"Poetry": Horace's view of literature and art

Painters and poets have always had the right to create boldly, but they cannot combine the wild and the tame because of this. No matter what they do, they must be unified and consistent.

It is actually difficult to write just right.

When choosing a subject, you must choose a subject that you are competent in so that you can write well.

It is not enough for a poem to be beautiful, it must also be charming, and it must be able to influence the reader's mind according to the author's wishes. Laugh first to make others laugh; cry first to make others cry.

If you are the same person, speak the same way.

What you create must be consistent with itself, not contradictory.

Instead of innovating the subject matter, it is better to change the classical poetry into a drama. Don't try to write the whole picture, but learn from Homer and start small.

Match age and characteristics appropriately. Don’t write young people as old people and children as adult characters.

The author believes that saturos come from tragedy and should be serious, but in fact it is just the opposite. Saturos is related to comedy, and gags are helpful to relieve serious emotions.

To write successfully, judgment is the beginning and source. Writers who already know what to write should look for models in life and customs to absorb living language. Brilliant thoughts and appropriate characterization are more popular with the audience than poems with poor content and only language.

Poet's Responsibilities: The poet's desire should be to bring benefit and pleasure to people, and what he writes should give people pleasure and be helpful to life. Conveying the truth in writing not only advises readers, but also makes them love them. (Education through entertainment)

The great poet Homer also dozed off sometimes. It is understandable that he would fall asleep when his work is long.

Poems are like pictures, some should be seen close up, some should be seen from a distance, some should be seen in the dark, some should be seen in the bright place, some can only be seen once, and some can be seen a hundred times.

Some things in the world can be tolerated if they are mediocre, but if poets can only achieve mediocrity, no matter heaven, man or pillars, they will not tolerate it. The birth and creation of a poem is meant to make people feel happy. If it fails to reach the top level, it will be a complete failure.

If one day you want to write, let us listen to it first, make criticisms, and then press the manuscript for 9 years and store it at home. Things that are not published can be destroyed, but once a word is said, it is difficult to recover.

The functions of poets and poetry: Poets teach people, inspire ambition, convey divine will, show the way of life, and bring joy to people.

Writing a good poem depends on genius or art? Hard study without abundant genius, genius without training, are useless; the two should serve each other and be combined with each other.