What can please God?

In Noah's time, the whole world was morally bankrupt, and everyone lived not for God, but for his own enjoyment. God can't find anyone on earth who wants to please him. He was very sad and regretted making a baby. Therefore, he hated human beings very much and began to consider destroying all human beings. But there is one person who makes God's heart happy. The Bible says, "But God loved Noah." God said, "This man makes me laugh. I want to start with his family." You and I are still alive today because Noah made God happy. From his life, we can learn five worship behaviors that please God. Even though no one in the world loves God, Noah still loves God more than anything else in the world. The Bible says that Noah has been like this all his life: "Noah has always obeyed God's will and enjoyed his close relationship with God." This is what God wants most from you! This is the most amazing truth of the universe-our creator expects you to respond to his love. He said: "I don't want your sacrifice, I want firm love, and I want my people to know me." From what God said, can you feel his feelings for you? God loves you deeply, longs for your response and expects you to know him and spend time with him. This explains why learning to love God and be loved by him is the primary purpose of your life. Jesus called it the greatest commandment: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart. This is the first and greatest commandment. " We trust God completely, and the second reason why God and Noah will be happy together is that Noah still believes in God, although it seems illogical. The Bible says, "By faith, Noah listened to God's warning and built an ark to protect him and his family. In this way, he condemned that generation and obtained righteousness from God through faith. " Imagine this scene: One day, God came to Noah and said to him, "I am very disappointed in mankind. Nobody in the world misses me except you. Just you, Noah. Nice to meet you. Your life makes me happy. I will destroy the whole world with floods, leaving only your family to start over. You go and make a big boat. It will save you and all the animals. " This will bring Noah three problems: first, Noah has never seen rain, because before the flood, God moistened the earth with the fog on the ground. Second, Noah lives 108,000 miles away from the ocean. Even if he knows how to build a big ship, how can he pull it into the water? Third, how did Noah take care of all the animals together? But Noah didn't complain or make excuses to refuse. He trusts God completely, so he is satisfied with God. Completely believing in God means believing that he knows what is best for your life. You expect him to keep his promise, help you solve your difficulties and make the impossible possible when necessary. The Bible says, "He delights in those who respect him and those who believe in his unchanging love." Noah spent 120 years building the ark, and I believe he faced many frustrating days. There was no sign of rain year after year, and he was cruelly criticized as "this madman who thinks God is talking to him!" As you can imagine, Noah's children must often be embarrassed to build a big ark in their front yard. Nevertheless, Noah still believed in God. What do you need to believe in God completely in your life? Trust is an act of worship, just as children trust their parents' love and wisdom, and their parents are happy. Similarly, your faith can please God. The Bible says, "Without faith, one cannot please God." If we obey God wholeheartedly, he will be happy to save all kinds of animals from the flood, and need to spend a lot of energy on the details of replenishment activities. Everything must be done according to God's instructions. God didn't say, "Noah, be your favorite boat!" " "God clearly pointed out the size, shape and material of the hull, and the different numbers of animals he wanted to take away. The Bible describes Noah's reaction: "Noah did what God told him to do. "Please note that Noah completely followed (without ignoring any instructions), and he completely followed God's time and method. This is a sign of piety. No wonder God likes Noah. If God asked you to build a big ship, would you be confused, resistant or reserved? Noah didn't. He obeyed God wholeheartedly. This means doing whatever God wants you to do without reservation or hesitation, and saying to the Lord without hesitation, "I will pray and see". You do it without delay. Every parent knows that delaying obedience is disobedience. God has no obligation to explain or provide reasons for what you are asked to do. We can learn the truth slowly, but we can't delay disobedience. Immediate obedience can make you know God better than studying the Bible all your life. In fact, you will never understand God's will unless you obey some orders first. We often try to obey God selectively. We will give God a list that we like to follow, but ignore things that we think are unreasonable, difficult, expensive or thankless. I will go to church, but I won't give eleven; I read the Bible, but I don't forgive those who hurt me. Partial compliance is actually equivalent to non-compliance. Wholehearted obedience is doing it eagerly and happily. The Bible says, "Obey him with joy. David's attitude is: "Lord, please teach me your statutes, and I will keep them to the end." Jacob taught believers: "We please God because of what we do, not just because of what we believe. "This shows that salvation is not earned, but out of the grace of God. But as a child of God, you can please him by obeying God's commands. Why does obedience please God? Because it means you really love him. Jesus said, "If you love me, you must keep my commands. "Nothing makes us happier than accepting sincere praise and appreciation from others, and so does God. He is happy when we worship and admire him. Noah's life delighted God because he lived in praise and gratitude. After the flood, the first thing Noah did was to build an altar to offer sacrifices and express his gratitude to God. The Bible says, "Noah built an altar for God ... and died for it. "Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, we don't need to sacrifice like Noah, but we should offer sacrifices of praise and thanks. We praise him as God and thank him for his work. David said, "I will praise God's name with a poem and call him great with gratitude!"