"History of the Song Dynasty·Biography of Wang Yingchen"
Wang Yingchen, courtesy name Shengxi, was a native of Yushan, Xinzhou. He was an unusually dignified child at a young age. He knew how to read at the age of five. He had amazing corresponding sounds and could read many strange words. The family was poor and had no anointing, so every time they picked up a sou of salary, they continued to work on the sundial. Borrow books from others and never forget them. He was able to write poems at the age of ten. When he went to school in his hometown, a doctor from the county joked and said, "Han Yu was able to write at the age of thirteen. How can I be ridiculed by my current son?" Ying Chen replied, "Zhong Ni has discussed the Tao for three thousand years, but it is only fair." < /p>
Before he was crowned, he took the first tribute to the township examination, tested the Ministry of Rites, and ranked high in the selection. At that time, Zhao Ding was the prime minister, and Yanzhi's private school was very strange. In the fifth year of Shaoxing's reign, he became the first Jinshi scholar at the age of eighteen. The imperial policy is based on the conduct of officials, the strength of the people, and the strength of the military. Ying Chen answers that the key to governance is to be sincere and to seek only the people's advice. Looking at his pair above, it means that he is an old man, and he is a young man when he sings the first song. The person who introduces him tucks himself in front of him, which is very different from the above. Ding comes out of Bantexie. The first person in the old Jin Dynasty gave imperial poems, and as a result, he specially wrote "The Doctrine of the Mean" as a gift. The initial name was Yang. If there was a linguistic problem with the surname, the name was changed to Yingchen. When he was about to be dismissed from his post, Zhao Ding said: "Let me go through foreign posts to develop his talents." He was awarded the Zhendong Army to sign the verdict. The story is that the first person in the palace examination has no chance of second place, so it takes a year and a half to return. Hu Yinxing, a poet in the family, said: "I have seen many scholars and asked about the way to govern. You are not yet the crown prince, but you can deduce the foundation of the emperor's behavior, and there is no way to learn from the world."
Ying Chen Shaoshou I knew Yu Chong, and after he was promoted to the rank, he knew that Zhang Jiucheng was a wise man. I asked Yu Chong about it, and I followed him and learned more. When he first took office, Zhao Ding was the commander-in-chief and consulted on everything in the shogunate. There was a drought in the year, and the famous mountain responded when he was ordered to pray for rain in the morning. The Yue people said: "This is the official rain." Ding said: "Otherwise, it is the rain of the number one scholar."
He was called to be the secretary of the provincial government. At that time, Qin Hui advocated peace talks, and Wang Lun's envoy returned. The Jin people wanted to return the land of Henan to me. Ying Chen Shangshu said: "It is not a danger to have a harmonious agreement. If there is harmony in the agreement, it is to be feared if one is unprepared. It is not a danger to have dissent. If the dissent ceases, it is to be feared if the upper and lower sides are confused. Although the metal is harmonious, it is not a danger. , It is advisable to have troops on the frontier to prepare for thieves. Now we are pardoning China and foreign countries, and we are praising the generals, thinking that this is the end of the war and the people, forgetting the shame of the past, and not thinking about the unexpected things. Is this the reason why people are afraid of being unprepared? At the beginning of the Fang court's efforts to block the group discussion, the big ones will be chased away, and the small ones will be dismissed. When there is a word to cater, they will not be promoted, so the villain will see the gap and be impetuous. Those who are flattering want to be favored, and those who are timid are silent in order to prepare for the throne. However, loyal ministers and upright men cannot stand alone among the small groups. This is why it is feared that the ministers are willing not to reconcile with each other, and there is no danger. Think about trouble and prevent it, as if the enemy is coming." Qin Hui was very unhappy and went out to judge Jianzhou, so he invited the temple to return. Living in the Yongnian Courtyard in Changshan, it was full of grass and grass, and the room was deserted. People couldn't bear the worries because they couldn't continue eating porridge. They lived in a comfortable place, and it was good for them to cultivate themselves and give lectures. Since the three supervisors worship Taoist temples, when they are vague, the awe-inspiring aura in their chests is awe-inspiring and unyielding.
