Although Gai admits the existence of soul, many religions, philosophies and sociology advocate the existence of soul, but there are great differences in the theory of evil nature and its characteristics, origin and research. Some people claim that it is synonymous with spirit or soul, such as the word soul-life, which is almost the same as spiritual life and spiritual life. Those who advocate the theory of soul, if they talk about the relationship between body and mind, are based on dualism. From the perspective of the relationship between spirit and pragmatics, it is based on ontology. Phenomenology, realism, materialism and other theories have appeared in modern philosophy, which generally oppose the existence of the soul and deny that the soul is real.
Buddhism does not talk about the dual view of soul and body, the theory of immortality of soul and so on. Because Shi Zun did not answer the similarities and differences between soul and body (that is, there was no record), which denied the view that soul and body could be completely divided into two. Buddhism attaches importance to the existence of mind from the subject of practice; This ontology is completely based on the relationship between mind and matter, and does not regard one as an immortal entity and one as an illusion of birth and death, but thinks that mind and matter are empty and have no self. However, when the theory of samsara was adopted by Buddhism, the subject of samsara caused a great debate in the history of Buddhism, such as the "debate on immortality of immortals" in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. As a result, the subject of reincarnation presents a color similar to the soul.
In Christian doctrine, spirit and soul are two independent parts:
In the Old Testament, the spirit of Hebrew is R? Wach has a wide meaning and can mean breath, air, wind or strength. Also refers to the direction or aspect (side, translated as "square" or "face"). Simply put, spiritual domination mainly refers to the immaterial essence of life, including:
(a) There are no flesh and blood things in the spiritual world, such as gods, angels, demons or evil spirits.
(b) The immaterial element of flesh and blood is the spirit or spiritual life.
(c) the psychological and emotional expression of a person's inner spiritual character or character, so spirit is also translated as "anger"; Courage (that is, courage).
In the New Testament, the Greek word spirit is pneuma, which also means wind or breathing. It means exhaling or blowing], and it also refers to an intangible, immaterial and capable "spirit" like the wind. Spirit is human life energy or life principle, so "it is spirit that keeps people alive". Just as the wind is invisible to the eyes, its existence can be known by its performance (wind and grass); Similarly, although the spirit is invisible to the naked eye, its existence can also be proved by various external manifestations of human inner spiritual life. The biggest evidence that people are spiritual is that people can enter the spiritual world and communicate with the spirit. Therefore, the Bible says that God is a spirit, and only in the spirit can people truly worship and pray to God. The communication between believers and God must also be through the communication between human spirit and God spirit.
Because souls are often misunderstood, there is a lot of confusion. In the old testament, the soul of Hebrew is nephesh, from n? Phash (breathing) The meaning of the soul is very wide, generally refers to:
(1) "Inner self": (1+0) For people, on this immaterial level, does the soul (translated as "heart" in this edition) have feelings? For example, there will be hunger for food, sadness, sadness and love; But souls also have thoughts or wills? For example, I will know, I will miss, and I will say. (2) For God, "my soul" is another expression of "I". So when it comes to God's "soul", it generally includes God's love, holiness, anger and faithfulness (Colin Brown).
(b) Living life, including animals;
Living "people"
In the New Testament, the Greek word for soul is psuchê, which also means breathing. Broadly speaking, the usage of this word is the same as that in the Old Testament, which can refer to:
(a) Inner immaterial and intangible self; (1) For people, this immaterial level is emotion (translated as "heart" in Japanese), thought and will (translated as "meaning" in Japanese). Simply put, the soul can refer to the whole personality. (2) For God, when God mentions "my soul" (NIV "heart"), it is another way to express "I".
(b) physical life or life, including animals;
Living "people"
Some biblical scholars believe that man has only two parts, body and soul, because spirit and soul are the same, but this view is incorrect. Although generally speaking, spirit and soul belong to the inner immaterial level, they can be distinguished and not exactly the same. A person's "spirit", "soul" and "body", a complete person is composed of these three parts, so spirit and soul are different parts. In addition, although the meanings of spirit and soul are very close and closely related, they should be separated.
