Some people-in memory of Lu Xun, some people are alive and he is dead; Some people died, and he is still alive. Some people ride on people's heads: "Oh, how great I am!" " "Some people bend down to do cattle and horses for the people. Some people carve their names on stones for immortality; Some people would rather be weeds and wait for the underground fire. Some people can't live if they are alive; Some people live to make most people live better. Those who ride on people's heads are crushed by people; People will always remember those who work for the people! Those who carve their names on stones, their names rot earlier than the bodies; Wherever the spring breeze blows, there are green weeds everywhere. He lives, others can't live, and his fate can be seen; He lives for most people who live a better life, and the masses hold him high. About the author: Cang Kejia (1905—2004) was born in Tibet. He is a famous poet who has made outstanding contributions to China's new poetry. He published poems from 1925, and his creative career lasted for 80 years. Its fruitful achievements and great influence are regarded as "almost a living history of China's new poetry". "The Complete Works of Cang Kejia, which was just published last year, condensed his life's hard work and sweat. 12 volume contains Zang Lao's creative works in various periods and schools, among which there are many masterpieces that span time and space and are told for a long time. Brand, old horse, evil black hand, collection of spring breeze, collection of cheers, ode to ancient and modern times, random thoughts on learning poetry, etc. Are well-known masterpieces. In particular, Some People, which he wrote in memory of Lu Xun, has become a classic widely circulated among the masses and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Today, it is still the best elegy to bid farewell to the poet himself: "Someone is alive and he is dead. Some people died, and he is still alive. "Referee:
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