Zhang Jiucheng was relegated to Shaozhou, and he had no friends or friends. He was asked by Yingchen. When he lost his father, the speaker still attacked him, but Yingchen traveled thousands of miles to hang him up, and everyone was in danger. In the general judgment of Yuanzhou, no one has any objections to whatever is taken away from him. From the beginning, perhaps it was easy for a scholar to change it, but he already knew that it was beyond the reach of officials and teachers. Prime Minister Zhao Ding died in Zhu Ya. He went to the county to support the mourning. Ying Chen made a memorial ceremony for him and said: "Wei Gong and the two ascended to the throne, both of them were facing difficult and dangerous times; one denounced the Southern Wilderness, and then the difference between life and death. The matter has been decided at Gai. The coffin will be returned to the bones. "The official paid the fire. His son borrowed three soldiers to return and left Quzhou. Zhang Jie was the defender. Xi Huiyi pointed out that Ying Chen was a Fu and a best friend. At that time, Hu Yin left a cypress letter, saying that this matter was not enough to be completed, and it was necessary to sleep on it.
He was sentenced to Jingjiang Prefecture, and he was not allowed to replace him after the deadline, so he returned to his mother along the way. Following the mission, he sent to Guangzhou. At that time, Zhao Ding and Zhang Jun were deeply jealous of Hui. Ding died and Jun remained alone, which did not satisfy his purpose. Zhang Chang, the judge of Jiangxi Province, first annotated the poems of former commander Zhang Zongyuan and Xun, and made them known to the court. Dozens of people whose poems were written were arrested, and all of them were falsely accused of misconduct. Now that the prison is in place, Hui died, but Yingchen was lucky enough to escape.
Next year, he was called to be Langguan of the Ministry of Personnel and moved to the Right Division. The mother was begging for help, but the prime minister kept her and said: "I just want to use it, but I haven't accepted it." Ying Chen said: "I'm kissing my old man, so I can't slow down." Then he went out to know Wuzhou. The county accumulated a debt of 130,000 yuan, and the imperial court ordered the canal to be investigated and rectified. Yingchen said that it was urgent and would disturb the people, so he stayed with the towns to eliminate the harsh collection and meet regularly. If there was any leakage, all the money was reissued. It was difficult to find Ding Nei, and he lodged beside the tomb.
In addition to being the Secretary and Young Supervisor, he was moved to the position of Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Li Xianzhong pretended to have An Feng and rewarded more than 5,000 people for his military merits, and Ying Chen refuted it. He is also the minister of the Ministry of Quanhu. Ying Chen was the only one in charge of the drama, which was redundant and expensive. He often played: "The class was transferred to the official position for three days, but the hall officials gave more than 10,000 yuan for food; the craftsmen only gave more than 100,000 yuan for washing utensils, but the hall officials received 600 yuan for food. Thousands of people, showing his benevolence and spirit, have not achieved half of the work in half a year, but the officials have already paid 30,000 yuan for food and 600 pieces of silver silk. "He was shocked by the expense and ordered the officials to cut it off.
The Jin-Chongqing Alliance issued an edict to seek a strategy to provide enough food and troops. Ying Chen reported: "Lu Zhi said: 'The general is not his, and although there are many soldiers, he cannot rely on it; if he loses his control, the general will not be able to rely on him. Talent is not used. What worries me is not the lack of troops, but the lack of military and political training. Since the peace was made, the officers and men have been arrogant and lazy, and their troops have not been trained. They flee before the enemy arrives, and when the enemy retreats, they make military exploits. , Not only will you be punished, but you may also be rewarded. When there is nothing to do, if the edict does not work, if there is an emergency, who can obey the orders and go to the country to make judgments, reward the good and punish the evil, so that everyone can calm down and worry. Listen to your orders, and then the orders will be carried out.
In the 32nd year of the establishment of the throne, the name Xiaozong was the same as that of King Lujiang of Tang Dynasty and King Chu of Jin Dynasty. The imperial edict was changed to "Ye". Ying Chen thought it was the same as Emperor Zhaozong of Tang Dynasty. Bai Zuoxiang Chen Kangbo changed it to "Ye". Today's name. The meeting was held to discuss the title of King Xiu, and Ying Chen decided to call him "the relative of the Crown Prince." After the discussion, he said, "The father of the Crown Prince can be named King Xiu." "Ji Nei Zen is planned to be pardoned on the day of passing the throne. Ying Chen said: "Taizong of the Tang Dynasty accepted Zen from Gaozu, and he will change the Yuan Dynasty on the first month of the next year. "That's what he said. It was also discussed that the Yuan Dynasty should be changed to "Chongxi". Ying Chen said that the Khitan tasted it to commemorate the year, so it was changed to Longxing. Most of the great ceremonies of the dynasty were decided by Ying Chen.