Simply put, we can explain the difference between the spirit and the body like this:
(1) Body is the world-the "material world" of consciousness.
The body perceives the material world around it through five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch).
(2) Soul-self-awareness of "self or self".
Soul refers to the level of mind or emotion, which plays a rational or emotional role. Through the soul, people can feel, think and understand, and have the will to make decisions.
(c) Spirit-is the perception of "God or spiritual world" (God-consciousness).
Spirit is the level of communication with God or the spiritual world. People are spiritual, so they can communicate with the spiritual world, pray and worship God, and think about the soul after death.
William e. Vine) pointed out: "generally speaking, the spirit is a higher-level element, while the soul is a lower level. The spirit can be said to be the principle of life given by God, while the soul is the resulting life in the individual, while the body is the material organism or organism in which the spirit and soul are active. "
Soul exists in many religious thoughts and refers to the supernatural and immaterial components of human beings. Many religions believe that the soul lives in and dominates people or other bodies, and can also exist independently of these bodies. For different religions and nationalities, they have different interpretations of the soul. Modern science has found no evidence of the existence of souls.
What does the Bible say about the soul:
Bible's answer to the question of soul
The problem of the soul after death
In the eyes of the world, death is a taboo topic Because people don't know what will happen after death, they speculate on many bizarre legends: some say that good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell after death; Some people say that after death, his soul floats on the ground, giving people a dream. ...
Man is made by God, and life is given by God. Death only occurs after human crime. There are many words about human death and soul in the Bible. Pointed out the mystery of life and death to those of us who believe in the Bible. Now when it comes to the question of the soul, different sects have different understandings of it. Of course, many of them are misunderstandings about the Bible, so it is necessary for us to discuss the soul in the Bible so that people can have a correct concept of the word soul.
Definition of "Spirit" and "Soul" in the Bible
(1) mind and spirituality
There are two different words in the Bible: "spirit" and "soul". Where the Chinese Bible is translated into "soul", some original texts are "spirit" and some original texts are "soul".
1 Thessalonians 5:23 "May your spirit, soul and body be preserved." The "spirit and soul" here refers to human spirituality.
Luke 1:46-47 "Mary said: My soul respects the Lord, and my spirit delights in God, my savior." The original text of "heart" here is "soul", and "soul" or "spirit" refers to the mind. In the above usage, the meanings of "spirit" and "soul" are equivalent. Another example is:
Oh, my god 7: 1 "Dear brothers, since we have such a promise, we should purify ourselves, get rid of all filth in body and soul, fear God and become holy."
Hebrews 4: 12 "The word of God is lively and effective, faster than all two-edged swords. Even the soul and spirit, joints and bone marrow can be pierced and cut, and even the thoughts and thoughts in the heart can be distinguished. "
(2) Spirit: breathing and life
Gen 2:7 "The Lord God created man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into his nostrils, and he became a living soul, and his name was Adam."
Psalm 104:30 "You send out your spirits, they are created, and you make the earth look brand-new."
John 6:63 "It is the spirit that gives life, but the body is useless. I am talking to you about spirit and life. "
Earth+life = living people, this is the process of creation. In the scriptures about human creation, "spirit" means "anger" (breath of life) and "life".
Hymn 146:4 "He breathed his last and returned to dust."
Hymn 104:29 When you hide your face, they are dismayed. You take back their breath, and they die and return to dust. "
Ecclesiastes 12:7 "The dust still belongs to the earth, and the spirit still belongs to the God who gave it."
Death is the opposite of creation. In the scriptures about human death, "spirit" means "qi".
Matt 27:50 "Jesus cried out with a loud voice again, and he gave up the ghost." The original "qi" here is the same as "spirit" (the word ghost means spirit and breath).
We look at the process of God's creation of human beings: God first created the image of human beings with clay, but it has no breath, just like sculpture; Then God blows air into people's noses, and at that moment, people become living things. What God blows to people is "anger", which is the ability of life to make people move, not the immortal soul. It is not what people say that the soul is in the human body, which enables people to move. Some people misunderstand that "Qi" is an immortal soul. God created life from dust, but not immortal soul. "Qi" or "Qi" makes people alive, but without Qi, people die and cease to exist.
