Original text
Learn the valley wind, use the clouds to bring rain. It is not appropriate to be angry if you work together to encourage others. Picking up 葑 and picking up pheasant, but there is no lower body? Don't disobey the virtue of virtue, and you will die together.
The path is delayed and the center is contrary to the rules. Not far away, send me a gift. Who says tea is bitter? It is as sweet as a shepherd's purse. When you are newlywed, you are like brothers and sisters.
Jing is turbid with Wei, and it is turbid. You are newly married, I don’t like it. Don't let me lose my beam, don't send me away. I won't read it, let alone my queen.
As deep as it is, Fang Zhizhou can do it. It's only shallow, you can swim in it. If there is any danger of death, I will ask for it. When the people are in mourning, they crawl on their knees to save them.
If I am not a beast, you will take me as your enemy. Since it hinders my virtue, I can't sell it. In the past, I was afraid of raising a falcon, but I will overthrow it. Both giving birth and breeding, it is better to give birth to poison.
I have a purpose to protect myself from the winter. I am a newlywed, so I can stay away from poverty. There is swelling and collapse, both of which make me sick. Those who don't remember the past will come back.
This poem is a complaint poem written by a woman who was abandoned by her husband. This theory has been adopted from Zhu Xi's "The Book of Songs" and Fang Yurun's "The Original Book of Songs" to modern Gao Heng's "Modern Commentary on the Book of Songs" and Cheng Junying's "Translation and Commentary on the Book of Songs". Chen Zizhan's "Direct Interpretation of the Book of Songs" says: ""Bei Feng·Gu Feng" is a poem about an abandoned wife. It may be suspected that "Xiaoya·Gu Feng" is also a poem about an abandoned wife. The theme is the same, and the content is often the same. This ballad is common." in the poem. The heroine was abandoned by her husband. She recalled with resentment that when her family was poor in the past, she worked hard to help her husband overcome difficulties, and her husband was considerate and loving to her; but later when her life became stable and prosperous, her husband changed his mind and ungratefully left her. Kick away. Therefore, she sang this poem to condemn the heartless husband who could only endure hardship but could not share peace and happiness.