How many Canaanite poems do you know?

Know the true god

First, the revelation of the true God.

God said: there is no god except me. I am the righteous God and the Savior, and there is no other God besides me. All the ends of the earth will look to me, and you will be saved, for I am God, and there is no other. (Sai45th No.21~ 22)

This is the only creator. He clearly reveals to the world that he is the only God and he is the eternal God. Religious leaders established against humanity dare not even claim to be gods, because they are all under the right to die. Besides, God is God; If it is not a god, no matter how people seal him, he will not be, just as there can only be one biological father, and people can't just regard beggars on the roadside as fathers. In addition, in the Bible, God reveals to the world that he is the creator and the only true God in many ways, so the world will return to him. Like a loving father looking for the prodigal son to return.

Second, the real God is:

1. Creator, not man-made:

The true god is the creator of all things, and the false god is made by man and man's hands. All idols in human history can be summarized as follows: First, meritorious tasks in history are regarded as gods, such as Guan Gong. Second, idols imported from other countries. For example, there are more than 18,000 idols in India, among which Tathagata has spread to China. Third, people like it, and the names are varied. Fourthly, fictional tasks in folk novels, such as Crossing the Sea and the Monkey King by the Eight Immortals. The fifth is to worship the ancestors as gods. However, all this worship is nothing more than worshipping things made by human hands. Some people even worship the sun, cows, mice and idols of various shapes. How can you save others if you can't save yourself by writing idols? Scripture says: Their idols are gold and silver, made by human hands. Have a mouth but can't talk, have eyes but can't see. Have ears but can't hear. Have a nose but can't smell it. You have hands, but you can't touch them. You can't walk with your feet. You can't make a sound if you have a throat. He's just like him. So will all those who depend on him. (poem 1 15: 4 ~ 8)

As a creator, he doesn't need anyone to provide him with anything, but he gives his life, breath and everything to others.

2. The Almighty is an omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent God;

Since he is an almighty god, he can not only create everything, but also save those who call his name across time and space, just like the three astronauts who landed on the moon for the first time. They prayed and praised God on the moon, but God still listened. On the other hand, idols are far from saving people, but the devil behind them is confusing and torturing others, making people more and more insecure and unlucky.

Besides, the true god is better than the devil. The Bible and the experience of saints make us understand that after believing in Jesus, the devil will escape from now on, no longer afraid of any idols and ghosts, and enjoy peace.

3. Sacredness and justice:

God is a holy and righteous god, so when a person repents and turns to God as soon as he believes in Jesus, he will experience the work of God's creation in his heart, so that he will gradually change and live a life without sin, holiness, justice and love. On the other hand, people who worship idols all day long, the more they worship, the worse their behavior, the more selfish they are, and the more discordant they are with their families. Because the devil is behind the idol, the admirers are under his control.

4. Love

God loves the world so much that he gave his only son to them, so that those who believe in him will not perish but have eternal life. (Jn. 3: 16) The true God loves the world, and he created everything for the world to enjoy. Just when the world was far away from him, he sent his beloved son to save the world and for the sins of the world.

On the other hand, all idols and admirers never talk about love. People who worship him are like people who fall into the hands of underworld groups, feeling insecure and living in fear all day long. The Bible says: The whole world is in the hands of the devil. (John 1: 5: 9) No wonder many people have worshipped idols for many years, knowing how bad they are, but they are still afraid not to worship them. However, trusting the Lord of heaven and earth, the only true God, has brought Meng Ai a lifetime and enjoyed real peace, that is to say, how blessed out of the dark is to enter the light.

Third, the command of the true god:

You must have no other gods except me. Don't carve idols for yourself, and don't create any images like Buddha ascending to heaven, descending to earth, underground and water. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous god. I will punish those who hate me, from father and son to three or four generations. (Exodus 20: 3 ~ 5) Therefore, believers should never offend God by worshipping idols again. Abandon idols, turn to the true God, and serve the true and living God.

Finally, I hope everyone can recognize the true God and reject false idols. May we all bear supreme glory and eternal happiness in the end! Amen.


Is there a God in the universe? If there is a God, how can we prove his existence and know him? Today's lesson is to understand God through several objective facts:

First, the origin, existence, operation and laws of the universe prove the existence of God:

The Bible says: In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. (Genesis 1) The creator, the Almighty God, personally revealed the origin of the universe with his words (Bible). The creation of the universe must have the following characteristics:

1. What remains unchanged is something: God says there is something. He created everything with his words, and everything depends on him. Some people think that the universe originated from the Big Bang. Then we infer from this that if there is no matter at first, how can it explode? Explosion will only produce chaos, how can it produce an orderly universe? If it is a very special explosion, it can only prove that it is a process created by God.