(3) Soul: the living and life.
Gen 2:7 The Lord God created man from the dust of the ground, and breathed life into his nostrils, and he became a living soul, and his name was Adam. Here, the literal translation of "living with spirit" in English is "living soul". Earth+anger = alive, or rather, soul.
Man 19:22 "Anyone who touches this thing (soul) will be unclean until evening." The word "person" here is originally "soul".
Jeremiah 38: 16 "I swear by the living Lord who created our souls." The word "destiny" here is originally "soul".
Sam 20: 17 Jonathan made David swear again, because David loved him as much as his own life.
"Soul" refers to the result of dust and anger, refers to the expression of life such as human wisdom and vitality, and must exist with the human body. But now many people misunderstand the Bible, thinking that after death, the soul leaves the body and exists independently. The Bible means that the "soul" exists only when people are alive.
Wrong idea
Therefore, the word "spirit" or "soul" is translated with the old prejudice that the soul can exist alone. "Spirit" and "soul" in the Bible refer to human life, breath, wisdom, mind and so on. However, people misunderstand that when God created man, he gave him an indestructible soul, which will never disappear. If people have an immortal soul, aren't they just like God? Will God create such a person?
Gen 2: 16- 17 When God created man, he never made him indestructible, but made him live and die. Only obedience can lead to eternal life. If people don't obey, they will lose eternal life.
Gen 3:4, the snake said, "Even if you eat this fruit, you will not die." It was after listening to this deception that Eve dared to commit a crime. What can a man do if he has an immortal soul? Since no one can let him die, that man dares to commit crimes at will. However, is there an immortal soul and life in this world?
The Bible says that only God is immortal:
Timothy 6: 16 "He is the only immortal ... May glory and eternal power be given to him. Amen! "
Timothy 1: 17 "Glory to the immortal, invisible, eternal king and the only God forever and ever. Amen! "
Although the Bible clearly points out that the immortality of the soul is impossible, in many churches, there is still this truth that runs counter to the teaching of the Bible. They are deceived by Satan: even if they commit crimes, they will not die.
The consequences of believing in the theory of "the immortality of the soul"
The consequence of advocating "the immortality of the soul" is to pave the way for spiritualism at the end. Satan will appear as a dead man in front of the living to confuse people and make them accept their own fallacies.
There are many supernatural things in today's world. For example, the dead expressed their dreams to the living, and Mary appeared. More and more people are puzzled by this. The Bible says that before the rainy night and the arrival of the Holy Spirit, there will be a false cleverness and a false miracle that will confuse many people.
Matt 24:4 1 1, 24 "Jesus answered and said to them, Take care that no one will deceive you. ... and many false prophets rose up and confused many people. ... because false Christ and false prophet will get up and do great signs and wonders. If it works, even voters will be confused. "
Rev 13: 13 He did great wonders in front of everyone, causing fire to fall from the sky to the earth.
Rev 16: 13 I saw three unclean spirits, like frogs, coming out of the mouth of dragons, the mouth of beasts and the mouth of false prophets.
2 Thessalonians 2:9 "This lawless man came and did all kinds of signs and wonders according to Satan's will."
Timothy 4: 1 "the holy spirit has pointed out that in the later days, some people will abandon the truth and listen to the evil spirits and demons that tempt people."
Oh, my god 11:13-15 "Those people are false apostles, acting treacherously and pretending to be apostles of Christ. This is not surprising, because even Satan pretends to be an angel of light. Therefore, it is not surprising that his officers pretend to be very just. Their outcome must be based on their behavior. "
Matt 7:22 "In that day, many people will say to me, Lord, Lord, are we not preaching in your name, driving out demons and performing many miracles in your name?"
Our faith should be based on the Bible, not miracles. The real miracle comes from God; But some miracles are not, because Satan can work miracles. For example, when Moses met Pharaoh in the Bible, the witchcraft of Egyptian magicians and the apparition of Samuel that Saul saw were all disguised by Satan. He used people's curiosity and ignorance to create some false miracles and make people think that he is God. So be wary of all statements and wonders that are inconsistent with the Bible. Otherwise, people will fall into Satan's confusion. Jesus predicted, "If it can be done, even the voters will be confused." Now this danger is around us.
