Since ancient times, sages have been unlucky, and treacherous men and villains have been blocked.
In the officialdom, there is an undercurrent, and there are many people who dare to be angry and dare not speak, and there is no happy ending. It is not that sages are short-lived, but that sages have been frank and open since ancient times, and the world is hard to tolerate. They are easily excluded by treacherous court officials, and it is difficult for them to gain a foothold in the court. Take Du Fu as an example. In the best days, he was left with Tang Suzong, and his official position was not high, but the red man around the emperor was responsible for giving advice to the emperor. It's a long story Although Du Fu is talented, he always tries. He still depends on others to be a small official in charge of weapons. After the Anshi Rebellion, the emperor went to Shu, followed by Du Fu on foot, and went to Chang 'an barefoot in pants. Tang Suzong was so moved that he was appointed as an official. Unfortunately, because he was bookish and opposed to the removal of the Prime Minister, he was quickly pushed out.
In history, Qu Yuan, Jia Yi, Li Gang and Yue Fei all died because of their straightforward personalities, or committed suicide, or were demoted, or died unjustly, or were depressed.
On the contrary, which local ruffians and rogues are good at opportunism and greed, but they are in power for a while and are proud of the spring breeze.
Du Fu witnessed the treacherous court official in the Tang Dynasty and made mistakes in the country. Li is a wicked villain, while An Lushan and Shi Siming are border hooligans. They were all named Hou. Gao Qiu in the Song Dynasty was a rogue in the street and suddenly became a military and political official. Alas, at this point in reading, all the books are useless, and I sigh, which makes me feel very uncomfortable.
This phenomenon was particularly serious in the Yuan Dynasty. Zhang Mingshan, a local official, once wrote a song:
Pretend to arrive three hours early, roll up your sleeves and punch in for 10 thousand minutes, and the nonsense will be used in time Generally speaking, it's all a lie.
Say hero. Who is the hero? Five-eyed chicken Qishan Mingfeng, two-headed snake Nanyang Wolong. A three-legged cat is not a bear.
Nonsense, arrogance and aggressiveness are all mixed up in society, and scum monsters are all regarded as Zhuge Liang and Jiang Ziya.
Conclusion: Do all these sages have certain shortcomings? The Book of Changes advocates being a person with an outer circle and an inner side, a villain outside and a gentleman inside. This is also in line with Tao Te Ching's "Qu Quan Dao", which inspires us to be cautious, flexible and smooth. No wonder people often say that Zhuge was cautious all his life, but Lv Duan was not confused.