Trismegistus, about this word, in the name of Hermes and Nicholas' will, pray for the great god! ! !

The etymology of the word trismegistus can be seen as Greek. Tris stands for three, so megistus is a compliment

Hermes is the god of commerce in Greek mythology. He is mainly the messenger of the gods, one of the twelve gods of Olympus in Greece, the son of Maya, the daughter of Zeus and Atlas, and Rome is also called Mercury. He was born in a cave in Arcadia and was the first god in Arcadia. After the unification of Olympus, it became the shepherd, the messenger and messenger of Zeus. He is also regarded as the patron saint of pedestrians, the patron saint of businessmen and the god of eloquence. Legend has it that he invented rulers, numbers and letters. He is clever and cunning, and is regarded as the creator of deception. He passed it on to his son. He was also the inventor of the lyre and the patron saint of various competitions in Greece.

Later, it was mixed with Thoth, the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom, and was regarded as the patron saint of magic. His wand can put gods and people to sleep and wake them up from their dreams.