Freeze, die, resurrect/freeze, die, resurrect
(1) meaning
"You are the one who made my gray hair and sorrow go down to the grave. Some people use this poem to say that "underworld" exists. Actually, Jacob refers to the tomb here. Later, Jacob "gave up the ghost and died and was gathered to his fathers" (Gen. 49:33).
Job 17: 13 "If I hope the grave is my home, if I stay in the dark", the "grave" here obviously refers to the grave.
Acts 2: 29-34 "Brothers, I can tell you clearly that my ancestor David has died and been buried, and his tomb is still with us today. ... David did not ascend to heaven. " It says here that David is dead. He didn't go to heaven at once, but, like his ancestors, he waited in the grave for resurrection. David is an upright man. Although he committed a serious crime in his life, he was forgiven by the Lord and saved. According to "the immortal soul", he should go to heaven immediately after his death, but the Bible tells us that he is waiting for resurrection.
This statement of going to heaven immediately after death denies the second arrival of the Lord, because the righteous have already gone to heaven, so what is the second arrival of the Lord for? The arrival of the Lord is the hope of people who have been sleeping for generations, and it is also one of the greatest truths in the Bible. In addition, the arrival of the Lord will end the evil in the world and destroy Satan's works. Satan is most afraid of the second coming of the Lord, so he invented many truths that make people ignore the second coming of the Lord, among which the Immortal Soul is his masterpiece.
Come11:13-16, 10:36, the saints of all ages are waiting for resurrection. Is 26: 19 "the dead will be resurrected, and the dead will be resurrected. Sleep in the dust, wake up and sing! Because your dew is like dew on vegetables, the earth will give up the dead. " It says here that when the righteous are resurrected, they will open their mouths to praise God.
The dead cannot praise God. Psalm 1 15: 17 "The dead can't praise the Lord, and neither can those who go down to silence." Ecclesiastes 9: 10 "Because in the underworld where you go, there is no work, no tricks, no knowledge and no wisdom."
Oh, my god 15:26 "The last enemy to be destroyed is death." Rev. 20 14 "Death and the underworld were also thrown into the lake of fire." Death is the enemy of all. Resurrection is better than death.
(2) the wicked
There are no immortal people in this world. Knot 18:4 "Whoever commits a crime will die." The theory of "immortal soul" teaches people that they will never disappear after death, whether they go to heaven or hell. However, from the above scripture, we can know that there is no such immortal sinner in this world.
Matthew 10:28 "don't be afraid of those who kill the body but can't kill the soul;" Only those who can destroy both body and soul in hell are afraid of him. " It says here that "soul" can be destroyed.
Those who accept and advocate the theory of "immortality of the soul" are biased by some pagan ideas. They misunderstood the description of the soul in the Bible. Let's imagine: (evil) people will be punished in hell forever after death, which is a terrible thing against God's loving character!
So how does the Bible describe the future of the wicked?
John 5:28-29 "Don't be surprised at this, the time is coming when everyone in the grave will hear his voice and come out.". Those who do good will live and those who do evil will be condemned. "
Rev. 20: 9 "They came up and filled the whole earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, and fire came down from heaven and consumed them."
Mar 4: 1 the days are coming, says the Lord of hosts, and they will be like a burning furnace, and all those who are arrogant and do evil will be burned like stubble in that day, and there will be no root left.
Psalm 37:20 "The wicked will eventually perish. The enemies of the Lord will be like the fat of lambs, and they will be consumed, and they will be consumed like smoke. 」
Ezek 28: 18 "I will send a fire from among you and consume you;" I will burn you to ashes in front of all who watch. "
These verses all say that the sinner must die and be destroyed on the earth, and he will never be there again. Similarly, Revelation 20:6, 14 and 2 1:8 all mention "the second death", when the wicked will be completely eliminated in the lake of fire.
