanjiang River is low and humid, and yellow reeds and bitter bamboos grow around the house.
What did you hear in the morning and evening? The cuckoo cries and the blood ape moans.
When the flowers on the spring river face the autumn moonlit night, I often drink wine alone.
Are there no folk songs and village flutes? It's hard to listen to the vomiting and muttering.
Tonight I hear your pipa music, and my ears suddenly become clear as if I were listening to fairy music.
Mo Cigen sat down to play a piece of music and translated it into a pipa line for you.
I feel like I have been saying this for a long time, but sitting down makes the strings turn sharply.
The sad sound is not like the forward sound, and everyone in the house is crying after hearing it again.
Who cried the most in the audience? Jiangzhou Sima’s green shirt was wet.
Returning to the garden and living in the fields is one of them:
I have no desire and charm, and my nature loves hills and mountains.
I accidentally fell into the dust net and passed away for thirty years.
The tame birds miss the old forest, and the fish in the pond miss their old abyss.
Open up the wilderness in the south, stay humble and return to the garden.
The square house covers more than ten acres and has eight or nine thatched houses.
The elms and willows shade the back eaves, and the peach and plum trees in front of the hall.
The distant village is warm and the smoke is lingering in the ruins.
Dogs bark in the deep alleys, and roosters crow at the top of the mulberry trees.
The courtyard is clean of dust and clutter, and the empty room has plenty of leisure.
After being in a cage for a long time, I can return to nature
★Dwelling in the mountains in the dark autumn (recite the full text) Wang Wei
After the new rain in the empty mountains, the weather comes late in autumn.
The bright moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring rocks flow upward.
The bamboo noise returns to Huan Nu, and the lotus moves off the fishing boat.
Let the spring fragrance rest at will, and the kings and grandsons can stay.
Goodbye Cambridge:
Gently I leave,
Just as I came gently;
Gently I leave Waving my hands,
be farewell to the clouds in the western sky.
The golden willows by the river
are the bride in the sunset
The beautiful shadows in the ripples of light,
are rippling in my heart.
The green banana plants on the soft mud,
swaying oilily under the water;
In the soft waves of the Cam River,
I am willing to be a waterweed
The pool under the shade of the tree,
is not a clear spring, but a rainbow in the sky
crushed among the floating algae,
Precipitated rainbow-like dreams.
Looking for a dream? Take a long punt,
Walk back to where the grass is greener,
load a boat full of stars,
sing songs in the dazzling starlight
However, I cannot sing,
Quietness is the shengxiao of parting;
The summer insects are also silent for me,
The silence is tonight Cambridge!
Quietly I left,
just as quietly as I came;
I waved my sleeves,
not taking them away A cloud.
November 6th
"Shizhongshan Ji":
"Shui Jing" says: "There is Shizhongshan at the mouth of Pengli." Li Yuan thought that it was coming. In the deep pool, the breeze blows, the water and rocks compete with each other, and the sound is like a loud bell. This is true, but people often doubt it. Now if a bell and chime are placed in the water, even though there is a strong wind and waves, it cannot make any sound, but it is worse than a stone! In the Tang Dynasty, Li Bo began to visit his remains. He found two stones on the pool, clasped them and listened to them. The sound from the south was like Hu, and the sound from the north was clear and clear. I think I got it. However, I doubt it. The sound of a stone is heard everywhere, but this one is only called a bell. Why?
Ding Chou in the sixth month of the seventh year of Yuanfeng, Yu Ziqi'an came to you on a boat trip, and the eldest son, Maijiang, went to Dexingwei of Nao and sent him to Hukou, because he could watch the so-called stone bell. The monk asked the boy to hold an ax and pick one or two of them among the rocks to buckle them. Yu Gu laughed and didn't believe it. At dusk, when the moon shines, I take a small boat with Mai alone to the foot of the cliff. The boulders stand thousands of feet sideways, like wild beasts and strange ghosts, eager to attack people. The falcons sitting on the mountain will startle when they hear the sound of people, and they will roar in the sky. There is also an old man coughing and laughing in the valley, who may say: "This "It's like a stork and a crane." Yu Fang's heart was filled with excitement, and he made loud noises on the water, like bells and drums. The boat people were terrified. If you look at it slowly, you will find that there are stone caves at the foot of the mountain. I don't know how shallow or deep they are. Microwaves enter them, and they are light and surging. This is why.
Qinyuan Spring·Changsha:
In the independent cold autumn,
The Xiangjiang River goes north,
The head of Orange Island.
Look at the thousands of mountains covered with red,
the forests are dyed;
the river is full of green,
hundreds of boats vying for the current.
The eagle strikes the sky,
The fish flies to the shallow bottom,
All kinds of frost compete for freedom in the sky.