Discussing the title of the Supreme Being, Li Tao and Chen Kangbo secretly discussed the title of "Guangyao Shou Sage", and they also said: "The honorary title started in Kaiyuan and ended in Yuanfeng. It should not be restored now. The emperor regards the world as if he has abandoned it. How can he care about it again?" ?" Ying Chen's master's Youli. Or he said: "The Lord is proposing to you, how can Wu get help from Yuan Feng himself?" So half of them wrote the petition, and half did not. Tomorrow, Ying Chen will return to Jin'an. Jie and other twelve people each reported what they saw, and they probably said that "Guang Yao" was close to "Shen Yao", and "Shou Sheng" was the birthday of Yingzong, so he tasted the famous temple. Zhou Bida, the censor, also thought about it, and Ying Chen answered: " How can "Yao" be "light"? This is a man of virtue and longevity who has heard the words. When Gaozong went to the palace, he said: "Wang Yingchen has never liked me." "So there was an edict: The discussion about the honorary title has been reported and cannot be ignored. Anjie and others then issued the edict.
Ying Chen even begged for help and then learned about Fuzhou. Not long after, he was promoted to Fuwen Pavilion. In the second year of his stay in the town, he met with the imperial court to seek advice from the commander-in-chief of Shu, and appointed the official of Fu Wenge as the official envoy to the Chengdu Prefecture. Wu Lin, the envoy of Xuanfu, issued the imperial edict and issued strict orders. As soon as he arrived, he moved the troops to Liangnei County without benefiting from the people's transportation. He ensured that the victorious soldiers returned to work and deposited two million yuan in white deeds at Zuozang. It is said that the route of the horse post in the middle of Shu is from Liang, Yang, Jin, and Fang. The mountain road is steep and dangerous, and it is advisable to go down the river. Wu Lin was ordered to take charge of it, and Ying Chen followed it. King Shipeng, the commander-in-chief of Kui, complained about the inconvenience, so the two tax collections were combined, and each payment was twenty cents. The imperial edict of the Qiandao was reduced by one-third. If anyone wanted to increase it, Yingchen reported to the two Cao ministers, saying: " The calculation of the survey is not based on banknotes, but on the basis of two pieces of stone. This is because the yang is reduced and the yin is increased. Taking one road in Chengdu as an example, the annual income is 300,000. Now it has been increased to 600,000. Taking four roads into account, I don’t know how many times it is. Although it is not convenient for those who seek profit, the people have received many blessings from it. ”
When Lin was stationed in Wuxing, Shukou, he had the best soldiers in the world. He was old and sick, so he secretly reported to Shaanxi that the general was concerned about the safety of the country, so he should plan ahead. So he was in power and passed the decree to Ruolin. Unable to afford it, he ordered the Secretary to take over his post temporarily. After Ji Lin died, Ying Chen took over the post of Xuan Fu. , Begged to stop the system, but was not allowed. The general office issued an ultimatum to the officials to verify that Sichuan had withheld the deed tax, and Ying Chen reported: "The four inconveniences are: hindering agriculture and ruining industry, allowing officials to disturb the people, breaking the law and harming education, and bringing lawsuits for adultery. The Bihu Department has asked people to surrender, and the prefectures and counties have collected a lot of them. Those who have not yet been exhausted are subject to the law, so it is not appropriate to bother them. "It said: "The argument is extremely reasonable, so stop it immediately. "
There was a severe drought in Shu, and the imperial edict asked about the strategy to relieve the famine. Ying Chen reported: "Li, Lang, Mian, and Zi army and horse food are all provided according to the people's strength. Although the officials pay the money, the people are not allowed to pay half the price. If When selecting officials, they should be chosen by those who are familiar with the situation. They can broaden the people's strength. If they don't have money, they will tie their hands and beg for ultimatums. "It said: "Wang Yingchen is very effective in governing Shu, and he pays attention to the civil affairs. "I gave him four hundred ultimatums to boost the economy of Bian. He then sent letters to all the ministers on the road to help the famine urgently. He informed them with cotton, swords and Bian, and the whole Shu benefited.