After the flood in Noah's time, the world lost its original beauty. But I can still vaguely see the original appearance. And after the torch in the future cleans the earth, God will recreate everything on the earth. At that time, the world will reproduce the beauty of Eden. All the sins and pains will cease to exist, and a perfect home will be presented to us.
Rev. 2 1: 1-4, all the original things no longer exist, but have been updated. There is no sin from now on. Amen!
A misleading passage in the Bible.
(1) Too 10:28 "Don't be afraid of those who kill the body but can't kill the soul; Only those who can destroy both body and soul in hell are afraid of him. "
The word "soul" here means "fate". Mt 16:25-26 "Because anyone who wants to save his own life will lose his life: whoever loses his life for me will lose his life. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world and lose his own life? What else can people exchange for life? "
The Lord encourages his disciples that when they are persecuted, their lives are in his hands, and they should not lose their eternal life because of the test of this world. The enemy can only harm our bodies with persecution, but our confidence is indelible. However, if Christians fail in persecution, they will not be rewarded in God's future judgment. Revelation 2 1:8, the first kind of person who can't be saved is "timid".
John 4:24 "God is spirit, so those who worship him must worship him with sincerity and honesty." The worship of God is embodied in people's hearts, not in people. Enemies can only hurt people's bodies, but they can't change people's worship of God, let alone take away people's eternal life, because people's eternal life is in the hands of God, and no one can take it away (about 10:28). Therefore, the "soul" in Matthew 10:28 also refers to human spirituality or belief in God.
The theory of "immortal soul" says that the human soul is immortal. But the human soul can be destroyed. Which one do you think is correct? Isa 8:20 "If what they say is not consistent with this, they will not see the morning light."
(2) Road 16: 19-3 1, the metaphor of "the rich man and Lazarus".
Obviously, this is the Lord preaching in a metaphorical way, instead of telling people that there is such a hell and heaven.
What if heaven and hell are close enough to see each other? In heaven, you will watch some people you love suffer in hell every day. Will this paradise be a happy place?
If all the truly saved people want to throw themselves into Abraham's arms, how big should his arms be? And why do people come to Abraham's arms instead of going to the Lord after being saved? Where did Abraham's former saints go? In fact, the Bible clearly tells us that Abraham is also waiting for resurrection.
The rich man begged Abraham for his brother. Do people have to go through Abraham to be saved? Didn't he also become the savior?
The "underworld" here obviously refers to death and graves. So what does this parable of the Lord mean?
The background at that time was: this is a fairy tale that is familiar to all Israeli people. It is said that rich people are evidence that God loves them, and rich people will be saved. Therefore, the Lord used this metaphor to tell them that money can't determine a person's life, and it is also to show that the rich wicked and the poor righteous have different endings. People can't bring worldly goods to heaven.
People at that time were proud to be descendants of Abraham and thought that Abraham could save them. Therefore, the Lord is here to educate them, but it is not.
Moreover, people have to decide their future destiny in this life, and there is no chance of repentance after death.
(3) Luke 23:43 "Jesus said to him," I tell you the truth, you will be with me in paradise today. "
There is a translation error here, which should be "I will tell you the truth today, and you will be in heaven with me." There are no punctuation marks in the original text, and the punctuation here was added by later generations. There is also a passage that gives people the same misunderstanding: 1 Thessalonians 4: 14 "If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, God will also make those who have fallen asleep in Jesus with him." It makes people look like the righteous were in heaven before God came. In fact, the original meaning is: the Lord will gather the resurrected righteous and meet the Lord in heaven.
What do robbers want from Jesus? "Please remember me when your kingdom comes!" Timothy 4:8, Paul's crown of righteousness is still in heaven, and he hopes to get it when the Lord comes.
In fact, the Lord did not ascend to heaven on the day he was crucified. When he came back to life, Mary wanted to touch him, but he wouldn't allow it. Even then, he hadn't ascended to heaven.
