As for the riverside, Qu Yuan was released to sing on the bank of Zehe River. Haggard and haggard. Seeing this, the fisherman asked, "Isn't the son Dr. San Lv? Why are you here? " Qu Yuan said: "The world is cloudy and I am alone, and everyone is drunk and I am alone, so I see it." The fisherman said, "A man is a saint. He can coexist with the world without clinging to things. The world is cloudy, why not go with the flow and raise its waves? Everyone is drunk, why not? Bad to drink? Why take Yu's hand and treat it as ⑦? " Qu Yuan said: "I heard that the new bather plays the crown, and the new bather shakes his clothes. No one looks at it with his own body, and the receiver is ignorant!" I would rather go to a regular stream and be buried in the belly of a river fish, and I would rather be buried in the secular warmth with the whiteness of cockroaches! "This is a tribute to Huai Sha.
-"Historical Records and Biography of Qu Yuan"
1 quilt: pass "wear". Fisherman: Fisherman, fisherman. (3) Dr. San Lv: official name. In this article, it refers to Qu Yuan, because he once held this position. 4 See Release: Exile. 5 stagnation: rigidity. Change: change, change. ⑥? : eat, eat. Bad: I haven't cleaned the wine with me yet. Sip: To taste and drink. Alcohol: thin wine. ⑦ Jade and gold: both are beautiful jade names. The metaphor here is noble morality. 8 Chacha: Innocent and noble. 9 text (door, door) text: dirty, insulting. ⑩晧晧: Pass "Haohao", Bai Liang. Wen Wei: Dust and the way I accumulate it.
Qu Yuan went to the river and recited poems while walking. His face is haggard, and his body and face are very haggard. A fisherman saw him and asked him, "Aren't you Dr. San Lv? (Note: Dr. San Lv is the official name. ) Because what is here? " Qu Yuan said: "The world is turbid, but I am innocent. Everyone was intoxicated, only I was awake, so I was exiled. " The fisherman said, "All saints will not be trapped by foreign objects, but will change with the change of the world. The world is muddy, why not go with the flow? Everyone is a drunkard's sake, why can't we eat wine residue and drink thin wine (like everyone else)? Why are you exiled because of your beauty and talent? " Qu Yuan said, "I heard that people who have just taken a shower must wear hats and shake their clothes with their hands. Who can accept dirty things with an innocent body? (So I) would rather throw myself into the river and be eaten by the fish in the river. How can I make my clean mind suffer from the dust in the world! " So he wrote a poem called Huai Sha. (Note: Fu is a literary genre. )