Sad and lonely,
Ask the boundless earth,
Who is responsible for the ups and downs?
I brought hundreds of couples on a trip.
Reminiscing about the glorious past.
Just a young classmate,
in his prime;
a scholarly student,
who scolded Fang Qiu.
Pointing to the country,
Inspiring words,
Thousands of households were in the same year.
Have you ever remembered,
When you hit the water in the middle of the current,
the waves stopped the boat?
Li Sao:
I take a long breath to cover my tears, mourning the hardships of people's lives. Although I am good at cultivating my hair, I will keep it in check, but I will be replaced in the morning and in the evening. Not only did he replace Yu Yihui, but he also applied for Yu Yihui. I have a good heart, and even though I died nine times, I still have no regrets. The spirit of resentment is so powerful that it never pays attention to the hearts of the people. All the girls were jealous of me and spread rumors that I was good at lewdness. The craftsmanship of sticking to the current customs is clever, and the mistakes can be corrected by following the rules. Carry the rope and ink on your back to chase the song, and compete with the Zhou Dynasty to save it. I am living in a gloomy town, and I am now alone and destitute. I would rather die and go into exile, but I can't bear to be like this. The fact that birds of prey do not flock together has been established since the past life. How can the circle be able to move around, and who can live in peace with each other if they follow different paths? Bending your heart and suppressing your will, being patient and resisting criticism. Fu Qingbai is straight forward to death, and he is strong in the past and the saints.
I regret that I didn’t notice the truth, and I will turn against you if I wait too long. Returning to my car to resume the road, I am not far behind when I am lost. The remaining horses are riding in Langao, galloping across Jiaoqiu and barely stopping. If you can't get in, you'll have to leave. If you retreat, you will restore my original service. Make lotus flowers to make clothes, gather hibiscus to make clothes. I didn't know that he was already here, but I still love him and believe in him. The crown of Gao Yu is precarious, and the Lu Li of Yu Pei is long. Fragrance and beauty are mixed together, but the quality of Zhao is not lost. Suddenly I looked back and looked around, looking at the four wilderness areas. Wear colorful and complicated decorations, and be fragrant and beautiful. Everyone enjoys their livelihood, but I only take it as a matter of course to cultivate. Even though I understand you, I haven't changed yet, so I don't have the heart to punish you.
Report to Ren An:
In ancient times, people were rich and famous but their reputations were not forgotten. Gai Xibo (King Wen) was restrained and performed "The Book of Changes"; Zhongnieu wrote "Spring and Autumn"; Qu Yuan was exiled and wrote "Li Sao"; Zuoqiu was blind and wrote "Guoyu"; Sun Tzu Binjiao revised the "Art of War"; Bu Wei moved to Shu, which was written in the "Lu Lan" of the world; Han Fei was imprisoned in the Qin Dynasty, "Speaking of Difficulties" and "Lonely Anger"; three hundred poems in "Poetry" are the works of the great sages out of anger. These people are all depressed and unable to find their way, so they talk about the past and think about the future. Just like Zuo Qiu Ming, who had no eyes, and his grandson had his foot broken, he could no longer use it. He retreated to discuss writing strategies to relieve his anger, and thought about empty writing to see for himself.
A servant is not inferior, and he relies on his incompetent words. He collects the old news from all over the world, briefly examines his actions, sums up the beginning and end, and examines his successes and failures. The top is Xuanyuan and the bottom is here. , for ten tables, twelve chapters of this era, eight chapters of books, thirty chapters of noble families, seventy biographies, and one hundred and thirty chapters. I also want to study the relationship between heaven and man, understand the changes in the past and present, and form a family story. If the initial creation is not completed, it will suffer this disaster. It is a pity that it will not succeed, so it will be punished with death without any regrets. Pucheng has written this book and hid it in a famous mountain. He passed it on to his people and spread it to most cities and towns. Then he will pay for the humiliation he caused. Even if he is killed thousands of times, how can he regret it? However, this can be the way for the wise, but it is difficult for the common people to say it!
Chen Qing Biao
The secret words of the minister: I provoked you with danger, and I encountered the evil of Min. The baby was born in six months, and the loving father lost his temper. When he was four years old, his uncle took away his mother's ambition.
My grandmother, Liu, felt that Chen was lonely and weak, so she raised him personally. I have a lot of diseases, I can't do it at the age of nine, and I am alone. As for the establishment.
There are no uncles, but brothers. If the door is weak and the family is weak, there will be no children in the evening. There are no close relatives outside, and there is no child who is five feet away from the door. He stands alone, with shadows hanging from each other. As for Liu Suying's illness, she often gave birth in bed. I have served you with decoctions and medicines, but I have not yet abandoned them.