Liu Gong worshiped Tongzhi knew the affairs of the Privy Council and said: "Wang Yingchen, Chen Lianghan, and Zhang Shi are talented in learning and practice, and they are beyond the reach of my ministers. "Already, he was summoned back by the order. Anren of Qiong was hungry in the year, and he started to commit robberies, causing harm to neighboring counties. He immediately issued a report and called the tea horse envoy to arrest him. In ten months, he killed the leader of the canal, and I learned to fix it. Or Bai Zhiyu Yunwen said: "Wang Shuai did not cover up the robbery, so he did not go up to hear it?" Xuan Si secretly reported it, and sent someone to Fing Yingchen to say: "The Qiong bandits have not dared to report it, so what if they do not examine the case?" Ying Chen I will report it with a memorial, and I will express my regret. I will accept the reward of thirty-three thousand nine hundred and eighty-four pieces of silk from the Chengdu government.
In the winter, I went to the palace to show my respect. Heaven loves the people and says: "Your Majesty has been in Shu for a long time, and I am willing to worry about the west. The military, political and civil reforms have all eliminated the disadvantages, and the people in Shu will be benefited. "Ying Chen reported: "If the empty forehead is removed, the prefecture and county will be wide. There are still two things, namely borrowing in advance and buying in pairs. The pre-borrowed money is still used by the prefectures and counties over time, and the money is used to make up for the lack of the prefectures and counties. If the people lose one stone of rice, they will buy one stone, either at half price, or not at all, and they can win more. Your Majesty has donated nearly a million yuan to eliminate the disadvantages of advance borrowings. He hopes that the problems will be eliminated in several states. "
In addition to being the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, he was looking for a Hanlin scholar to serve as a student. On the six matters of loving the people, there were disagreements in the temple, and many people were dissatisfied. One day, Chen Liangyou came to the meeting and reported, "Wang Yingchen said that your Majesty is here There are many births in Shu. "Liangyou reported: "I and Ying Chen were in the same class yesterday. Ying Chen asked to go out and got to Quzhou. I regretted that he went, so I stayed with him. At that time, Fang was in a hurry, and I didn't know that Ying Chen would make a plan for his own convenience. After the memorial was finished, Ying Chen felt very regretful because of this, so he said it to the ears of his ministers. "Shang said: "That's what you're doing!"
Yingchen did many bad things in the court, and the nobles all looked at him with suspicion. Deoksugung Palace has a stone pond with mercury and gold floating on it. , Emperor Gaozong gave instructions: "The mercury is running low, so I bought it from Wang Shangshu. "Wang Yingchen said angrily: "Wang Yingchen insisted that I build a house to compete for the benefit of the people, but I am selling mercury?" Yingchen knew this and tried to leave. He returned to the purpose of transporting everything, and sighed: "I can't stay, but If you try hard to distinguish between people in vain, then you will be complacent by making up for others. " He argued that the matter was harmful rather than beneficial, so he learned about Pingjiang Mansion as a bachelor of Duanming Palace.
Han Yu was ordered to pick up a horse and pass through the county, and Yingchen would take the ceremony. When Yu returned home, he scoffed at him and said, "In all the prefectures and counties that I have passed through, there has never been anyone like Pingjiang who was not managed." The superior was surprised. When Mi Gang arrived in Pingjiang, he was demoted in rank. He was ill and asked to go to the temple, but he couldn't afford it. He died at home in February of the third year of Chunxi.
Ying Chen was a gentle man, and he refused to come back when something happened. He lived in Lingqiao for seven years. After the death of Hui, he returned to the court. He was upright and upright, and he dared to speak without hesitation. When I was young, I traveled to the country of Lu Juren and Huan. Zhang Shi and Lu Zuqian deeply appreciated them and told them how to build the Tao. Taste and explain that self-control is like using troops to defeat the enemy. "Yi" punishes anger and suffocates desire, "Book" is just controlled by wine, punishing suffocation and rigid control are all defeats, can you not always reflect on it? The essence of its principles is like this. He loves virtuous people and does good deeds, which comes from his nature, and he is especially devoted to friendship. He has always been inferior to his elder brother, even though he has no house to live in. Zida, after ascending to the rank of Jinshi, served as the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel and the Bachelor of Duanming Palace.
