Campus life at Reed College

Reed College students have always been proud of their uniqueness. Their annual tradition can prove this. At the end of each year, the two biggest events are particularly active. Thursday before Len Ferrer Day is the seventh annual nitrogen day. On this day, the school will celebrate with music, free food and three-line poem recitation as the seventh important but neglected element in the periodic table-nitrogen. After this pious tribute to chemistry, it is the above-mentioned "Ryan Fail Day".

At first, the purpose of setting up this festival is to hope that the whole campus will become a faithful replica of the European Renaissance as much as possible, and it will last only one day. "Len Ferrer Day" has been extended to three days, starting with senior students burning their papers. In the next few days, "Lun Faier Day" can have many activities, including real chess, naked skating and bicycle pike competition, but the most exciting activity is the fluorescent drama. The performances are all in the dark, and students only use lights and light sticks to perform.