! "! This makes the Lord very happy … "When we offer praise and gratitude to God, wonderful things will happen: when we make God happy and satisfied, our hearts are filled with joy at the same time! My mother likes cooking for me very much. Even when Kay and I go back to our hometown after marriage, she will prepare rich home-cooked dishes. The happiest thing in her life is to see these children eating happily and enjoying the food she prepared. The happier we eat, the happier she will be. Of course, we also like to please her by expressing our appreciation for her cooking, which is a double enjoyment. Therefore, whenever I eat this big meal, I also want to please my mother, so everyone is very happy. If we use our talents, God will be happy. After the flood, God gave Noah some simple instructions: "You should have many children and feed them on the earth ... all living animals can be your food." I will give you all these things, just like vegetables. " God said, "Now is the time for life to move forward. Do what I plan human beings to do, get married, farm for health, and be a real person! " ! This is exactly what I made you look like. You may think that doing "spiritual" things, such as reading the Bible, meeting, praying and sharing testimony, will please God. You may think that God doesn't care about the rest of your life. In fact, God is willing to see every detail of your life. Whether you are working, playing, resting or eating, he won't miss any of your movements. The Bible says, "God guides the steps of devout people, and he likes every detail of their lives. "Except crime, as long as we do everything with the attitude of praising God, anything can please God, including washing dishes, repairing machines, selling products, writing computer programs, farming, raising a family and so on. God is like a proud parent. He especially likes to watch you use the talents and abilities he has given you. God deliberately gave the world different gifts. He makes some people have excellent sports skills, while others have excellent analytical skills. You may have mechanical, mathematical, musical or thousands of other different talents, all of which can please God. The Bible says, "He shaped everyone in order. Now look what we did. "Hiding your talents or trying to imitate others cannot glorify God or make him happy. Only being yourself can make him happy. When you resist any part of yourself, you deny the wisdom and sovereignty that God created you. God said, "You have no right to argue with your creator! ..... You are just a ceramic created by a Potter, and the earth will not ask: Why did you make me like this? Olympic sprinter Eric Reed said, "I believe that God created me for a purpose. He makes me run fast. Whenever I run, I can feel the joy of God. " Later, he said, "to give up running is to despise God. "There has never been a gift that does not belong to the spirit, only a gift that has been misused. Start using your gift now and please God! God also likes you to enjoy his creation. He gives you eyes to enjoy beautiful things, ears to enjoy sound, nose and taste to enjoy taste and delicacy, and nerves under your skin to enjoy touch. When you are grateful, every act of enjoyment becomes worship. The Bible says, "God has richly given us everything to enjoy". God even likes watching you sleep! When my children were young, I remember watching them fall asleep was my greatest enjoyment. Many times, they are troublesome and disobedient during the day, but when they sleep soundly, they seem very satisfied, relieved and serene. I remember how much I loved them. My children don't have to do anything for me, so I can enjoy them. Just watching them breathe, I am already very happy, because I love them. I often stare at the ups and downs of their chests, and I am so happy that my eyes are full of tears. Similarly, when you sleep, God stares at you with love, because you are his creation. He loves you as if you were the only one in the world. Parents never ask their children to be perfect and mature before they can enjoy it. Parents enjoy every stage of their children's growth. Similarly, God doesn't like us until we are mature. He loves you and enjoys every stage of your spiritual growth. Maybe when you grow up, some people can't please your parents. Please don't think that God feels the same way about you. He knows you can't be perfect or innocent. The Bible says, "Of course he knows what we are made of. He remembers that we are just dust. "God looks at people's inner attitude-is it your deepest desire to please him? Paul's goal in life is: "we are determined to please the Lord, whether we live in the flesh or leave the body because of death." "In an eternal sense, the focus of your life should be" How much happiness can I get from life? How much pleasure can I get from "becoming" God? "In the 2 1 century, God is looking for people like Noah who are willing to please God. The Bible says, "The Lord looks down on the world from heaven to see if there are any wise men who please him. "Your purpose is to live a life that God likes? God will accomplish everything for those who are fully committed to this goal.