2. Design: Scientists have found that the boundless universe is full of design, regularity and wonder.

Example 1: Every planet revolves around its own orbit, and there is a law of mutual attraction between planets, so that planets will not deviate from their own orbits and lead to collision and destruction. The Bible says: God always upholds everything with his powerful commands. ("Lai Yi 3")

Ex. 2: The distance between the earth and the sun is just right. If it is too far, people on the ground will freeze to death. If it is too close, people on the ground will be hot. If the earth is too small, it cannot absorb the surrounding atmosphere. Without atmosphere, people can't live. If the earth is too big, people living on it will weigh more than 1000 kilograms, so people can't survive. Therefore, God made the earth just suitable for human habitation.

In fact, scientists are not inventing, but discovering that the universe is full of laws, order and wonders. The more people find out, the more they feel small. No wonder statistics show that 90% of the 300 most famous scientists in history believe in Jesus and know the only true God, including Einstein and Newton. They once described the invention of their life as a grain of sand on the beach.

Second, from the miracle of all things, prove that God exists:

Since the creation of heaven and earth, God's eternal power and divinity have been clearly recognized. Although it is invisible to the naked eye, it can be known by what he has made, making it impossible for people to be appointed. (Luo Yi 20)

The Bible tells us that God's creation enables us to know his existence. For example, the existence of a wooden bench proves that a carpenter built him, but you can't deny the existence of the carpenter just because you can't find the carpenter now. Similarly, tall and magnificent buildings must be built by someone. If just a pile of building materials is put there, it will only become rubbish. But if architects, engineers and workers use those materials to make them, tall buildings will appear. Besides, isn't this vast universe more originated from the creator?

Scientists have found that the human body is full of mysteries;

Why does human hair grow, but eyebrows don't? This is the wonderful design of the creator of life, so that the eyebrows will not keep growing to cover the eyes, and the direction of eyebrow growth is very particular. The left eyebrow grows to the left and the right eyebrow grows to the right to protect people's eyes. In this way, when sweat or rain flows down from the upstream, it will not directly flow into the eyes. Human ears are made of cartilage. If it is a hard bone, people will be crushed when sleeping on their side. Also, the direction of the human nose is downward, not upward. If it's like a smoke screen made by a person, it's unsightly. If it's rainy, it's necessary to pour water. It's really unbearable not to open an umbrella for a minute. The creator's design shows God's wisdom. Scientists also found that the animal kingdom is wonderful. For example, bats can fly wildly in caves without eyes. It turns out that they navigate by ultrasonic waves. Why do fireflies glow without heating? Why do ants predict the arrival of heavy rain in advance and pile up a lot of soil around the hole?

Also, in a cold climate, rivers and the sea will freeze, but rivers and the deep sea will not freeze, because of the characteristics of water, all creatures in the water can survive, which is the wisdom of the creator.

Third, human instinct proves that God exists:

The Bible says: God's things, what people can know, are revealed in people's hearts; Because god has revealed it to them. (Se 19)

How does God show people? The Bible tells us that among the plants, animals and people created by God, man is the highest level of life, with not only the body, but also the soul and spirit (the soul includes human emotions and will). Spirit makes people know the spiritual world and God. As the scripture says, the Lord God created man from the dust of the earth and breathed life into his nostrils, and he became a living soul, and his name was Adam. (Gen 2: 7) And he said, Because your spirit, your soul and your body have been saved. (Thes。 5: 23) So, this explains why there is no religion in the animal kingdom. A dog killed never knows how to ask the gods for help, but people are different. This is because the creator gave his soul to the world when he created man. As the saying goes, man is the spirit of all things. But people are deceived by sin and the devil and worship false gods.

Fourth, the experience of countless saints proves the existence of God:

Throughout the ages, countless people at home and abroad have experienced the power of God and how God saved them from the bondage of sin and stopped gambling. Husband and wife returned to love from the brink of divorce, surpassed the devil, no longer feared fate, and lived a beautiful Christian witness. These have proved to be too numerous to mention.

Five, the unreliability of the theory of evolution:

1. The theory of evolution is based on many assumptions and inferences and does not conform to scientific logic.

Modern scientists have found that the blood type of ape blood is different from that of human beings, and the genes of cells in the body are also different, so it is impossible to evolve into human beings.

Darwin, the founder of the theory of evolution, later believed in the Lord Jesus and admitted that everything began with God's creation.

6. If you like, please join me in sincerely praying to God:

God, please forgive my past sins. I sincerely confess to you and believe in accepting Jesus as my personal savior. I thank you for letting me know what a great creator you are through the miracle of all things in the universe. Thank you for saving me and praying in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Amen.

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