1. The Complete Collection of Classical Chinese
Leyangzi’s Wife
The wife of Leyangzi in Henan is not the daughter of He’s family.
When the sheep was traveling, he found a piece of gold and a cake, which he gave back to his wife. The wife said: "I heard that the people with lofty ideals do not drink the water from the 'Stealing Spring', and the honest ones do not eat the food they complain about. How about picking up relics and seeking profit to taint their deeds!" Yangzi was so ashamed that he donated money to the field and went to find a teacher from afar.
One year after he came back, his wife knelt down and asked about it. Yangzi said: "I have been thinking about it for a long time. There is nothing different about it." His wife pointed the knife at the opportunity and said: "This weave is born from the cocoon, and it is made in the silkworm cocoon." The machine is tired, even if it is an inch, it will become a piece of work. If it is broken now, it will be lost and the time will be spent. If you return in the middle way, what's the difference?" Yangzi felt his words and returned to his final deeds, so he did not return for seven years. There was a chicken that strayed into the garden, and my wife killed it and ate it. My wife didn't eat the chicken and cried. The aunt asked why. The wife said: "I have hurt myself and become poor so that I can eat other meat." My aunt actually abandoned it.
If someone wants to rob his wife later, he will rob his aunt first. When the wife heard about it, she came out with the knife. The thief said: "If you follow me with your sword, you will be safe. If you don't follow me, your aunt will be killed." The wife looked up to the sky and sighed, raised the sword and cut her neck to death. The thief will not kill his aunt. When the prefect heard about it, he immediately killed the thieves and gave his wife a piece of silk and buried her with the name "Zhenyi".
2. The most comprehensive ancient poetry website
Appreciation of Tang poetry:
Appreciation of Song poetry:
It is recommended that you download "Chinese Poetry" and "Chinese Ancient Poetry"
/list. php?id=37749
The deluxe version of "Chinese Ancient Poetry" is mainly for public users. The software contains a huge Chinese library for your use. The current works are mainly divided into four parts: "Chinese Poetry", "Chinese Prose", "Primary and Secondary School Ancient Poems" and "Appendices".
"Chinese Poetry" selects more than 5,000 representative works from the "Book of Songs" in the pre-Qin Dynasty to modern and contemporary famous poets, and provides relatively detailed annotations for most important works (if necessary, You can import "All Tang Poems, All Song Ci, All Yuan Qu", "All Song Poems" and other large works libraries from the special edition of "Chinese Ancient Poetry");
"Chinese Prose" is divided into "Jing" , "History", "Zi" and "Collection", including four important prose works from ancient times to the present, such as: "The Great Learning", "The Doctrine of the Mean", "The Analects of Confucius", "Mencius", "The Book of Songs" (see the Poetry section), "Shang Shu" ", "Book of Rites", "Etiquette", "Book of Changes", "Spring and Autumn Period (Three Biography)", "Guoyu", "Warring States Policy", "Laozi", "Zhuangzi", "Liezi", "Xunzi", " "Gongsun Longzi", "Guiguzi", "Sunzi", "Yin Wenzi", "Mozi", "Han Feizi", "Huainanzi", "Diamond Sutra", "Forty-two Chapter Sutra", "Heart Sutra", " "The Sixth Patriarch's Altar Sutra", "Shishuo Xinyu", "Tea Sutra", "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio", "Wen Xin Diao Long", "Selected Works of Zhaoming", "Guan Zhi"... etc. (If necessary, you can Imported from the special edition of "Chinese Ancient Poetry and Prose" are "Complete Tang Texts·Ancient Texts Before Tang Dynasty (Manuscript)", "Twenty-Four Histories", "Zi Zhi Tong Jian·Continued Zizhi Tong Jian" and "Dream of Red Mansions·Romance of the Three Kingdoms·Water Margin" "Journey to the West" and other large-scale work libraries);
"Old Poems for Primary and Secondary Schools" closely follows the current Chinese language textbooks for middle and primary schools, and is divided into three parts: "Elementary School", "Junior School" and "High School" This section systematically and comprehensively sorts out all the classical Chinese and ancient poems that appear in primary school, junior high school, and high school Chinese textbooks, and collects a large number of relevant teaching and guidance materials for the convenience of teachers and students at school; in addition, a selection of It reviews popular ancient poems and classical Chinese classics for students' extracurricular reading and learning;
The "Appendix" section provides many supplementary materials, such as "Common Knowledge about Poetry": "Shipin", "Twenty-Four" "Poetry", "Baixiang Ci Pu", "Human Ci", "Pingshui Rhyme", "Poem Rhythm (Wang Li)", "A Brief Introduction to Poetry", "New Edition of Poetry", "Explanation of Ci Terms (Shi Zhecun)" )", "A Brief Explanation of Metrical Terms", "Six Day Poems", etc.; "Selected Readings of Foreign Literature": "Collection of Shakespeare's Poems", "Collected Poems of Rabindranath Tagore", "Selected Poems from Various Countries" and more than a thousand poems; "Selected Readings of Children's Literature": " "Aesop's Fables", "Andersen's Fairy Tales", "Grimm's Fairy Tales", "Wilde's Fairy Tales", "The Education of Love (by Amicis)"; "Ancient Elementary School": "Kindergarten School", "Sound and Rhyme Enlightenment", "Xun Meng Verse", "Le Weng Dui Rhyme", "Hundred Family Surnames", "Thousand Character Classic", "Three Character Classic", "Zengguang Xianwen", "Zhu Xi's Maxims on Family Governance", "Thousand Family Poems", etc.; In response to the needs of teaching and learning in primary and secondary schools, we have selected a number of practical classical Chinese learning materials: such as "Content Words in Classical Chinese", Examples of "Function Words in Classical Chinese", "Small Dictionary of Idioms", etc.; in addition, there are also "Collection of Couplets of Famous Places", " "Selected Works of Shen Congwen"...etc.
