Very Thai is fighting, and the incomplete inscription is difficult to identify. Know that he is the king of the Han Dynasty and the minister of the Jin Dynasty? Kill YunQing, do the dust under the mountain in the north. Even a gentleman should not be called; Even if I am a minister, I should not be called.
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From the beginning, a sad atmosphere was rendered. These princes and ministers buried in Beimang Mountain enjoyed all their splendor before their death, but after their death they were just a pile of soil under Beimang Mountain. If you are human, you are bound to die. Once you die, it's all over. So, what is the meaning of respecting before death and declining after death? That sentence "is a gentleman, it can't be said; Even if I am a minister, I should not be called ".The tone is cold and sad, which shows the author's profound understanding of life. Zhang's "Homesickness Suite" stands at the height of a profound perspective on life and a thorough understanding of history. It is strategically located, with broad vision, great momentum, deep and tragic feelings and simple style, showing a politician's mind and boldness of vision.
At the last moment of his life, Zhang used a series of works reflecting the process of disaster relief, such as Zhong Lu Chun Lai, except the nostalgic suite:
When you are hungry on the road, you must ask in person. When you meet refugees, you must ask in detail. This city is full of good officials. Still smug, just white hair and new hair.
The scene mentioned in the first two sentences is exactly the same as the "famine relief, burial of the dead" contained in the historical biography. He has done so much for the people and won the praise of "the city is a good official", but the author himself believes that he should do more for the people. There is a song in [A Flower in Lunan] that expresses this mood:
I can't wait to turn weeds into millet and river sand into golden beads, so that thousands of families can get rich, and I won't waste my property in vain. Seeing this disaster taught me nothing but snow all over my head.
Faced with a large number of victims and severe drought, the government's food relief is like a drop in the bucket, which is of no help. Although he personally played the role of the emperor, let that person assume the official position, and took the lead in taking out his own property as relief, but the disaster was serious, not by one person. When the heart burns like a fire, it is inevitable to have the illusion of "turning weeds into millet and turning river sand into golden beads" According to the Biography of Yuan History, Zhang "was an official in April, never at home, stayed in the mansion, prayed in the sky at night, helped the hungry by day, and kept going all day." I feel painful every time I think about it, so I can't bear it. I died at the age of 60. "The people in Guanzhong are so sad that they have lost their parents." Zhang finally wrote a swan song for the country and the people with his own life.
Extended reading: Zhang's poems
Zhang is not only famous for Sanqu in the world, but also has high achievements in poetry, which can be compared with the four great poets in Yuan Dynasty. He is rich in content and has a wide range of subjects, and he has excellent works in chanting history, traveling, reflecting real politics and people's livelihood. Moreover, the language is beautiful and mature, especially good at writing scenery and expressing emotion.
His prose is also unique in style and diverse in genre. In his long political career, most of his political papers written in combination with the actual situation are full of emotion, incisive and clear-cut, which not only played a positive role at that time, but also played a positive role in our politics, economy and life today.
In his later years, Zhang compiled his poems into 40 volumes of Returning to the Field, and there are 24 existing volumes, which are included in Sikuquanshu. His political essays are entitled "Three remonstrances", including "Mu remonstrance", "Feng Xian remonstrance" and "Si remonstrance". He also has a collection of words "Jianghu Long and Short Sentences", but unfortunately it has been lost.
Extended reading: Zhang's character evaluation
Political aspects
Su Tianjue praised Zhang in "Seven Covenants Hall": "Law-enforcing herdsmen are moral orders, and entering the cabinet is a celebrity. When they protested to Taiwan Province, they were called skeleton ministers. They are great men of a sincere generation! "
Li Shizhan praised him: "Being upright for heaven and earth, learning from sages, accumulating virtue for morality, publishing articles and promoting political achievements are not upright."
Preface to Su Wei's Chronicle of Zhang Wenzhong's Public Years: "The festival of observing the public is leisurely and appropriate. Not a so-called gentleman with lofty aspirations. " "You let the public be the king and do whatever you want. How can you measure what you can do?"
Scholars in the Ming Dynasty praised him: "He (referring to Zhang) is concerned about the country and the people, and there is an overflow of diligence between articles and political affairs."
Literary aspect
Zhu Quan once praised Zhang's style in Taihe Spectrum: "Like a big tree standing in the wind."