Yes, God has absolute sovereignty over his creation, and pottery has no right to tell the Potter that I want to be what I want to be.
Even so, God has given people more choices because of his love and justice. "I call heaven and earth to testify to you today. I have put life and death, blessing and disaster before you. You should choose life ..." (Deuteronomy 30: 19) This principle runs through the whole Bible. And the list goes on.
1. In Noah's time, everyone died. But Noah found favor in the sight of the Lord, because he was just and perfect at that time.
2. Because Abraham believes in God, God thinks he is just.
3. In Samuel's time, God first chose Saul as king of Israel, but Saul did something that God didn't like. God chose David to succeed him as king of Israel.
4. Two robbers crucified with Jesus, one went to heaven, but the other didn't.
So choose life so that you and your children can live.