Ning wenjia. Said by: The Book of Songs "Daming"-Wang Wen Jia Zhi, a son of a great state. Ning Mo Fan. Said by: The Rain of Meaninglessness in the Book of Songs-A hundred gentlemen don't want to use information. Ning Yanwu. From: The Book of Songs "Wen Wang has a voice"-Wu Wang! The weeping willows are stronger than the water's edge, not busy in Wu? Let the country be safe and let future generations enjoy happiness.
The Book of Songs is the earliest collection of poems and the beginning of China's ancient poems. Collected poems from the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period (pre-1 1 century to the 6th century), with a total of * * * 31/,among which 6 poems are full, that is, there are only titles but no contents, which is called full poems.