Catch the holy pilgrimage and bathe in Qinghua. Chen Kui, the former prefect, was filial and honest. Later, he was appointed as the governor of Shi Chenrong and promoted scholars. I am a minister
I have no master to support, and I refuse to die. The edict is hereby issued, to pay homage to the ministers and ministers, to seek favor from the country, and to remove the ministers and wash their horses. Being wretched and humble,
Serving in the East Palace, it is impossible to report the death of a minister. Ministers use their appearance to hear news, but they do not take office after resigning. The edict was severe and severe, and the ministers were blamed for their indolence.
The prefectures and counties forced them to urge them to follow the path. When the state secretary comes to the door, he is eager for a spark. If the minister wants to follow the imperial edict and run a gallop, he will tell him not to do so because Liu's illness is getting worse. The minister's advance and retreat are really in embarrassment.
The Fuwei Holy Dynasty governed the world with filial piety. All the old people were still raised with care, especially the lonely ministers. I am a young minister.
I have served as a fake dynasty, and I have held various positions in the ministerial office. I am an official in my current situation, and I do not care about my reputation. Today, my country has been destroyed and I am a lowly prisoner. I am humble and humble, but I have been promoted.
How can I dare to hang around and have any hope despite being favored and blessed with good fortune? However, as the sun is thinning in the west, the breath is dying, the life is in danger, and the morning is not
worry about the evening. If I had no grandmother, I would not be able to live to this day; without my grandmother, I would not be able to live out the rest of my life. Mother and grandson are dependent on each other, so they cannot be separated from each other. I am 40 years old this year, and my grandmother Liu is 90 years old this year. It is a long time for me to pay tribute to Your Majesty, but a short time to repay Liu. It's a private love affair with a black bird, and I'm willing to beg for support.
The hard work of the ministers is not only seen by the people of Shu and the shepherds of the two states, but also the emperor, the emperor and the queen of the country, have learned from it. May your majesty be cautious and sincere, and listen to your ministers' subtle wishes. Fortunately, the concubine Liu will survive for the rest of his life. When he is alive, he will be killed, and when he is dead, he will be weeded. I am invincible
I would like to hear the fear of dogs and horses.
Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection
In the ninth year of Yonghe's reign, when he was in Guichou, at the beginning of late spring, he met at the Orchid Pavilion in Shanyin, Kuaiji, to perform evil spirits. All the talented people have arrived, and the young and old have gathered together. Here there are high mountains, luxuriant forests and tall bamboos; there are also clear and turbulent streams, reflecting them to the left and right, which make them look like flowing water. Although it is not as prosperous as silk and bamboo orchestral music, one drink and one chant are enough to express the secret love. On that day, the sky was clear and the wind was gentle and gentle. Looking up at the vastness of the universe and looking down at the prosperity of categories, wandering around and wandering around was enough to provide a great visual and auditory entertainment. I believe it is a joy.
The lady's relationship with you has been admiring for a lifetime, or you can take her into your arms and understand her words within a room; Although there are many different interests, calmness and restlessness are different, when you are happy with what you encounter, you have temporarily gained yourself, you are happy and self-sufficient, and you never know that old age is coming. When I am tired of what I am doing, my emotions change with the situation, and I am filled with emotion. The admiration for it, and the admiration of it, have become old traces, and I still cannot help but feel happy about them. The situation will be shortened and changed, and it will eventually end. The ancients said: "Death and life are also big things." Isn't it painful?
Every time I look at the reasons for people's interest in the past, if they are combined into one, I will always sigh and mourn, and I can't describe it in my heart. I know that death and rebirth are just illusions, and mourning for Qi Peng is an illusion. The future looks upon the present, just as the present looks upon the past. Sad husband! Therefore, I listed people from that time and recorded what they said. Although the world is different and things are different, I am interested in it and it is the same. Those who view it later will also feel the elegance.
Preface to Tengwang Pavilion
The time is September, and the preface belongs to the third autumn. When the water is gone, the cold pond is clear, and the smoke condenses and the mountains are purple at dusk. I'm on the road, looking at the scenery in Chong'a. Visit Changzhou, the son of the emperor, and find the old mansion of heaven and man. The mountains are towering with greenery, and the sky rises above them; the flying pavilions flow with elixirs, and there is no ground below. Heting and Fuzhu are the lingering memories of poor islands; Guidianlan Palace is the shape of hills and mountains.
It is draped in embroidery and looks down upon the carved beast. The mountains are wide and wide, and the rivers and lakes are so vast that they are horrified. Lu Yan rushes to the ground, the bells ring and the cauldrons are home; the boats and ships are in the middle of the water, and the boats are green birds and yellow dragons. The clouds are gone and the rain is clear, and the color is bright. The setting clouds and the solitary owl fly together, and the autumn water and the long sky are the same color. The fishing boat sings late, and the sound is heard on the shore of Pengli. The wild geese are frightened by the cold, and the sound is broken by the Hengyang Pu.
