The four-line poem "The wine and meat of the Zhumen stink" is "The wine and meat of the Zhumen stink, and the road is frozen to death." The prosperity and decline are so close, and the melancholy is difficult to describe again.
1. The whole poem is: There are commoners in Du Ling, but the boss has changed his mind. How foolish is it to promise one's body? To steal Biji and the contract. It turned out to be a whirlpool, with a white head and a sweet and broad head. The matter of covering the coffin is over, and this ambition is often coveted. Worrying about Li Yuan in the poor years, sighing at the heat in the intestines. He made fun of his classmate Weng, and the song was very intense. It is not without ambitions of the rivers and seas, and it sends the sun and the moon with ease.
2. When I was born to meet the kings of Yao and Shun, I could not bear to say goodbye forever. Today's corridors, temples, and buildings are all in short supply. Kui Huo leans toward the sun, and its physical properties are solid and hard to snatch away. They are like ants, but they seek their own nests. Hu is a big whale, and he always wants to attack Bo. This is because I have misunderstood my physiology, and I am ashamed of myself. Up to now, I can't bear to be wiped out by dust. In the end, I felt ashamed of my nest and my home, and could not change my relationship.
3. Drink and chat to entertain yourself, and sing to relieve your sorrow. At the end of the year, the grass is gone, and the high hills are cracked by the strong wind. Tianqu is overcast and majestic, and the guests are at night. The frost is severe and the belt is broken, and the fingers cannot be knotted. Passing through Lishan Mountain in the early morning, the royal couch was in Jixi. Chi Yousai stood in the cold sky and trod on the slippery cliffs and valleys. The Qi of Yaochi is sluggish, and the feathers and forests are in a state of chaos. The monarch and his ministers stayed and entertained, and the joy moved Yin to entanglement.
4. Those who are given baths all have long tassels, and the banquets are not short and brown. The silk fabrics divided by Tongting originated from Hannu. He whipped his husband's family and gathered tribute in the city. The saint's basket is full of kindness, and he really wants the country to live. If the minister suddenly realizes the truth, how can you abandon this thing? The court is full of people, and the benevolent should tremble. Kuang heard that the gold plate inside was all in Weihuo's room.
Related knowledge of poetry
1. The meaning of poetry: A poetry usually refers to one or several lines in a poem, which is the smallest unit that expresses the theme, emotion, and artistic conception of a poem. A poem can consist of one or more verses, each with its own unique meaning and expression.
2. The role of poetry: Poetry plays an important role in poetry. It is not only the basis of poetry, but also the main means to express poetic emotions, create artistic conception, convey ideas, and convey information. Through poetry, poets can convey their feelings, thinking, imagination and understanding of the world, while also stimulating readers' emotions and thinking.
3. The composition of poetry: Poetry is usually composed of words, syllables, rhythm, imagery and other elements. Words are the basic materials that constitute poetry, syllables are the musical elements that constitute poetry, rhythm is the aesthetic element that constitutes poetry, and imagery is the visual element that constitutes poetry. These elements are intertwined and together form a complete poem.