Yin merchants call themselves merchants, just like Zhou Tangqi. Add a word below, which means that there is a * * * Lord in front, and the name means * * * Lord on earth. China is equivalent to a vassal in the Spring and Autumn Period! And summer is not! In the Spring and Autumn Period, every vassal state had its own name, not Zhou, Zhou and Zhou. The area occupied by the Lord is very small, not because of historical records, so it is difficult to find Zhou's position and direction with new archaeological discoveries. Erlitou found that these inscriptions should be the original characters, but they are actually the characters of Shang Dynasty. There must have been writing in Shang dynasty, but it was not popular. The school of thought occurred in Wang, Zhou and it was Zhou that popularized culture and art.
Erlitou remains are considered to be the most important relics in the exploration of Xia culture, that is, if no textual research can be found, it will be impossible to poke the window paper of "Summer Capital". But judging from many small details in archaeology, it seems that the characters of Shang Dynasty may exist. Some pottery marks in Mashan period found in textual research have remarkable content characteristics. Mashan period was just before Xia Dynasty, and then there were sporadic Wen Tao in Erlitou site. This situation shows that there were written applications in Shang Dynasty, which may not be empty talk.
This can also be found in the antiquities found in Erlitou: the pine dragon was found in Erlitou relics before. Some organic compounds were adhered to this pine tree, and the substances it relied on had rotted, only some milky gray traces were found, so this pine tree was found loosely embedded in the soil, and the original organic compounds had long since disappeared.