They thought that the businessman had a humble background and no future, so he embarked on a career. Guan Zhong supports Gong Zijiu and Bao supports his son. In the process of competing for the official position, Guan Zhong shot an arrow at Xiao Bai, who pretended to be shot dead by the arrow, which made Guan Zhong relax his vigilance. Guan Zhong and Miyako spent several days on the road. When they arrived at the court, they found it was very late. Bao Shu Ya said that he became a monarch and later became Qi Huangong. Fortunately, Qi Huangong's temper is also generous, regardless of revenge, so he accepted Guanzhong's income. Guan Zhong and Bao are good employees, not good bosses. If Qi Huangong and Guan Zhong are husband and wife, the military medal is half that of Qi Huangong and half that of Guan Zhong. Of course, this is a bit nonsense, but it is the case. Guan Zhong made a contribution to Qi Huangong's claim to the throne.
As far as personal achievement is concerned, Guan Zhong is the highest among the three, which depends on the historical evaluation of his old man's house and his title: economist, politician, strategist, philosopher, representative of legalist school in the Spring and Autumn Period.
In fact, I don't know much about history, but I know that there was Guan Zhong a long time ago. As for how I know, my idea is a bit dirty. I am a woman and know nothing about politics and military affairs. I only vaguely know what a man's highest state is, which is nothing more than waking up to the world and getting drunk.
No one can imagine that a country's glorious stage is actually the originator of prostitution, so he is an economist and worthy of the name. The industry he founded by himself has spread for thousands of years, which not only solved the physiological needs of bachelors, playboys and people in the army, but also greatly promoted economic prosperity. Someone once said that only two industries in the world are enduring. One is a killer and the other is a prostitute. In today's society, people who kill for their lives will be prosecuted and will eventually be punished by law. Today, the business of prostitution has been repeatedly banned. Hairdressing room, massage parlor, bath center and even KTV are all places where they live. With their existence, there will definitely be the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and the breakdown of families, which is the most negative impact.
The answer, obviously, must be Guan Zhong who cares about everyone!