★Sleepwalking Tianmu chants farewell (recite the full text) Li Bai
Haike talks about Yingzhou, the smoke and waves are dim and it is difficult to find a letter. The people of Yue are talking about Tianmu, and the clouds and clouds may be visible. Tianmu reaches the sky and stretches across the sky, pulling out the five mountains to cover Chicheng. The rooftop is 18,000 feet high, so it tilts toward the southeast.
I want to dream of Wuyue, and fly across the Jinghu Lake in the moonlight overnight. The moon on the lake shines on my shadow and sends me to Yanxi River. Xie Gong's residence is still there today. The Lu River is rippling and the apes are crowing. With Xie Gong's sandals on his feet, he is climbing the Qingyun Ladder. Half of the wall can see the sea and the sun, and the sky can smell the chickens. Thousands of rocks have many twists and turns, and the path is uncertain. The lost flowers leaning against the rocks are suddenly dim. Bears roar and dragons sing in Yinyan Spring, and chestnut trees in deep forests are astonishing at the top of the mountain. The clouds are green as if it is raining, and the water is sluggish with smoke. There was a thunderbolt when the columns were missing, and the hills collapsed. The stone door of the cave opens suddenly. The vast blue sky has no bottom, and the sun and moon shine on the gold and silver platform. Ni is the clothes, the wind is the horse, and the kings of clouds come and go one after another. Tigers, drums and harps come and Luan returns to the carriage, and immortals come and line up like hemp. Suddenly my soul palpitates and my soul moves, I suddenly start and sigh. But when I sleep on my pillow, I lose the ever-present haze.
The same is true for pleasure in the world. Since ancient times, everything has flowed eastwards. When will you return after leaving? Let's put the white deer among the green cliffs and ride to visit famous mountains as soon as possible. An Neng's ability to bend his eyebrows and bend his waist to serve the powerful makes me unhappy!
★Wei Fengmeng (recite the first 2 chapters) "The Book of Songs"
The mang of Chichi holds cloth and silk. Bandits come to trade silk, and when they come, they come to plot against me. Send the son to Sheqi, and go to Dunqiu. The bandit is my fault, and I am an unscrupulous matchmaker. The general will not be angry, and autumn will come.
Ride on that wall to hope that the pass will be restored. Not seeing the return pass, I burst into tears. Seeing the return pass, I laughed and talked. Erbu Erzhen, the body has no blame words. Come with your car and move with my bribe.
The mulberry leaves have not yet fallen, and their leaves are lush. When the doves are here, there is no food for them to eat mulberries; when the girls are there, there is no time to hang out with the scholars. It is possible to explain the delay of a scholar; it is indescribable to say that a woman is delayed.
The mulberry trees have fallen, and they have turned yellow and fallen. Self-imposed, poor at the age of three. The water in Qishui is flowing, and the curtains and clothes are gradually falling. Women are also unhappy, and scholars behave differently. Scholars are also extremely ignorant, but only have two or three virtues.
Being a wife at the age of three, she has to work hard at home; Once the words are fulfilled, they become violent. My brother didn't know, so he laughed. Think about it quietly and bow to mourn.
As we grow old together, old age makes me resentful. Qi has a bank, and Xi has a bank. At the general banquet, Yan Yan talked and laughed. Be true to your word and never think about the opposite. On the contrary, if you don’t think about it, that’s enough!
also. Five or six miles up the mountain, there is a cave that is very cold when you enter it. When asked about its depth, it means that those who like to swim cannot be poor - it is called the back hole. Yu and four others held fire to get in. The deeper they went in, the harder it was to get in, and the more amazing they saw. If someone is lazy and wants to come out, he will say: "If you don't come out, the fire will be gone." Then he will come out with him. Wherever I go, I can't compare with those who are good at traveling. However, if I look at the left and right, there are very few people who come and remember it. If the cover is deep, the height will be reduced. At this time, the force is enough to penetrate, and the fire is still enough to illuminate. Now that it has come out, I may blame the person who wanted to come out, but I also regret that it followed and did not enjoy the ultimate pleasure of swimming.
So I sighed. People in ancient times often gained something when they looked at the heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, vegetation, insects, fish, birds and beasts, because of the depth of their thoughts and their omnipresence. If the enemy is close, there will be many tourists; if the danger is far, there will be few tourists. The grandeur, weirdness, and extraordinaryness of the world often lie in the dangers and distances, and they are rarely accessible to people, so only those who are determined cannot reach them. If you have ambition, you won't be able to achieve it if you don't follow it, but if you don't have enough strength, you won't be able to achieve it. If you have ambition and strength, but don't be lazy, you won't be able to reach it even if it is dark and confusing and there is nothing to show it. However, if you are powerful enough, you can be ridiculed by others, but regretful by yourself. If I try my best and fail to achieve it, then I can have no regrets. Who can ridicule me? The rest is earned.