(4) pets. 3: 19-20 "Through this Holy Spirit, he preached the gospel to those spirits who were imprisoned, that is, those who disobeyed God and did not wait for Noah's ark. At that time, not many people entered the ark and were saved by water, only eight souls. "
Some people think that this means that when the Lord is in the grave before resurrection, he will preach the gospel to the spirits in hell. But when we look at a problem, we can't draw a conclusion based on only one Bible, but we have to go through several bibles to determine it. Now let's look at this question:
Luke 20:38 "God is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living." Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 "The living know that they will die, and the dead know nothing, and they will no longer be rewarded, and their names will not be remembered. Their love, their hate and their jealousy have long since vanished. They will no longer have any part in what they do under the sun. " Can the dead hear the gospel when they know nothing? Whether a person can be saved is decided when he is alive. If a person dies, there is no chance of repentance.
As the Bible immediately explains below, "spirit in prison" refers to the generation before the flood. Because God has decided that people are dead at the end of the era, before the flood, people are like prisoners sentenced to death.
The spirit of "preaching" means that the spirit of Christ used Noah to preach to people of his time.
We believe that the Lord has risen from the dead and become the first fruit of those who sleep. Many of us will also go to sleep and wait for the Lord's return, and we will all rise from the dead. When the Lord comes, blow the trumpet, and all the saved people will be resurrected. This is the only hope of believers of all ages. The saying that people go to heaven or hell after death is contrary to the Bible. We should believe in the truth of resurrection mentioned in the Bible and look forward to the coming of the Lord and meeting him in the air!
(5) Is the fire of hell eternal?
Jude 7 "As in Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, they also played the harlot and followed the rebellious lust, and they were punished by eternal fire as a warning."
Rev. 14: 1 1 "The smoke of his suffering rises forever and ever. Those who worship animals and their images and are marked by their names have no peace day and night. "
The "eternal fire" or "forever and ever" in the above two verses is only a description, and it is not the "eternal fire" usually imagined, because the fire in Sodom has already been extinguished.
Jer 17:27 This fire will also devour the palaces of Jerusalem and cannot be extinguished. This is also a metaphor, because the fire has gone out.
Jude 6 "The Lord kept them in chains in darkness forever", does this mean that they have been detained all the time? No, because after the Millennium, they will be "released temporarily" (Revelation 20: 3).
Isa 34: 10 "it will never go out day and night, and the smoke will always rise, and it will become a wasteland from generation to generation, and no one will ever pass by." Rev. 20 10 the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of brimstone fire, where the beast and the false prophet were. They will suffer day and night forever. "This means that in the future, the wicked will be thrown into the lake of fire and destroyed forever.
In short, in the Bible, "the eternal fire" means that the fire cannot be extinguished until the thing to be burned is completely burned; The burning process is not eternal, but the result is eternal.
The origin of the theory of "immortality of the soul" entering the church
Its origin: Satan's deception. Gen 2: 17, God said, "You will die on the day you eat"; Gen 3:4 The serpent said, "You shall not die." . This is the first lie that people have heard, and it is also the root of the theory of "the immortal soul".
Satan's agent: continue his deception.
Shen 18: 10- 14 "You are not allowed to make your children pass through the fire, nor are you allowed to have diviners, soothsayers, magicians, sorcerers, witches, sorcerers or sorcerers. Anyone who does these things is an abomination to the Lord ... "
Sam 28:7-2 1, Endor's women are in ghosts.
Ezekiel 2 1:2 1 "He waved a lot of hands to ask the idol and looked at the sacrificed liver."
Dan 2: 1- 12, the man who sought false gods in Babylon.
Oh, my god 10:20, "The sacrifices offered by foreigners are sacrifices to ghosts, ... interacting with ghosts".
These ceremonies and the people who attended them were invented and encouraged by Satan. They were guided by evil spirits when they practiced these witchcraft. Being in the company of the dead is an abomination to God-in fact, the devil is faking it.
The formation of the theory of "immortality of the soul": According to historical records, the Egyptians first advocated "immortality of the soul"; They mummified the dead and waited for the soul to come back to life one day. Later, the Greeks also accepted this idea. Began to enter the church in Roman times. In the middle ages, it was persecuted and killed.
Fatal mistake: Some people think that since God is omniscient, then
Ezek 33: 1 1 Say to them, As I live, says the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but I am willing to retreat, retreat! Why die if you leave evil ways? ”。 . .