Translation of "History of the Song Dynasty·Biography of Wang Yingchen"
Wang Yingchen, courtesy name Shengxi, was a native of Yushan, Xinzhou. He was calm and smart when he was young, and he was different from other children. When he was five years old, he knew how to read and answer other people's questions. He often came up with amazing words and knew many obscure words. My family was poor and had no lamp oil, so I often collected firewood to light and read during the day. Books borrowed from others will never be forgotten once you read them. He was able to write poems at the age of ten and studied in rural schools. The county academic officials teased him and said, "Han Yu was able to write articles at the age of thirteen. What do you look like now?" Ying Chen replied: "Confucius had three thousand students listening to his lectures. "You are the only one who is still like this." In the fifth year of Shaoxing, he got the first place in the Jinshi examination and was just eighteen years old. The imperial policy asked him about the strength of the people, the way of officials, and the strength of the military. When Wang Yingchen answered, he believed that the key to governing the country was to take integrity as the foundation. For the emperor, he must put himself in the shoes of the people in the world. The emperor read his strategy and thought he was a mature scholar. When the results were released, he turned out to be a young man. The introducer brought Wang Yingchen forward to meet the emperor, and the emperor was surprised by him. The emperor immediately wanted to grant him an official position. Zhao Ding said, "Let's let him serve outside the capital and train him to become a talent." So he was awarded the Zhendong Army Sign. According to the usual practice, the first place in the palace examination does not need to wait according to the level. From this time, he will go to the local area to train for a year and a half before returning. He was recalled to the capital and appointed secretary of the provincial government. At that time, Qin Hui advocated peace talks. Ying Chen wrote a letter saying: "It is not a matter of worry if the peace talks fail. If the peace talks succeed, it is terrible if we do not take precautions. It is not a terrible thing if different opinions continue. It is terrible if the different opinions disappear and everyone deceives each other." Even if we negotiate with Jin He, we should be more vigilant on the border and praise the generals to make them arrogant and think that we can start from now on to reorganize the army and let the people recuperate. Even if they forget the long-standing shame, don't you want to think about it. Are there any unexpected disasters in the future? Is this why not being prepared is so scary? I hope you don’t think that if you are reconciled with Jin, there will be no worries. Instead, you should always think of the worries and prepare for them, just like when the enemy comes. After going up, Qin Hui was very unhappy and demoted Wang Yingchen out of the capital to serve as general judge in Jianzhou. Wang Yingchen resigned and went into seclusion. Zhang Jiucheng was demoted to Shaozhou, and his friends cut off contact with him, but Wang Yingchen greeted him on time. When his father passed away, people who spoke ill of him still attacked him, but Wang Yingchen traveled thousands of miles to express condolences, and people thought he was upright. After a long time, he was recalled to the capital as secretary and young eunuch, and promoted to minister of the Ministry of Personnel. Li Xianzong pretended to be the leader of the Anfeng Army and rewarded more than 5,000 people for his merits. Ying Chen refuted him with a memorial. Be a servant in the household department and also serve as a lecturer. Ying Chen took on many affairs alone and saved extra expenses. He often wrote to the emperor and said: "The officials on duty will be on duty for three days, and the extra meal money given to them will be only ten thousand yuan; the craftsmen will only be given more than one hundred thousand yuan to wash the utensils, while The money for feeding the officials was only 600,000 yuan; in less than half a year, the officials had already spent 30,000 yuan on food and 600 taels of silver and silk to build the statue of Emperor Xianren. The waste in other aspects was similar to this. "The emperor was surprised by this waste and ordered the staff to reduce it. He was awarded the official position of Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and soon became a bachelor and a scholar in the Hanlin Academy. When it comes to the six things about loving the people, many people are unhappy when they disagree with others in the court. ...Wang Yingchen was gentle and humble in his dealings with others, and he was upright and unyielding when things happened. He lived in Lingqiao for seventeen years. Qin Hui died before he could return to the court. Be upright and upright, dare to speak out without shying away. ...died at home in February of the third year of Chunxi.