★Theory of the Six Kingdoms (recite the full text) Su Xun
The six kingdoms were destroyed, not only because of the disadvantages of the army, but also because of bad fighting, and the disadvantage was in bribing Qin. Bribing Qin and losing its strength is the way to destruction. Or say: The six countries lost each other and took Qin Ye to bribe him? Said: If you do not bribe, you will lose if you bribe. Without strong support, we cannot finish alone. Therefore, it is said that the disadvantage lies in bribing Qin.
In addition to attacking Qin, if it is small, it will win the town, and if it is large, it will win the city. Compared with Qin's gains, those who won from victory were actually a hundred times as much as those who won from victory; the deaths of princes were actually a hundred times as much as those who lost in defeat. Then the great desires of Qin and the great troubles of the princes are not in war. Si Jue's ancestor, exposed to the frost and dew, cut down the thorns to have a sizeable land. The descendants do not cherish it and give it to others, just like discarding grass and mustard. Cut five cities today, cut ten cities tomorrow, and then have to sleep well overnight. He started to look around the surrounding areas, and the Qin soldiers arrived again. However, the land of the princes is limited, and the desire to tyrannize the Qin is insatiable. As the envoys become more numerous, the invasion becomes more urgent. Therefore, the victory between the strong and the weak has been determined without fighting. As for subversion, that's natural. The ancients said: "The Qin is a matter of land, just like holding firewood to put out a fire. If the firewood is not exhausted, the fire will never be extinguished." This is true.
The people of Qi did not try to bribe Qin, but after the five kingdoms were finally removed and destroyed, why? It is to win but not to help the five countries. The five countries were in mourning, and Qi was also in mourning. The rulers of Yan and Zhao had long-term strategies, were able to defend their land, and would not bribe Qin with justice. Therefore, although Yan was a small country and then perished, this was due to the effectiveness of its military. Zhi Dan took Jing Qing as a plan and soon caused disaster. Zhao Chang fought against Qin five times, losing two and winning three. Later Qin attacked Zhao again, but Li Mulian resisted. Jie Mu was punished for slander, and Handan was made a county. It was a pity that he used force but did not end. Moreover, when the Qin Revolution at Yanzhao was completely destroyed, it could be said that their intelligence was lonely and they were defeated and perished. They had no choice but to do so. The Three Kingdoms each love their own land, Qi people should not be attached to Qin, assassins can not do it, but good generals are still there, then the number of winners and losers, and the principles of survival, should be compared with Qin, or it may not be easy to measure.
Woohoo! By bribing the land of Qin, making the world's advisers, serving Qin's heart, tribute to the world's talents, and striving to the west, I fear that the people of Qin will not be able to swallow its food. Sad husband! With such a trend, it was robbed by the Qin people's accumulated prestige. The sun and the moon cut off, and they tended to perish. Those who serve the country without envoys will be robbed by those who accumulate prestige.
The Six Kingdoms and Qin are both vassals. Their power is weaker than that of Qin, but they still have the potential to win without bribery. Gou thinks that the world is so big, but the story of the ruin from the Six Kingdoms is that it is under the Six Kingdoms again.
★A Fang Palace Fu (recite the full text) Du Mu
The six kings are complete, and the world is one. Shushan Wu, A Fang came out. It was covered for more than three hundred miles and isolated from the sky. Lishan is built in the north and turns west, going straight to Xianyang. The two rivers flowed into the palace wall. Five steps to the first floor, ten steps to the pavilion; the waist of the corridor is unobstructed, and the eaves and teeth are high; everyone is holding on to the terrain and fighting each other. Panpan Yan, Huan Yan Yan, honeycomb water vortex, I don't know how many tens of millions of them have fallen. The long bridge is lying on the waves, what's the point? If you resume the Tao and walk in the sky, what will happen if you don’t fly? I am confused up and down, and I don’t know the west or the east. The singing stage is warm and the spring light is warm; the dance hall is cold and the wind and rain are miserable. Within a day, from one palace to another, the weather is not uniform.
