What is the purpose of the Eucharist?

The Eucharist commemorates the death of the Lord Jesus Christ.

According to the inquiry of studying abroad, Eucharist is a religious ceremony of Christianity (Protestantism). Christians believe that the direct basis of the Eucharist comes from the New Testament, which records that Jesus Christ had a Passover dinner with the twelve disciples on the night of being crucified. The Eucharist commemorates the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Eucharist is to divide bread (unleavened bread) and wine (wine) according to Jesus' rules, to show that the Lord Jesus died not by sight, but by faith, dividing the body and blood of the Lord and all his benefits, so that spirituality can be cultivated and life can grow in grace. Every year, the first Sunday in 10 is World Communion Sunday, and Protestant Christians all over the world will hold communion ceremonies on this day to commemorate the Lord Jesus. Materials of the Eucharist: The main materials of the Eucharist are unleavened cakes and grape juice. Unleavened cakes are made of flour and water, without yeast powder or other seasonings, because Christians believe that yeast represents sin (their basis is 1 Corinthians 5: 6-8); No matter how many people there are, just make an unleavened cake to represent the congregation. 10: 17 and NIV). Some Christians claim that grape juice must be made from grapes (Matt. 26: 29), but it doesn't come from wine, because wine is fermented and used in a cup, that is, the same cup is taken. Bread and grape juice symbolize the body and blood of the Lord. Eating this bread and drinking this cup means: "reveal the death of the Lord until he comes."