"Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous." Write an article on the topic of "thinking"

Confucius, an educator two thousand years ago, once said, "Learning without thinking is useless." In other words, if a person only knows rote memorization, but not thinking and digesting, then he will get nothing. Confucius' words are very reasonable. The process from accepting knowledge to applying knowledge is actually a process of remembering and knowing, learning and thinking. Learning is the foundation of thinking, and thinking is the supplement of learning. The two are closely related and indispensable. Just like the human body's digestion process of things, learning without thinking is useless and swallowing dates without chewing; We can't draw inferences, because it is undigested and absorbed, and the knowledge we have learned can't become our own. Only by studying and thinking can we master what we have learned and draw inferences from others. The combination of learning and thinking is the only way to master knowledge, which has been proved by successful cases at home and abroad. It's time for Marxism–Leninism to spread to China. The producers of * * led by Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai absorbed the essence of Marxism-Leninism, combined with the reality of China, and took the revolutionary war road of "rural encircling cities", and finally created a new socialist China. Just imagine, if the revolutionary predecessors didn't study, think and practice, but blindly copied mechanically and dogmatically, wouldn't the China Revolution be ruined by the left-leaning dogmatist Rainbow Ming? Galileo, a great scientist in the Renaissance, if he didn't think independently in his research, could the experiment of "two iron balls landing at the same time" have been produced at that time? Can mankind get rid of Aristotle's wrong theory as soon as possible? Learning and thinking, thinking and learning are the successful experiences of these great men and the source of power for human progress. Today is the era of "knowledge surge", and the field of knowledge has expanded many times in less than a century. "My life is limited, but my knowledge is also limited." Faced with such a vast ocean of knowledge, it is impossible to reach the other side of the light only by rote memorization. Therefore, American educational circles are trying to reform the original educational system and cultivate students' thinking ability and creative ability to adapt to tomorrow's science; Europe and Japan have followed in their footsteps, and the education system reform in China is imminent and imperative. Tomorrow's creative talents should be cultivated from today's students. Therefore, we should do more, think in study, put forward original opinions in thinking, and cultivate our thinking ability to wait for tomorrow's choice. Independent thinking in learning is the successful experience of scholars and masters and the source of power for human progress. Cultivating students' ability is the hope of China's rise tomorrow.