Concubines, concubines, princes and grandsons, resigned from the lower hall and came to Qin in their chariots. Chaoge Yexian is from Qin Palace. The stars are shining brightly, and the makeup mirrors are opened; the green clouds are disturbing, and the servant girls are combing at dawn; the Wei River is swollen and greasy, and the fat and water are discarded; the smoke is slanting and the fog is horizontal, and peppers and orchids are burning. The thunder suddenly startled me, and I heard the palace carriage passing by; I heard the winding of the wind from afar, but I didn't know where it was. Every muscle and face, his expression is extremely radiant, and he is far-sighted and looks lucky. He has not been seen for thirty-six years. The collections of Yan and Zhao, the management of Han and Wei, and the elites of Qi and Chu have plundered their people for several generations and stacked them like mountains; Ding clang, jade, gold nuggets, beads and gravel, thrown away in a meandering way. The people of Qin looked upon it with no pity.
Sigh! The heart of one person is the heart of thousands of people. Qin's love is extravagant, and people also miss his family. How can you take all the baht and use it like sand? There are more pillars supporting the building than there are farmers in the south. There are more rafters building beams than there are workers on the machine; there are more nail heads than grains of millet in Yu; there are more jagged tile joints than there are silk threads all over the body; there are more straight railings and horizontal sills than there are in a city with nine soils; there are more orchestras that are hoarse than there are in the city. The words of the people in the city. Make people in the world dare not speak out but dare to get angry. The heart of a single husband is becoming increasingly arrogant. The garrison soldiers shouted, and the letter was lifted. The people of Chu burned the fire and pitifully scorched the earth.
Woohoo! Those who destroy the six kingdoms are the six kingdoms, and they are not Qin; those who belong to Qin are Qin, and they are not the world. Sigh! If the six countries love their own people, it will be enough to reject Qin; if Qin loves the people of the six countries again, he will be king for three generations and will be king for ten thousand generations. Who can win and his family will be destroyed? The people of Qin had no time to mourn for themselves, so that future generations would mourn for them; if future generations mourned without taking note of it, they would also cause future generations to mourn for future generations again.
★Zou Ji satirizes the King of Qi for accepting advice (recite the full text) "Warring States Policy"
Zou Ji is more than eight feet tall, and has a beautiful appearance. He wears court clothes and looks into the mirror. He calls his wife He said: "Who is more beautiful than Duke Xu in the north of the city?" His wife said: "You are so beautiful, how can Duke Xu be as beautiful as you!" Duke Xu in the north of the city is also the most beautiful in Qi. Ji was not confident, so he asked his concubine again: "Who is more beautiful between me and Mr. Xu?" The concubine said: "How can Mr. Xu be as good as you!" One day, a guest came from outside and sat down to talk with him. He asked the guest: "I and Mr. Xu are more beautiful." "Who is more beautiful?" The guest said, "Mr. Xu is not as beautiful as the king." Tomorrow, when Gong Xu comes, he will think that he is not as good as he is. I thought about it when I went to bed at night, and said: "My wife is afraid of me; the guest who loves me wants to ask for something from me."
So he went to the court to see King Wei and said: "I sincerely know that I am not as beautiful as Mr. Xu. The wives of the ministers are secretive to the ministers, the concubines of the ministers are afraid of the ministers, and the guests of the ministers want to ask for help from the ministers. They all think that he is more beautiful than Duke Xu. Now Qi is thousands of miles away and there are hundreds of cities. All the palace wives are secretive to the king; all the ministers of the court are afraid of him. King; there is no one in the world who does not seek the king. From this point of view, the king is very ignorant! He then ordered: "Those ministers and officials who can criticize others for their faults will receive a higher reward; those who write letters to admonish others will receive a medium reward; those who can slander and ridicule the people in the city and hear the ears of others will receive a lower reward." The order was issued at the beginning. , all the ministers came to admonish, and the court was like a city. Months later, time progressed. After the period of time, although I want to speak, I can't make any progress.
When Yan, Zhao, Han, and Wei heard about it, they all came to Qi. This is called victory over the imperial court.
★Climb high (recite the full text) Du Fu
The wind is strong, the ape high in the sky whistles in mourning, and the white bird flies back from the clear sand in Zhugong.
Boundless falling trees rustle, and the endless Yangtze River rolls by.
Wanli is always a guest in the sad autumn, and he has been sick for hundreds of years and only appears on the stage.
Hard and bitter, I hate the frost on my temples, and my new wine glass becomes muddy.
★Prime Minister of Shu (recite the full text) Du Fu
Where can I find the ancestral hall of the Prime Minister? There are many cypresses outside Jinguan City.
The green grass reflects the spring color on the steps, and the oriole sounds good in the sky through the leaves.
Three visits to trouble the world, two dynasties to open the hearts of old ministers.
He died before leaving the army, which made the hero burst into tears.
★Stone City (recite the full text) Liu Yuxi
My motherland is surrounded by mountains, and the empty city is lonely in the tide.
On the east side of the Huai River, the old moon came over the female wall late at night.
★Jin Se (recite the full text) Li Shangyin
The Jin Se has fifty strings for no reason, each string and one column reflects the past.
