Stressed syllables in English poetry

Five-step iambic pentameter is often used in English poetry. I suggest you study hard after learning the syntactic etymology.

Supplement: Khan ~ My answer is not good ~ Why do you want to study? Because you have a sense of language, after reading the first two words of the poem, you can judge whether it is light before heavy or heavy before light through the syllables of these two words, so that you can know the meter.

Otherwise, not everyone can write and read poems after learning English for a while? We only learned it in our junior year. . .

Characteristics of pentameter in iambic pentameter

1. Each line of poetry has ten syllables.

2. Divide every ten syllables into five steps.

Each step has two syllables, and the stress falls on the second syllable.

Empty house

Alexander Pope

You hit your head, and your wisdom will appear:

Please knock at the door, there is no one at home.

You pat your head and feel that inspiration will come soon. Knock all you want. Nobody will open the door. Head, head. Imagine, verb: think, imagine. )

The basic prosodic type of this poem is iambic, with five steps per line. So the meter of this poem is called iambic pentameter. The beat of a poem is composed of the type and number of steps contained in the line.