3. Software dedicated to learning classical Chinese
Software for learning classical Chinese includes the following: 1. Introduction to classical Chinese dictionary software: Classical Chinese dictionary contains almost all ancient Chinese texts (classical Chinese, eight-part essays, poetry, dictionaries) that exist in Explanations and examples of ancient Chinese characters for easy query.
2. High school classical Chinese essays 22 high school classical Chinese essays, with complete explanations, easy to learn classical Chinese! The reading interface has a side sliding bar. Just hold down the screen and slide to the right to change the font size, change the reading theme color, and jump to chapters. 3. Comprehensive explanations of junior high school classical Chinese texts. 45 junior high school classical Chinese essays with complete explanations. Learn classical Chinese texts easily! The reading interface has a side sliding bar. Just hold down the screen and slide to the right to change the font size, change the reading theme color, and jump to chapters.
4. A complete collection of classical Chinese texts for elementary, junior high and high school students, including the original text, pronunciation, translation, appreciation, author, source and other details of all classical Chinese texts in and out of Chinese language classes for grades 1-12. Support localized search and network search! The application is completely free, purely for the convenience of everyone to learn and use! More functions will be launched later for your convenience! 5. All-round Classical Chinese Classical Chinese covers primary school, junior high school, and high school textbook content, simple and clear annotated translations, and elegant visual style, making it convenient for you to learn, understand and recite according to stages.
Secondly, Classical Chinese includes the classical Chinese content of the classic Guanwen Guanzhi, making it an app with the most comprehensive ancient Chinese content on the market. Almighty Classical Chinese is deeply loved by users and is a good mentor and friend for teachers, parents and students, and an essential tool for studying for exams. 4. What are the software for learning Chinese, including ancient poetry and classical Chinese?
1.: Committed to providing learning tutoring services for primary and secondary school students across the country. As of now, the number of users has exceeded 300 million. It is the first online education platform for primary and secondary schools. Leading brand.
2. Official website of ancient Chinese learning app software: It is an online learning software that provides rich ancient Chinese learning resources for primary and secondary school students, including many familiar ancient literary works such as The Analects of Confucius, the Three-Character Classic, and Historical Records.
3. Download Classical Chinese Encyclopedia (Classical Chinese Reading Comprehension Software): It is a classical Chinese learning software. You can learn classical Chinese better through the Classical Chinese Encyclopedia app. It is very good for friends who are not in need. The software has complete functions and can find all kinds of ancient poems you are looking for.
4. Classical Classical Chinese app: Classical Classical Chinese app is a classical Chinese learning application created for students. Users can download the Classical Chinese app to learn classical Chinese online. It also has detailed annotations and contains classic classical Chinese texts. .
5. Classical Chinese 1.8.4 app: Covers primary school, junior high school, and high school textbook content, simple and clear annotated translations, and elegant visual style, making it convenient for you to learn, understand and recite according to stages. Secondly, Classical Chinese includes the classic Guwen Guanzhi.
This requires accumulation. No matter what software, persistence will definitely have results. You can download them all and see which mode you like, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort. 5. Encyclopedia of Ancient Chinese Prose
Zhuge Liang (Han Dynasty) was a former teacher
Ancient Prose only Wu Chucai
The Heart Sutra is unknown
The Yin Fu Sutra is unknown
Diamond Sutra Kumarajiva.
The Three-Character Classic is unsigned
Laozi Laozi
Meng Xuewu
The Chess Classic Zhang Yao (Song Dynasty)
Sound Law Enlightenment Che Wanyu
Sun Tzu's Art of War by Sun Wu
Forty-two Chapters Unknown
Literary Mind and Diaolong Liu Xie
Six Dynasties Wen Ji Xu Zhen (Qing Dynasty)
Erya unknown 1
Xiao Jing unknown
Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan Zuo Qiu Ming