Zhuang Sheng was obsessed with butterflies in his morning dream, and looked forward to the emperor's spring heart with cuckoos.
The moon in the sea has tears, and the sun in Lantian is warm and the jade produces smoke.
This feeling can be remembered later, but it was already at a loss.
★Shu Anger (recite the full text) Lu You
When I was young, I knew that the world was difficult, and the Central Plains looked to the north like a mountain.
The building boat crosses Guazhou in the snowy night, and the iron horse disperses in the strong autumn wind.
I walled the Great Wall and promised myself that it would be empty, but the faded hair on my temples was already stained in the mirror.
If you are a master, you can show your true name in the world. Who can be compared to others in a thousand years?
★ Poppy (recite the full text) Li Yu
When are the spring flowers and autumn moon? How much do you know about the past? There was an east wind in the small building last night, and the motherland could not bear to look back at the bright moon.
The carved railings and jade inlays should still be there, but the beauty has been changed. How much sorrow can you have? Just like a river of spring water flowing eastward.
★Yu Linling (recite the full text) Liu Yong
The cicadas are chilling, it is late in the pavilion, and the showers have begun to stop. There is no trace of drinking in the tent of the capital, and the place of nostalgia is the orchid boat. Holding hands and looking into tearful eyes, they were speechless and choked. The thought goes away, thousands of miles of smoke waves, the dusk is heavy and the sky is vast.
Sentiment has hurt parting since ancient times, and it is even more embarrassing to be left out in the Qingqing Festival! Where did you wake up tonight? The dawn wind and the waning moon on the willow bank. After so many years, it should be a good time and good scenery. Even if there are thousands of styles, who can tell them!
★Nian Nujiao·Chibi Nostalgia (recite the full text) Su Shi
The great river goes eastward, and the waves are gone, and there are romantic figures throughout the ages. On the west side of the fortress, the humane road is Chibi, the Lang of the Zhou Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms. Rocks pierced through the sky, stormy waves crashed onto the shore, and thousands of piles of snow were rolled up. The country is picturesque, and there are so many heroes at one time.
I think back to Gong Jin’s time, when Xiao Qiao got married for the first time and looked majestic and handsome. Feather fans and silk scarves, while talking and laughing, the rafts and oars disappeared into ashes. My motherland wanders in my mind, I should laugh at my passion, and I will be born early. Life is like a dream, one statue returns the moon in the river.
★Magpie Bridge Immortal (recite the full text) Qin Guan
The thin clouds make tricks, the flying stars spread hatred, and the silver and Han are far away in darkness. Once the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win over countless others in the world.
Tenderness is like water, good times are like dreams, and I can’t bear to look at the magpie bridge on my way back. If the love between two people lasts for a long time, how can it last day and night?
★Yong Yule · Nostalgia for the past in Guting, Bei Jingkou (recite the full text) Xin Qiji
Throughout the ages, heroes have never found Sun Zhongmou. On the dance pavilion and singing stage, the wind is always blown away by the rain. The setting sun, the grass and trees, the ordinary alleys, where the slaves of humanity once lived. I think back then, when we were strong and strong, we could swallow thousands of miles like a tiger.
Yuanjia hastily sealed the wolf in Xu, and won the hasty visit to the north. Forty-three years later, I still remember the beacon fire on Yangzhou Road. But looking back, under the Buddha and Li Temple, there is a sacred crow drum! Who can ask: Lian Po is old, can he still make a living?
★Yangzhou Slowness (recite the full text) Jiang Kui
The famous capital of Huaizuo, the best place in Zhuxi, Xie An Shao was stationed in the first journey. Ten miles after the spring breeze, all the shepherds and wheat are green. Since Hu Ma peeked into the river, the trees and trees in the pond were abandoned, and they were still tired of talking about soldiers. It's getting dusk, the clear corners are blowing cold, and everyone is in the empty city.
Du Lang’s handsome reward is now so serious that I am shocked. Despite Cardamom's lyrical skills, Dream of a Brothel is good, but it is difficult to describe it with deep emotion. Twenty-four bridges are still there, the waves are swaying, and the cold moon is silent. Read the red medicine beside the bridge, and you will know who you are born for every year!
★Li Ping Konghou Yin (recite the full text) Li He
Wu Si, Shutong and Zhang Gaoqiu, the empty mountain is condensed with clouds that are not flowing.
Jiang'e cries about the sorrow of the bamboo girl, and Li Ping plays the konghou in China.
The broken jade in Kunshan screams as a phoenix, and the hibiscus weeps and the fragrant orchid smiles.
The cold light melts in front of the twelve doors, and the twenty-three silk threads move the purple emperor.
Where Nuwa refines stones to mend the sky, the stones break the sky and amaze the autumn rain.
