I. Original text
When Confucius traveled eastward, he saw two children arguing and asked them why. A child said, "I think the sun is close to the sky at sunrise and far from the sky at noon." . "Another child thinks that when the sun rises, it is far from the sun, and it is closer to people at noon. A child said, "When the sun just came out, the hood of the car was as big as noon and the plate was as small as a plate. Isn't that why it's not far from the big one?" " ? " Another child said, "The sun just came out to cool down, and it was as hot as putting your hand in hot water at noon. Isn't that why you feel hot when you are near and cool when you are far away?" ? "Upon hearing this, Confucius could not judge who was right or wrong. The two children smiled and said to Confucius, "Who said you were smart? " ? "
Second, translation.
When Confucius traveled eastward, he saw two children arguing and asked why. Another child said: "I think the sun is closer to people when it first comes out, and it is farther away at noon." Another child thinks that the sun is farther away from people when it first comes out, and closer to people at noon.
Another child said, "the sun was as big as a hood when it first came out, and it was as small as a plate at noon." Isn't it big to look at it from a distance? " Another child said, "It was cold when the sun first came out, and it was as hot as putting your hand into hot water at noon. Isn't it cool to feel hot near and far? " Confucius can't judge (who is right and who is wrong). The two children smiled and said, "Who said you were learned?"