What are the main literary forms in the Victorian era?

The main literary forms in Victorian era are novels, poems and essays.

As a product of an era, Victorian literature naturally has the characteristics of grandeur and diversity. It reflects the great changes in people's lives from all angles, including romance and reality, and a large number of indomitable literary giants have been born in this era.

Victorian novels are very popular and prosperous. Famous novelists include Dickens, Thackeray, Bronte Sisters, Lady Goskell (18 10- 1865) and Trollope (18 15- 1882). On the one hand, these critical realist novelists advocate18th century realism again, on the other hand, they shoulder the responsibility of criticizing society and defending people's interests.

Victorian poetry has the characteristics of innovative style and expression. Robert browning, a poet who tried this reform, created a poetic novel, that is, he quoted the characterization in the novel into poetry. This makes the focus of poetic novels change from simple story narration to the exploration of the inner world of characters, which makes Victorian poetry have psychological analysis factors.

The Victorian era also produced many great essayists, such as Thomas Ahmed Khalil (1795- 188 1), Thomas B. McCaw and J. (1800-1859) and matthew arnold. John Stuart Mill (1806- 1873), john ruskin (18 19- 1900), Thomas Henry hax ray (1825-/kloc). Many of them, together with critical realist novelists, exposed and attacked the dark side of society and had a decisive influence in the ideological field.

Victorian literature truly reflects the reality and spirit of the times. Among them, the high vitality, down-to-earth spirit, well-meaning humor and unrestrained rich associations are unprecedented. In all literary fields, the works of this period are ready for the arrival of the new century.