I dreamed of entering the sacred mountain to teach the goddess, and the old fish danced the thin dragon dance.
Wu Zhi sleepless and leans against the osmanthus tree, flying wet and cold rabbits sideways with bare feet.
★Passing through the Huaqing Palace (recite the full text) Du Mu
Looking back at Chang'an, there are piles of embroidery, and thousands of doors are opened in sequence on the top of the mountain.
The red concubine on horseback smiled, but no one knew it was lychee.
★Bodhisattva Man (recite the full text) Wen Tingyun
The hills overlap and the golden light disappears, and the clouds on the temples want to cover the fragrant snow on the cheeks. Too lazy to draw eyebrows, too late to put on makeup and wash up.
Looking at flowers in the front and rear mirrors, the flowers reflect each other. The new post is embroidered with Luo Ru and both have golden partridges.
★Guizhixiang·Jinling Nostalgia (recite the full text) Wang Anshi
I came to see him off, it was the late autumn of my motherland, and the weather was beginning to be calm.
Thousands of miles of clear river looks like a train, and the green peaks are like clusters. The expedition sails to the setting sun, with the west wind at our back and the wine flag standing slantingly. The clouds are light on the colorful boat, the herons are rising on the stars and rivers, and it is difficult to draw a picture.
Reminiscing about the past, competing for prosperity. Sighing at the top of the building outside the door, sadness and hatred continue. For thousands of years, I have been lamenting the honor and disgrace over this. The old events of the Six Dynasties flow with the flowing water, but the cold smoke fades and the grass turns green. To this day, Shang Nu still sings the remaining song "Back Court" all the time.
★Slow voice (recite the full text) Li Qingzhao
Looking and searching, deserted and miserable. It is most difficult to breathe when it is warm and then cold. How can three cups and two glasses of light wine defeat him, who comes late and is in a hurry? The wild geese are passing by, and I am sad, but it is an old acquaintance.
The yellow flowers are piled up all over the ground, and they are haggard and damaged. Who is worthy of picking them now? How can you be so dark alone while guarding the window? The phoenix trees are covered with drizzle, and at dusk, it rains bit by bit. This time, how could there be such a thing as "sorrow"?
★Guest Arrives (recite the full text) Du Fu
There is spring water in the south and north of the house, but I can see a flock of gulls coming every day.
The flower path has never been swept by visitors, and now the gate is opened for you.
Panxiang City has far less flavor, and the bottle and wine shops are poor and only have old fermented grains.
I am willing to drink with my neighbor and call across the fence to finish the remaining cups.
★Climb the Yueyang Tower (recite the full text) Du Fu
In the past I heard about the water in Dongting, now I am going up to the Yueyang Tower.
In the southeast corner of Wu and Chu, the universe floats day and night.
There are no relatives and friends, and there are no old and sick people.
The soldiers and horses pass through the north of the mountain, and Pingxuan Tisi flows.
The Road to Shu is Difficult
The drama is so dangerous!
The road to Shu is as difficult as climbing to the sky!
With silkworm bushes and fishtails, the founding of the country was at a loss.
You are forty-eight thousand years old, and you are not in the vicinity of Qin Sai.
There is a bird path in Taibai, Xidang, which can cross the top of Emei.
The earth collapsed and the mountains destroyed the strong men to death, and then the stone stacks of the ladder to the sky were connected.
On the top there is the high mark of six dragons returning to the sun, and on the bottom there is the rushing wave and turning back to Sichuan.
The yellow crane cannot fly past, and the ape clings to it to overcome its sorrow.
There is a lot of green mud, and there are nine twists and turns in the mountains with a hundred steps.
Mon went to the Lijing Well and raised his head and breathed. He sat with his hands on his back and sighed.
I asked you when you will return from your journey to the west. I am afraid that the road will be unreachable.
But I saw the mourning bird calling the ancient trees, and the male flying and the female flying around the forest.
I also heard Zigui crying about the moon at night, worrying about the empty mountains, the difficulty of the road to Shu, it is difficult to climb to the blue sky!
Let people listen to this withered beauty.
The sky is not full even when the peaks are gone, and withered pines hang upside down against the cliffs.
The turbulent waterfalls are noisy and noisy, and the cliffs and rocks are turned by thunder.
The danger is the same, what a shame for those who have traveled far away!
The sword pavilion is majestic and Cui Wei. One man can guard the gate, but ten thousand men cannot open it.
The relatives who were guarded or kidnapped turned into wolves and jackals.
Avoid tigers in the morning, snakes at night, grind their teeth to suck blood, and kill people like hemp.
Although Jincheng is happy, it is better to return home early.
The road to Shu is as difficult as climbing to the sky! He turned sideways and looked westward, sighing.