After combing the bun, you should look in the mirror again and again, change your silk clothes again, and pay attention to adding some spices to smoke. From a distance, the flickering shadow of the main hall opened the curtain; I saw a maid with a short robe and embroidered trousers cleaning the imperial bed.
This is Feng Xue's palace word. It reflects the empty, lonely, depressed and resentful spiritual life of maids.
The flowers are in full bloom, but the palace is closed; Beautiful ladies-in-waiting, standing on the porch watching spring. County magistrate Liu, everyone wants to talk about the sadness in the palace. No one dares to reveal his depression in front of the parrot.
This is Zhu Qingyu's Gong Ci. Generally speaking, the protagonists of palace poems are lonely maids. but
This poem is about two ladies-in-waiting, which shows that it is not one person who has fallen out of favor. Ladies-in-waiting enjoy spring, which is a pleasure.
But I have been out of favor for a long time, feeling infinite, depressed in my heart, and I am very willing to spit on each other, but I am afraid that parrots will rap and dare not speak. Bear a grudge against.
Heavy and naked.
If life is just like the first sight, why draw a fan in the autumn wind? It is easy to change, and it is also easy to change.
Lishan dialect stops at midnight, and tears never complain. More importantly, if you are lucky, you will be more willing than before.
This is the Preface to Magnolia Officinalis written by Nalan Rong Ruo, which is the most popular one in Nalan's ci.