Among our ancestors, there was a name named Hai, a name named Lei and a name named Hagas. Our band consists of Kada Diaz, Denoso Hoy and Pedenosos. No one is in the tent because my leg is hurt. Because you are Reina, Bode and La Gloria, because you are such a person. Amn
Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name, and your kingdom come. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Our daily diet gives us. Forgive our debts as we forgive others. Don't let us be tempted, but save us from evil. Because kingdom, power and glory will always belong to you. Amen.
Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom has come, and your will has come true.
May your kingdom come, and may your will come true.
On earth, it's like in heaven.
On earth, as in heaven.
Give us our daily bread today.
Our daily food was given to us today.
Forgive our sins, just as we forgive those who have sinned against us.
Forgive our debts as we forgive others.
Don't let us fall into temptation
Don't let us be tempted.
But save us from evil
Save us.
For kingdom, power and glory.
Because kingdom, power, glory
It's yours, now and forever. Amen
It's yours forever. amen