How to use China Knowledge Network to inquire about periodical introduction and submission email? db catalog = % E4 % b8 % ad % E5 % 9b % BD % E5 % ad % a6 % E6 % 9c % af % E6 % 96% 87% E7 % 8c % AE % E7 % BD % 9 1% E7 % bb % 9c % E5 % 87% ba % E7 % 89% 88% E6 % 80% bb % E5 % ba % 93 & amp; Stype = 4 & ampDbcode=CJFQ Select academic journals from the search, and then click Enter. However, periodical introduction and submission email need to check the articles in each issue, (submission notice/author notice) and other articles.